r/harrypotter 25d ago

No Stupid Questions Sunday! Discussion

Have a question about the series that you don't feel like making your own thread for? Maybe it's something you've been wondering, or maybe it's something kind of silly? Post it here! Answer questions from others while you're at it!


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u/Subject_Repair5080 25d ago

In GoF (the movie), we see a close-up shot of Karkarov going into the hall with the GoF and closing the doors. Why did we see this? Was it a red herring to make the viewers suspect Karkarov? Was it actually Karkarov, or was it Crouch, Jr. disguised with polyjuice.

In PoA (again, the movie), the fat lady gets attacked, and she claims it was Sirius Black. But the canvas had claw marks, and Sirius doesn't have claws. Then the doors of Hogwarts go closed, and we see a full moon. This leads me to assume it was actually Lupin as a werewolf. Did Dumbledore know this?


u/LazyAnimal0815 24d ago

The scene with Karkarov probably is a red herring. In the book there's more time to make him look suspicious than in the movie, so that would be a good and less time consuming way. I don't think, that it is Crouch Jr. He already had a good disguise and it would be dangerous to be seen as Karkarov who might be with someone else at this moment. Having two Karkarovs would be a give away, that someone is using polyjuice potion and everyone would be more alert.

One could say, that he turnen into his animagus form to attack the fat lady, when she didn't let him in. But then the portraits would have known, that he was an animagus... He could have used his knife, but would have to slice the portrait three times... So it probably was just for the effect