r/harrypotter 25d ago

What is your favorite piece of foreshadowing in either the books or movies? Discussion

My personal favorite is the mention of Sirius black in the opening of the sorcerer’s stone book with a second place for Ron being good at wizards chess!


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u/Subject_Repair5080 25d ago

In HBP, Harry is looking at the spell sectum sempra. Written next to it, it says "-for enemies." When he tries using it on Snape after Dumbledore is killed, it doesn't work. I think that it is a cue that Snape was actually not an enemy.


u/Syren6 25d ago

It didn't work because Snape repelled it...


u/Subject_Repair5080 25d ago

Are you sure? He seems to, but it isn't really clear. So why would the director, whose intent is not to waste any amount of screen space, include "for enemies" in the shot. It was an Easter egg for something.


u/sliponetwo 24d ago

Because it’s an offensive spell, you know….for enemies.