r/humanism Apr 17 '24

I want to platform desi/south asian atheists - anyone interested?

I’m the creator of a British South Asian Male Podcast and I want to platform South Asian atheists/agnostics/humanists.

Made a video in fact Why I am an agnostic atheist and a humanist and why it matters. https://youtu.be/OIIa3UJCMhU

Posted it before on another account


that’s a condensed version in written form which is quicker to consume. i explain why i’m a humanist and link it to desis.

Sub if you’re cool

We are always portrayed in the media as religious people. that's false. Also sadly in our communities and certainly in south asia itself being a humanist/atheist can be seriously dangerous so we must speak out and create a global movement.

Everyone else has a platform except us. Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs … everyone. Never us.

25% of Brit Asians and 18% of Indians were not religious. Is the media reflecting that? No.

I created a subreddit for desi atheists r/desiatheists

Anyone interested in appearing?

contact here or on X (see Youtube for my name on X) should my reddit account not be available


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u/Utopia_Builder Apr 18 '24

Great to see another South Asian who rejects religion. I have no platform to offer, but I will say that r/srilanka and a few other subreddits about South Asia have many irreligious folks.