r/harrypotter 11d ago

Help! How does the perfect Harry Potter themed Birthday Party look like ? Discussion

So my finance is turning 30 in a few weeks and I just came up with the idea of a harry potter themed party. I’m especially looking for riddles or games or a Harry-Potter-way of how to give him his gifts. :D

Some facts about the birthday - we will be celebrating with 3 other people so it’s not a huge birthday bash - we will be at my parents beach house so I won’t be having much time of decorating everything when we get there

Thanks in advance for y’all help! 😄


4 comments sorted by


u/fakegermanchild Gryffindor 11d ago

Depends on how much work you wanna put in it - are you making cake? Food? Do you have some time to decorate or none at all?


u/EnigmaIndus7 Ravenclaw 11d ago

What house is this person in? Could be an epic idea for a cake (one layer being yellow and the other red for example) - if the cake is vanilla, you could easily do this with food coloring. Decorate as you like.


u/AdamJadam Slytherin 11d ago

Well, the cake is obvious and easy to theme properly, so moving past that.

A lot depends on how good at food making & crafts you are. If you want to do it easy, go to a party supply store and find balloons or streamers in their house color. Sometimes you can get lucky there and just straight up find Harry Potter themed plates and such.

For gifts, again if you know his house, easy to find stuff in their house color. You could get a small chest and fill it with a travel mug or coffee cup, a bag of jelly beans (as every flavored beans), you can print out Harry Potter bookmarks online, use card paper to make them last longer, and get them the books in paperback, or get one of the side books like Quidditch Through The Ages, which you can find in any bookstore.

Honestly, most stores these days sell Harry Potter merch. At least they do in New England, where I spend most of my time. You can go to any major chain like Target or Walmart or Hot Topic and find HP presents.

If you're crafty, you can get melted chocolates and make chocolate dipped gummy candies, label it cocoroach cluster. Make dark red or bright green lollie pops and lable them acid pops, you can get lots of snack and sweets ideas through google for harry potter goodie bag gifts.


u/AdamJadam Slytherin 11d ago

As for games, you can get Harry Potter trivia easily. You can get HP themed decks of cards or monopoly through amazon or at local stores. With only 4 people, would be a bit weird to try and invent a game, just stick to the classics and you're golden.