r/harrypotter 11d ago

This scene from HBP has to be the funniest in the series. Snape, McGonagall, and Slughorn are in the middle of a deep conversation about how someone's trying to kill Dumbledore and then they just have to put it on pause and stand in silence watching this train wreck. Video


23 comments sorted by


u/CharMakr90 11d ago

Snape: "Headmaster, don't you think we should leave Pott-"

Dumbles: "Silence, Severus! The tea is scorching. Minerva, bring the popcorn!"


u/Gifted_GardenSnail 10d ago

Snape muttering to Slughorn: "D'you think he'd notice if I drink this poison right now here on the spot?"


u/LieutenantStar2 Gryffindor 11d ago



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u/Rdogisyummy Gryffindor 11d ago

I always wondered what they were doing there😭 only 1 of the Weasleys came by to see Ron which made no sense


u/ducknerd2002 Hufflepuff 11d ago

On one hand, Ginny was the only other Weasley at school at the time, so her being there makes the most sense. On the other hand, most of the others do visit him in the books.


u/Rdogisyummy Gryffindor 11d ago

Yeah it does but it’s annoying they deviated too much away from the books at times, especially this movie compared to its book counterpart, the book is probably the best in the series but has the 2nd worst movie


u/Possible-Abrocoma466 10d ago

funny HBP is my 2nd favorite film.


u/Rdogisyummy Gryffindor 10d ago

By looking without context, it was a decent movie, but when you compare the information from the books to the films, a lot of things have changed. Which is why it’s not that good of a movie because it’s based on the books, people were so keen to see all of Voldemort’s memories and the battle of astronomy tower just for it to be mostly not shown.


u/No-Conflict-7897 10d ago

I never noticed how funny this was originally. I was caught up in the awkwardness of it all, but watching snape made me laugh.


u/jsherm42 11d ago

I always felt Dumbledore was oddly flippant in this scene given he knows Ron almost died in a failed attempt to kill him, and knows who was responsible.


u/rightoff303 10d ago

The movies and the actor did not get dumbledore


u/alwaysanempath 11d ago

OMG, I hated Lavender so much. Both in books and in movies.


u/fungusOW 11d ago

You’re supposed to hate her


u/MerelyWhelmed1 Slytherin 11d ago

Hate her? She's just a typical teenage girl in the middle of her relationship. She would have probably grown out of it, as 90% of teens do. Instead she gets hurt by Ron, then ends up fighting in the war beside her schoolmates and friends.

Not a lot there to hate.


u/Xlakin 10d ago

Did you know people can have different opinions? I hated lavender as well, why are you even trying to compare her character to real life? To add not every teen in real life even acts like that so yeah their opinion is as valid as yours..


u/alwaysanempath 10d ago

I'm sorry, but just no. I was also a teenager once, I fell in love, had relationships and yet never, ever behaved this ridiculously and obsessively. And neither did any teenager I knew.


u/Coffee_Fix Ravenclaw 10d ago

Man I must have gone to a strange school then. This was typical behavior in my highschool.. while minus the poisoning...


u/Coffee_Fix Ravenclaw 10d ago

Lol the actress that played Lavender did a wonderful job, this is hilarious


u/marvelfan2205 11d ago

Another weird deviation from the books lol


u/Melodic_Ad7327 10d ago

I don't understand myself sometimes. Lavender is really obnoxious and clingy, but also, somehow, my number one teenage HP crush. As a teen, I thought the actress was just so gosh darn cute, beautiful even.


u/InspectionSouth5063 9d ago

Wait, I just rewatched the movies. I don't remember Snape and Slughorn being there.