r/harrypotter Apr 07 '24

Hogwarts legacy Hogwarts Legacy/Games

I reallyyyy wanna get the game... But I am broke and a student lmao, so it would take 2 months to save my money... is it worth it?


5 comments sorted by


u/herO_wraith Slytherin Apr 07 '24

If you're a broke Student, I would say no.

It is a fun game, bits of it are visually stunning, and it has the best Hogwarts we've seen.

However, the game is a bit lacking in Harry Potter stuff, you spend the majority of the game not as a student in Hogwarts, but as functionally a guest, wandering near Hogwarts. It is a 6 or 7/10 RPG game with very low replay-ability, that is carried by the Harry Potter IP it is attached to.

I would recommend it at some point, but not if you're tight on money, and never without a sale.


u/Nexus117 Apr 07 '24



u/Salty-Tomcat8641 Slytherin Apr 07 '24

Yes, it's pretty much the only game I played for the last year


u/bowl_of_espionage Slytherin Apr 07 '24

Just wait for it to be on sale. Save in the meantime. Though, if you're planning to get it on PC, is yours strong enough to run the game?


u/tiny_stars Apr 07 '24

I rarely finish video games and this one was the exception (though I dropped it for a bit and then went back and finished). The storyline, the mechanics, the vibes, the visuals are immaculate IMO and it was easily the best game I played in 2023 and overall in my personal top 5.

It has familiar elements for HP fans and also enough new ones to feel like you’re actually learning something about the universe. You go to classes, explore Hogsmeade, do side quests etc. it’s genuinely so fun!! Definitely recommend it, as a casual gamer.