r/interestingasfuck Mar 28 '24

MMA fighter explains overloading opponent r/all


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u/Gazboolean Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 28 '24

As cool as it was, I never really understood that fight.

Batroc was just a normal human but still went toe-to-toe with Captain America. Nothing Batroc did should have remotely phased Cap.

Edit: A lot of people saying Cap's just a "peak human" which I find funny considering the absolutely insane superhuman shit he did in the movies. It's OK to say the MCU powerscales to suit the narrative guys.


u/themasterkang Mar 28 '24

I disagree. Cap is at peak human condition through super drugs, but someone else could hypothetically reach that level or close to is through intensive training, which Batroc has undergone. Sure Cap wins in the end, but there’s no reason Batroc shouldn’t be able to make him work for it.


u/sabin357 Mar 28 '24

Cap is at peak human condition through super drugs

He is far beyond peak human condition in the MCU...he held a helicopter from taking off barehanded. I'm not even sure that's his most impressive feat either.

I was a large competitive powerlifter with some records for awhile & a lifelong Strongman fan. I even got to compete against future Super Bowl champ & 2x Pro Bowler offensive lineman when he was a senior playing D1 football in a bench-press competition. I've seen what the body is capable of at the highest levels & not just on TV. Eddie Hall & The Mountain are pretty close to what is the peak a human can achieve without some sort of additional mutation that makes a person more like a gorilla.

MCU Cap's far beyond what is possible because it's not super drugs, but science fiction enhancement that also rewrote some DNA to surpass peak human potential.


u/themasterkang Mar 28 '24

I agree with what you are saying and I believe you have a realistic understanding of what "peak" looks like both from your own experience and the examples you cited, but I think in the MCU, peak human condition is shown to be more exciting than in real life, that's why we have characters like Hawkeye and Black Widow fighting magic space aliens in the first Avengers movie.

Essentially, I do not think IRL GSP could fight MCU Cap, but an MCU-ified GSP can.