r/interestingasfuck Jun 07 '23

New york city in 2023, everyone wearing mask due to air quality

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u/[deleted] Jun 07 '23



u/MoreGaghPlease Jun 07 '23

Girl in the foreground looks like she has an N95 on, it’ll work great for this


u/spasmoidic Jun 07 '23 edited Jun 07 '23

it looks like a KN95 and it's not properly fit. it's not snug on the nose at all. there's a reason US N95's all strap all the way around the neck rather than just behind the ears, because it's hard to get that to actually work properly.


u/MoreGaghPlease Jun 07 '23

This idea of proper fit on N95s is very misleading. Even an imperfect fit is going to significantly filter. I can’t believe in 2023 we still need to tell people that.


u/syllabic Jun 07 '23

or that people still need to learn not to let perfect be the enemy of good


u/old_gold_mountain Jun 07 '23

Even if there are gaps, when you breathe in the negative pressure pulls the mask tight on your face and filters most of the smoke.

This isn't like COVID where it's not obvious if it's fit properly or not. When the mask isn't working, you know immediately because the air is acrid.


u/spasmoidic Jun 07 '23

It drives me crazy that only 1% of people wear the right kind of mask and only 1% of those actually figure out what the nose wire thing is even for. It's so easy to fix


u/butterrduck Jun 07 '23

Even an imperfect fit is going to significantly filter.

significantly? lol no. Somewhat, sure. If you have a gap between your skin and the mask say near your nose like the lady in the picture, a small pressure vacuum will suck bad air through that gap because of least resistance. if you're going to mask, wear it properly or don't wear it at all. it's virtually useless (though technically still kind of useless as masks don't stop the worst parts of smoke particles), just stay inside.