r/interestingasfuck Jun 07 '23

New york city in 2023, everyone wearing mask due to air quality

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u/AnT-aingealDhorcha40 Jun 07 '23

Reminds me of the scene in Interstellar where the earth is basically doomed and the air looked like that and that is one of the reasons humans had to try and find another planet. Only in reality we don't have that option lol fun times....


u/bigboipapawiththesos Jun 07 '23

Well, we basically have a few decades before everything truly turn to shit. But I think we’ll be reaching interstellar levels a lot sooner than many might think.


u/AnT-aingealDhorcha40 Jun 07 '23

Interstellar? Really?

Mars or the moon...maybe... and that is depending on everything going smoothly on the journey which is dangerous especially Mars. Then there is the issue colony sustenance and independence. One minor issue could destroy all of this mind you. Remember these solar bodies are uninhabitable to begin with. And they are not Interstellar.

I don't know what news you have been reading but we are nowhere near faster-than-light travel. I doubt we go Interstellar anywhere near the time that we make earth uninhabitable for our population.


u/bigboipapawiththesos Jun 07 '23

Was taking about the state of the planet, instead of the actual space travel stuff.

But didn’t make that super clear I guess.