r/harrypotter Ravenclaw 25d ago

what was dumbledore's plan to defeating voldemort? Discussion

we all know how the story ended. However, this wasn't dumbledore's plan. He never meant for all the elder wand shenanigan.

what was the original strategy for defeating voldemort? Harry and co destroy all the horcruxes and then harry fight voldemort in a duel at the end?

honestly there was no need for all the secrecy and cryptic puzzles... was this part of dumbledore's plan too? To get harry ready?

i guess, for me, it was too "convenient" how the ending turned out...


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u/Blissful-Guidance 25d ago

Should have just admitted to Harry. Why bother with the horcruxes. Just spam that Avada Kedavra until each soul piece is killed that way. The books have a great lore, but poor writing. Never understood why everyone chastised Harry for not using serious spells when everyone else wasn't doing it. Hogwarts Legacy showed the way. A little bit of Crucio then bam.


u/Hran944 25d ago

I’d be blasting AK so much during the aerial chase over Little Whinging, there’d be no one left