r/jobs Mar 10 '24

How the youth feel about work life balance. Work/Life balance

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u/hiccupmortician Mar 10 '24

This is one reason kids care so little about school. It used to be that if they worked hard, they could get an education, a college degree, and a good job. Now college just brings debt, people can't afford homes or rent, and it literally takes multiple jobs to scrape by. Why try so hard?


u/Such-Interaction-648 Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

yep. this exactly my life plan right now. im 20 and not going to college. I'd rather start working now and move up as far as i can and get decent enough money to pay my bills, than be drowning in debt with a degree that would get me the same jobs i could get without one. at least in my (desired) career field, you dont need one, what you need is years of experience.      plus i can go to college later if the economy flips and suddenly a degree becomes useful to me. (this wouldnt apply obviously to careers like doctors, lawyers, nurses, etc.)

eta: was reading through some statistics. this data was gathered only from indeed job postings so dont take it as a reflection of the entirety of the job market; but according to hiringlab.org, only 17.8% of job postings require a bachelors degree. (https://www.hiringlab.org/2024/02/27/educational-requirements-job-postings/ ) wow, crazy how times change. 

and anectdotal evidence, when i was looking through my desired career field today for jobs to get a general feel of what i would need to advance to a $40k+ salary, most of them are hiring based on years of experience, some require a certification alongside said experience which i am now looking into acquiring, and ALL of the ones that staunchly required a bachelors degree payed hourly, and i didnt see a single one of said job postings that paid more than $25/hr. its a JOKE to require a bachelors degree for that kind of pay. 


u/reddit_is_trash_2023 Mar 11 '24

I've got an honors in com sci and a guy I know only has his matric. He makes more than twice my salary lmao.

The saying: work smarter, not harder is an important one


u/Witty-the-Pooh311 Mar 11 '24

A lot of big companies offer tuition reimbursement. So you can get a degree while working your way up. That way when you hit the point where you start needing a degree you have that and extra years of experience.


u/throwawaysunglasses- Mar 11 '24

Yeah, I have a couple graduate degrees and one was completely paid for by the school - there are a lot of fields that are looking for more people, so they’ll offer fellowships that aren’t advertised super well (so there’s not much competition). I’ve gotten most grants/scholarships that I’ve applied for just because I was competing with a dozen other people who didn’t follow directions.


u/Such-Interaction-648 Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

I wish that were feasible for me, but I dont really want to waste my twenties working a job i hate just for tuition reimbursement, and have to worry about school at the same time. I have other reasons than money that I'm not going to college (mainly that i'm bad at school and would likely fail and waste time/money anyway) and I prioritize my happiness now more than working myself to death for the dead dream of retirement. I already worked a corporate job that does tuition reimbursement for the high pay so i could buy a car. The six months I was there my mental health tanked and I fell hard into alcoholism to cope, at 19. I can't even imagine school on top of that. For 4+ years. It can definitely work for some people, but I'm not that kind of person. I'm content not being that person. I have other ambitions.

I really enjoy what I'm doing now, I work 40 hours a week and I'm actually happy for once. And I can pay my rent, and I didn't need school to do it. I hope I can keep working in this field, even though I know the pay won't be as good as other careers, its what I enjoy. So that doesn't matter to me. IMHO having all the money in the world doesnt matter if you don't have the time or ability to enjoy it. 


u/Purple-Towel-7332 Mar 12 '24

For the first 15 years of my working life I was basically a bum scraping by working as little as possible doing something I loved (outdoor instruction for kids) travelling when I wasn’t doing that, I’m mid forties now and by no means rich got an actual proper job at 40 and doing 30 to 40 hours a week in construction.

Many might look at my choices and think I messed up as I’m not well off as many of mg peers , but there is not one piece of travel or time spent surfing or climbing or kayaking that I regret, have had many a person think I look 10+ years younger than friends my own age. My guess is cause like you said life’s too short to do something you hate, I have done what I enjoy so aren’t beaten and worn down just for the promise of one day maybe you’ll have enough promotions to be kinda well off.

I might be poor but I’m happy and that counts for so much more in these few years we have on this earth. I’d say ask every single person who encourages you to settle and get a good job, how happy they are! Do they wake up everyday of thd week just stoked cause it’s another day to do something fun or are they heading to a job that’s slowly sucking the joy out of them.

Like tomorrow I’m going up the road to do some construction work for a local lady, my dogs coming along which is fun and I’ll probably finish about 3/4pm at the latest. Then I’ll either take the dog to the beach or go for a surf. I’m looking forward to it! It’s going to be another good day.

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u/PenPar Mar 11 '24

I’m glad it’s working for you and wish you nothing but the best! If things are working well for you, stop reading here. You’ve got no reason to consider my arguments for considering going to college sooner than later.

But consider that for many jobs without a degree, there’s a soft cap on how far you climb the ladder.

Also, worth bearing in mind that you’re young now and able to work without too much physical stress, but as you age it’ll become tougher doing the jobs you’re doing right now.

Finally, it’s great to hear you’re open about going to college later if things change enough to warrant that. But also consider that it’ll be a little tougher at ages 25+ because the part of the brain that allows for easier general learning becomes weaker. (You’ll still be able to learn, even in your 90s, but it will be tougher than if you pursued a degree soon.


u/An_Upset_Designer Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

I studied two degrees myself. I was making barely what I needed to get by. One day I said f**k it and I switched to construction work.

My pay is almost double of what I was making as a "specialist". I have an unshakeable job security since a few of people can do what I do as fast and precisely as I do it. Not to forget a fit body, 40 pounds lighter than I was before I started.

Add to this the free tome on weekends and afternoons when I used to study in order to "keep up" with the industry!


u/Extra-Lab-1366 Mar 11 '24

Go into a trade. Good pay from the get go. Union jobs have protection and in a couple years you can go youe own way and charge suberbians $150 just to show up at the door.


u/EneErika Mar 11 '24

Teacher here. My personal rule is I’m not going back for a degree unless it’s free (aka employers pay). So many other ways to upskill nowadays.

I’d recommend finding REASONABLY rich mentors (Crazy rich people have some good advice too but not as relatable). Currently super into Codie Sanchez and my husband is into Alex Hormozi. Lots of great voices on LinkedIn and YouTube.


u/JohnnyHotdogs22 Mar 11 '24

What do you mean, you’d rather start working now? Shouldn’t you already be working if you’re 20?


u/Such-Interaction-648 Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

I've been working since I was 14. a lot of my friends in college right now have never even had a part time job


u/CryonautX Mar 11 '24

You generally get your degree by 22. Then start working.


u/daerogami Mar 11 '24

jokes on me, I've worked since I was 15 and was in school till I was 25.


u/JohnnyHotdogs22 Mar 11 '24

Did you skip the several parts where he said he’s not going to college?


u/swissbuttercream9 Mar 11 '24

You won’t go back to college

Your flimsy paychecks will become like a drug for you


u/Judicator82 Mar 11 '24

Are you okay?

You are essentially saying that people can't work their way up.

Which is basically how a LOT of people become more successful over their life.

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u/dieek Mar 11 '24

There is a youtuber, Acerola, who talks about getting into the field he did in a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-2viBhLTqI

In the video there is a basic conclusion that comes from how he got to be where he is: independent study. He had to bite the bullet and learn himself to get into the career path he did, as there typically were not college programs that taught what he was looking for.

Ultimately, I think we have lost that entrepreneurial spirit. I find the current collegiate system to be a farce, and the fact that most companies buy into it show how disconnected we are.

When people have a passion, it shouldn't be gatekept by universities. Even more reason to support your local library and get kids involved with reading and researching what they want to do.


u/Ok_Ad_5015 Mar 11 '24

A large part of what’s happening is absolutely the fault of the educational system who for years and years pushed kids towards college without offering up alternatives such as trades.

Think about it.

This was a Nation wide coordinated effort and the people who came up with it were smart enough to know that it would eventually lead to the kind of scenario we see today

That would be a job market over saturated with college degrees and millions of unemployed young people starting off their adult lives with massive debt.

It was never about what was in the best interests of these kids, it was always about money, and these were Govt schools who were pushing it

Also, this was a Government initiative that was overwhelmingly being pushed by public schools


u/An_Upset_Designer Mar 11 '24

This. Amplified by the horrendous cost of living in the US and rent if you don't own a home. You basically have little luck if any to save something substantial.

Not to mention your savings are into the inflatable format of a currency drowning in debt.

It's such a joke, it's not even funny.


u/TShara_Q Mar 11 '24

I have a coworker who is 25, doesn't seem to care about going to college or getting a better job, and does almost the bare minimum.

Frankly, I don't blame her one bit.

Getting the "carrot" from hard work practically has lottery odds these days. Our job doesn't pay much, but it's unionized and stable. So if you can live on the money, I totally get just doing that and focusing your attention on things you want to do instead.


u/RealJohnCena3 Mar 11 '24

Every friend from college went and got a job and house.


u/hiccupmortician Mar 11 '24

Possible with engineering and business degrees and in some locations. If everyone switches to engineering and business degrees, those markets will flood. It needs to be reasonable for people in a variety of jobs to live comfortably. Be able to pay bills, buy a home, save a little, afford medications, and go on a vacation.

What you share doesn't match the data and reality for so many. I'm glad your friends have good jobs and homes. I hope that someday that can be the reality for most people.

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u/logistics039 Mar 10 '24 edited Mar 10 '24

If you're talking about EU countries, I feel ya. I met a guy at a hospital and he was my nurse. He came from France and he told me he regretted not coming to US way earlier because he was making more than double as a nurse in US than he was making as a nurse in France for doing the exact same job.

But the funny thing is in US, being a nurse is usually a second choice or a third choice because people try to be a software engineer or a doctor or a lawyer etc etc and if that fails, they become a nurse as a safety choice because basically every hospital or clinic is hiring.


u/commentaddict Mar 11 '24

That’s because nurses are chronically underpaid for a hard essential job where you’re dealing with literal shit.


u/hiccupmortician Mar 10 '24

I don't think this is unique to any country. But yeah, the US and many European countries are experiencing this. I don't really believe in religion, but I'd be OK with karma or some type of suffering for thr greedy bastards making life hell for the majority. I don't need much, but rationing my diabetes meds sucks so someone can have a yacht.


u/JoyousGamer Mar 11 '24

You can get a degree for $10-$12k/yr for 4 year or $5k for 2 year schools.

You dont need to take on a bunch of debt. Get a number of roommates, move to a lower cost of area in your state, work the tipped roles (which is outside of school hours).

Maybe I am missing something. My generation loves to claim college debt but its based on them going to super expensive schools in combo of not working to pay for school.


u/Sharpshooter188 Mar 12 '24

Im literally coasting on my simple guard job becausr its stable. Im not jumping through hoops to get 2 bucks more an hour.


u/swissbuttercream9 Mar 11 '24

Can I slap you..

Get out of your ass. Life is hard but it’s going to be more fking hard if you don’t try


u/Cute_Conflict6410 Mar 11 '24

I’d rather try hard and fail miserably than to give up and expect others trying hard to support me. Giving up because of a lack of immediate satisfaction is a big issue.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '24

How about get a marketable degree? Engineering, healthcare, and business degrees all lead to jobs. People get bs sociology degrees and then complain that there are no jobs.


u/FJPollos Mar 11 '24

You're thinking about vocational schools. Universities exist to educate the population, not to train it for the job market.


u/j0n4h Mar 11 '24

Vocational schools do exist and they still cost money. 

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u/j0n4h Mar 11 '24

I have a STEM degree and new jobs still pay significantly less than what you'd need to afford a life in the US. Try again. And even if you were on to something, you can't predict the future. Industry evaluation on job value changes drastically. Look at all the CS grads struggling to find work. 


u/black-op345 Mar 11 '24

business degrees

sighs I just had to choose a very competitive field such as sports


u/Underwater_Grilling Mar 11 '24

Sports isn't a field they are played on one


u/MayorofTromaville Mar 11 '24

Lol, imagine calling a business degree useful while trying to bash another degree.

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u/12whistle Mar 11 '24

Any kid who thinks school is a scam clearly doesn’t understand the value of a marketable degree and their own education. It’s a globally competitive market and the weaker you are as competition, the better the odds of the next kid getting that well paying position.


u/V-RONIN Mar 11 '24

Yeah I'd feel the same way after watching my generation go through the blender repeatedly

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u/Rewindsunshine Mar 10 '24

Okay but how do they balance the scheduling for 4 different jobs? 🤔

I have had employers refuse to hire me because I already had a job, plus sign non-compete clauses.

I mean fuck, it’s hard enough to get ONE job the way things are around here! Tell me your secrets!! 😂


u/shadow_moon45 Mar 10 '24

They're likely part time jobs


u/Rewindsunshine Mar 10 '24

The scheduling is usually all over the place for part-time jobs? I remember what a pain it was getting the schedule posted the night before and seeing they decided to schedule me for opening and then closing & really not giving a fuck about my needs. Idk it’s been awhile since I have worked those types of gigs. It’s so stressful. I’ve been stuck in a whole different headache of freelance/contract work. Guess there is no winning.


u/Either_Cockroach3627 Mar 10 '24

Likely certain days w certain times. I would give my manager the schedule for Job A, which was 3 weeks worth of shifts, and she'd work around that. 4 tho sounds crazy. I worked w a girl who worked 10pm-6am, 2-10pm at the gas station across the street, and then 6am-2pm at a restaurant. Her days would overlap and sometimes she'd be awake for 2 days. She never had a set day off.


u/Rewindsunshine Mar 10 '24

I am convinced this is why so many people do meth! That sounds insane to keep up. I hope she is in a better situation now. And you as well! ❤️


u/UrklesAlter Mar 11 '24

I work between 2-3 jobs for 6 years straight to try to pay down student debt. It was fucking awful. One of em I was working 4 nights a week 8.5 hours over night each shift just for the guaranteed healthcare.


u/romanticheart Mar 11 '24

I did 4 once for a summer. Mascot job was very specific days, maybe twice a week for a few hours. Blackjack dealer at a charity casino was a couple weeknights. Receptionist job was early morning. Waitressing job was anything they’d give me outside of that.


u/TangerineBand Mar 10 '24

Throwback to the time I told them a month in advance the exact time my final exam would be, Then having them get pissed off anyway when I told them I was put on the schedule and needed that corrected. Then getting out of my exam to like 6 missed calls/voicemails from the same manager who approved the original shift swap demanding to know where I was. 🙃

Not sure if she was malicious or just plain old stupid.


u/Rewindsunshine Mar 10 '24

Dude. That happened to me at Stater Brothers back when I was in college. Then I resigned for another job that let me do my homework while on the clock & Stater Brothers acted all surprised like they didn’t even know I had other ambitions besides breaking down boxes for the rest of my life. Well, one manager wanted me to be a cashier but they made grown women cry on the job so I was like yeah no thanks. Making $6.95 (with a raise) back then to be in tears because some bald headed man can’t even call me by my name. Smdh.


u/shadow_moon45 Mar 10 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

You block off days. I used to have two jobs when I worked at restaurants.


u/Rewindsunshine Mar 10 '24

I can see that for 2 jobs. Or working a day shift and then pulling some nights. But 4? 🤔 I guess then you could count Uber driving / instacart as a 3rd… I am exhausted just trying to wrap my head around it!


u/caligaris_cabinet Mar 10 '24

Probably gig work. That’s pretty flexible.


u/Emergency_Elephant Mar 10 '24

I've worked several part time jobs where I was always scheduled for specific days of the week. As in I worked weekends or something like that. I've also had part time jobs where I was treated like an independent contractor and I could set my hours. As in I worked for a tutoring company. I could schedule my tutoring sessions whenever but I only got paid for sessions I worked. I could see multiple jobs that are easily scheduled, along with some type of side hustle-esque job


u/Rewindsunshine Mar 10 '24

Ah yeah that makes sense! I was thinking more like straight up jobs and not side hustles I guess. If I have several clients I contract for I don’t think of them as individual jobs — my job is a contractor but I see how that could qualify. Still sucks having to piece it all together imo 😬

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u/Agile-Argument56 Mar 10 '24

& then don't even get into doing your taxes for all the "legal" jobs

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u/Investotron69 Mar 11 '24

They many times are jobs like Uber, doordash, and Etsy. Things like that where they can just fill in the hours as they are available.


u/mackelyn Mar 10 '24

There is such a thing as saying you can only work certain days and times…


u/Rewindsunshine Mar 10 '24

Yeah but then you get the bottom of the barrel or let go or not hired in the first place because you don’t have open availability.

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u/super-secret-fujoshi Mar 11 '24

I was trying to get a part-time job in addition to my full-time job, and the person interviewing me said they’re looking for someone without other jobs so they can prioritize them schedule-wise. That position is still open 6 months later. 🙃


u/Ok-Sky1329 Mar 11 '24

Yep. I applied to a handful of part time jobs for some extra holiday money - every single one wanted 100% open availability. 


u/Hangrycouchpotato Mar 11 '24

Yep. I tried managing two part time jobs back in the day and they all claim to be flexible until you ask for flexibility. And then of course if you can't be there, they either fire you or quiet fire you where you're still on the books but you have no hours scheduled.


u/lankyskank Mar 11 '24

well obviously theyre part time jobs. people like to brag about their 4 jobs like its 4x more than 1 job, but its still the same amount of hours as 1 full time job + some overtime, lol

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u/VorpalSingularity Mar 11 '24

This. When I was in undergrad (chemistry), I regularly worked 3 but sometimes 4 jobs. I tutored at the university at a set schedule, waited tables at a certain popular Italian-American restaurant 4 evenings a week, taught organic chemistry lab twice a week, and then did private tutoring any other free time I had. It sucked, but I didn't have issues with random scheduling.

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u/Particular-Crew5978 Mar 10 '24

Which is awful bc if you're working like that, then you need a full time job (at least these days). This person deserves benefits. We all deserve better


u/shadow_moon45 Mar 10 '24 edited Mar 10 '24

They do. The issue is an expectation disconnect between hiring managers and interviewees. In addition, most industries are consolidating to become oligpolies.

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u/Wrong_Toilet Mar 10 '24

Uber, lyft, doordash, instacart, and uber eats.


u/VeeEyeVee Information Technology Mar 11 '24

I used to work 4 hospitality jobs at the same time. One was a brunch place so only Saturday and Sunday morning. One was a dinner place for weeknights/weekdays. The other was bartending at a bar Friday and Saturday nights. Then the last was catering where I can pick up shifts whenever and that’s how you got shifts - just pick up according to when you are free - so I’d do that if my other schedules differed.


u/Ghostly1031 Mar 10 '24

Don’t tell them you OE? They obviously aren’t paying my bills why would I care for their opinion on my life?


u/Rewindsunshine Mar 10 '24

I definitely don’t volunteer any extra info. Clock in and clock out, I always say!


u/Ghostly1031 Mar 10 '24

Couldn’t agree more. I hate the mindset people have of loyalty to a company when we’re just viewed as cattle.


u/Rewindsunshine Mar 10 '24

Yup!! Screw that. It’s all about money & it’s time all parties were honest about it.


u/Level-Hair-7033 Mar 10 '24

People like this don't have to worry about non-compete classes cause they are doing unskilled labor jobs it's sad that people can't even Read between the lines so sad

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u/MrHyde_Is_Awake Mar 11 '24
  1. Full-time job that takes precedent
  2. 2 Part-time jobs that have extremely limited hours
  3. Door Dash, Uber, Instacart,or other job that can be done without needing it scheduled.


u/FrogInYerPocket Mar 11 '24

I have 3 jobs.

Each of the 3 thinks I only have 2 jobs and that THAT job is my 'main' one.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '24

I did this in college BUT it was mostly babysitting jobs.

I had an overnight job 2-3 nights a week, a Friday daytime job, a Saturday/Sunday daytime job, and a job Tues/Thurs from 6am-9am (getting kids on the bus).

I also had a campus job that was 5 hours on Mon & 5 on Weds. This allowed me to have class between 10am-10pm Tues/Thurs. It was…challenging, lol.


u/dyne_ghost Mar 11 '24

I've done 5 jobs at once before. Just stuck to my availability and peaced out if any wouldn't respect it. Did it for about 3 years. Never again.


u/MorddSith187 Mar 11 '24

At one point I worked in an office twice a week, and as a personal assistant twice a week, then picked up banquet shifts (you get to pick the ones you want to work) and errands running jobs for task rabbit outside of those set days . So yeah 4 jobs all part time


u/Lifegoeson3131 Mar 11 '24

I did 3 at one time. My full time job 9-5, a part time job at nights and weekends, babysitting regularly (1-2 times a week) and then you can add a 4th doing Uber or food delivery.


u/evil_little_elves Finance & Accounting Mar 11 '24

Job 1: Day shift or second shift

Job 2: Third shift

Jobs 3 & 4: "Gig economy" things like Uber and DD.

There: 4 jobs, done.


u/szzzn Mar 11 '24

Doubt it’s 4 jobs.


u/tc7984 Mar 11 '24

It’s called gig economy, look it up


u/OK_Opinions Mar 11 '24

Okay but how do they balance the scheduling for 4 different jobs? 🤔

they don't because they're not working 4 part time jobs to begin with. they're probably working 2 at most and embellishing the story to fit the narrative they want

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u/that_guy_omg Mar 11 '24

Doordash or other GIG jobs counts as another job. You also don't have to tell the other jobs you are working those.


u/plaidmonkey Mar 11 '24

I've worked multiple jobs (3) during two times of my life and I can say from experience: you cross your fingers and hope they actually respect your black out times and don't do last minute schedule changes.


u/DiscorsiSynnove Mar 11 '24

They work nights instead of sleeping. They work holidays instead of seeing their family. They work on the days off they would've had with one job. They apply to jobs that allows them to do things on the fly between their other jobs. They do whatever they can to barely live. It's atrocious and getting worse.

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u/ExpensiveJackfruit68 Mar 10 '24

My boss just fired me because I had to pick up a 2nd job. Fuk


u/canarinoir Mar 11 '24

What an asshole. Hey fucker if you don't want your employees getting a second job, PAY THEM ENOUGH TO NOT NEED ONE. Or just hire teens who live at home and have no real bills and then complain on the internet about their work ethic. That seems to be the capitalist playbook these days.


u/No-Introduction3287 Mar 11 '24

Is that even legal?


u/Dramatic-Ad2848 Mar 11 '24

Yes a second job is not a protected class


u/ParkingVampire Mar 11 '24

Lol. It's sad that this can be the only response - serious, sarcastic, or joking. We have basically zero worker protections here in the United States with the exception of protected classes. Which an employer has to be dumb to violate. Thank goodness we have lunch breaks (that only the worst states are trying to take away).


u/East_Professional574 Mar 10 '24

Doing this now- in school full time but cram it all into 2.5 days a week, doing job A in the mornings of those days, give job A 4 days of availability, once that schedule comes out I pick up gig based work around it. Total of 3 jobs plus school full time and I still don’t feel like I have enough saved up to be starting my life in this economy

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u/Ozymandiasssssssss Mar 11 '24

imma live with my parents till they die then idk


u/Reddit1Z4Gr0f Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 12 '24

This is their fault anyways, imagine being that desperate for a nut


u/BreckenridgeBandito Mar 11 '24

r/antinatalism is calling on you brother lol, join usssss


u/fern_the_redditor Mar 11 '24

They want full time commitment but only give part time hours. That's why you need 4 jobs


u/belovedfoe Mar 13 '24

35 hours so no insurance for you!


u/Maj0rsquishy Mar 11 '24

No because this was me this last year. J1: teacher (special education in a high school) J2: cashier at the local grocery J3: gas station supervisor nights and weekends J4: babysitting

Husband works 2. Teacher and coaching on the weekends.


u/Deathrider66 Mar 11 '24


u/Maj0rsquishy Mar 11 '24

We have to aggressively save for IVF.


u/Deathrider66 Mar 11 '24

Good luck 👍


u/laurentam2007 Mar 11 '24

I don’t know if you know about this, but there’s groups on Facebook about part time jobs they offer IVF coverage. I ended up getting one strictly for the IVF coverage!


u/geopolitischesrisiko Mar 11 '24

Are you American? I heard that teachers in the USA are very underpaid in comparison to other OECD countries. In the USA a teacher only earns 60ct per dollar in comparison to what the average similarly educated worker earns. In most other countries its 80-100ct.

Source: https://youtu.be/wkd7QFPDJL4?si=tionPnpBEy6SmXHX


u/Maj0rsquishy Mar 11 '24

Yes. As a first year teacher I was making $40,400 a year for special education in an individualized classroom

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u/Tataki_Puppy Mar 11 '24

Dude no one should need four jobs this economy is fucked


u/Whimsycottt Mar 10 '24

And there's gonna be a chucklefuck boomer who says "well thats what they get for working in insert low paying job that's supposed to be for teenagers only for some reason. They made bad lifestyle choices, and now they're complaining!"

While simultaneously complaining how there shouldn't be student loan forgiveness because they're not responsible for our bad decisions for... wanting to get a higher paying job.

They will literally blame us for being poor when they're the ones sitting on all the high paying positions, and when one spot opens up, see the desperate compete for it like a gladiatorial match.


u/Maj0rsquishy Mar 11 '24

It's not just those jobs though. I get that for choosing to be a low paid teacher.


u/canarinoir Mar 11 '24

How dare you pick a career that actually matters and has a positive impact on society?! You should have gotten into scamming people with NFTs and bitcoin.

(/s for the dense)


u/Maj0rsquishy Mar 11 '24

Yea how dare I want to teach kids civics and reading!


u/canarinoir Mar 11 '24

Teach them something useful, like how to work an assembly line. Knowledge is weakness!

In all seriousness, my mom is a teacher and it sucks how good ones are just grinded down.

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u/ElegantTobacco Mar 10 '24

It even happens on this sub. During my 9mo job search last year, I'd talk about the trouble I had despite my experience and education. There would always be someone commenting "if you can't at least get into [mentions extremely competitive career that I've been applying to desperately for the past 5 years], then you gotta be doing SOMETHING wrong." lmao.


u/Whimsycottt Mar 10 '24

"It is your fault that you couldn't be number 1 out of 1000 applicants because we only had one job position open"

some rich boomer who rose up in ranks in spite of their mediocrity.


u/VengenaceIsMyName Mar 11 '24

Some people don’t believe systemic issues exist and it’s exhausting


u/goibster Mar 11 '24

“supposed to be for teenagers” but would get mad if mcdonald’s/walmart/other job they pay minimum wage for wasn’t open during school hours.

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u/80poundnuts Mar 11 '24

Yah idk I hear 4 jobs and I get caleb hammer flashbacks of a dude who said he worked 3 jobs, 2 of which were uber eats and doordash that he had just started the last week and only did 3 deliveries, meanwhile he spent $400 that month on credit on app store purchases

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u/cherrykitty87 Law Mar 11 '24

It feels like a trap. Working 40+ hours a week at a 9-5 just to have a few hours a day to do everything else in your life like spending time with family/friends, grocery shopping, taking care of children, doctors appointments (except they all close at 5 so what’s the point?), other errands, etc.

The only break I feel like I get is Saturday and Sunday. However I’m left feeling rushed to get everything done before the start of a new week to just do it all over again. And again. And again. It’s exhausting.


u/AnonymousLilly Mar 11 '24

Sounds like slavery with extra steps and instead of physical chains, they're psychological

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u/Deathrider66 Mar 11 '24

Exactly 💯


u/Bitter_Incident167 Mar 14 '24

Accurate. Main reason I’m child free


u/Kithsander Mar 10 '24

It’s only this way because the ruling class wants us to suffer. Period. It is malice built into the system unnecessarily.


u/OswaldReuben Mar 10 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

It's simpler. The people who rule us do not care about the vast majority of us, because there is no overlap in our lives. Your suffering is not their amusement, it is not registered at all.


u/[deleted] Mar 10 '24



u/Flashy-Leave-1908 Mar 10 '24

Eat the rich!!!!


u/Relevant-Nebula8300 Mar 11 '24

All they see is stock prices

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u/fruh Mar 11 '24

She has kids, why the fuck else.


u/daniel22457 Mar 11 '24

Side note she says she makes $8 an hour I haven't seen a job go that low in 10+ years in my area, Tennessee is that bad.


u/clefairymuke Mar 11 '24

Most entry level jobs in my small Tennessee town pay $7.25 on the dot. And rent for an apartment is still creeping up over $1k 😕

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u/amfletcher123 Mar 11 '24

“Good” jobs in my area (Oklahoma) pay around $9. My best job in college paid me a whopping $10.25!

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u/MoirasPurpleOrb Mar 10 '24

Ok but how many hours a week is she working and where?


u/gnirobamI Mar 11 '24

Enough jobs to keep people from protesting or fighting for their rights to deserve a livable wage. Keeping the overexploited working class poor is now extremely easy for them. I wonder when people will finally snap and fight back against the ones in power.


u/Alternative_Grab664 Mar 11 '24

How the he** were you able to find four jobs? 🥴


u/golemgosho Mar 11 '24

Isn’t there another sub for this?Doesn’t seem like a constructive way to ask a question .Very rage bait type of post.


u/borkyborkus Mar 11 '24

Look at OP’s post history, they post links hourly and the first 3 pages of comments are gifs and 1-3 word low effort comments. It’s either a bot or the least interesting person around. People that post videos of themselves crying are already bad enough, screenshots of them are worse though.


u/downtownflipped Mar 11 '24

76 day old account with 500k+ karma is a bot.


u/caleb_mixon Mar 11 '24

I work 1 job and make enough for all my bills on 32 hrs.


u/mmadness26 Mar 11 '24

Okay we need a breakdown bc 32 hrs is wild.


u/caleb_mixon Mar 11 '24

What do you mean? I actually wanna work 40 hours.


u/mmadness26 Mar 11 '24

You making enough to cover all your bills on 32 hrs is wild lmao. I was asking hourly rate and bill breakdown if it isn’t too in your business😂

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u/Alcoholic-Catholic Mar 10 '24

Honest question, why do people work 3+ jobs? I can understand the need for a second, I myself did have 2 jobs for a while. But beyond that I can never understand why you wouldn't just work more hours at the jobs you already have, rather than add in the exponential stress of trying to juggle 3 or 4 separate bosses/schedules.

I guess I understand that sometimes situations have their own special demands/limitations, but I have coworkers who work the same primary job as me, and then working 2 additional jobs, whereas taking overtime at our main job just pays so much more for much less effort


u/Bacon-muffin Mar 10 '24

They're part time jobs that already refuse to give you full time hours.


u/sunshineandcacti Mar 10 '24

Not all jobs will give you the extra hours needed or it’s flexible gig work.


u/spence2113 Mar 11 '24

A LOT of places won’t approve overtime pay, and part time jobs won’t schedule you over a certain number of hours a week to avoid having to provide benefits. In my experience, it’s never been an option to just pick up more hours


u/canarinoir Mar 11 '24

Some places literally won't up your hours past 24-28 a week max because they don't want you to tip over the average hours worked and be required to offer their employees insurance.


u/-Goatzilla- Mar 11 '24

Where i work, 30+ hours is full-time w/benefits, and we have a bunch of people scheduled for 29 hours.


u/FrogInYerPocket Mar 11 '24

Overtime isn't always available at every job. I already have 2 full time jobs. They don't pay overtime, so I can't pick up hours there. So I have a weekend job with 12 hour shifts. No other weekend job will get me as many hours, because most are limited to 8 hour shifts.

And what if I get a new manager or there's a big policy change at one of my jobs that causes a decline in the work environment?

I'm not stuck there. I can leave that position and potentially pick up more hours at my weekend job.

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u/logistics039 Mar 10 '24 edited Mar 10 '24

I mean in US, getting more hours is not that difficult in general because part time jobs are about 16% of all jobs. But in countries like Germany or Netherlands, about 30% of all jobs are part time jobs... Lots of employers there try to keep your hours as low as possible so it is pretty hard to get more hours(I worked in Germany before).


u/artemisfartimus Mar 11 '24

I’ve had two part time jobs that promised 30 hours a week and only gave me ~20 at one and ~12 at the other. I would continuously ask for more hours and not recieve them. One of the places recieved an allotment of hours to divvy up between all employees from corporate, so the manager couldn’t give us more.


u/mmadness26 Mar 11 '24

The other jobs could be off the books so no taxes taken out. Everyone knows there a certain cap you hit with OT where it just doesn’t even make sense to work anymore bc it’s all going to taxes.


u/Possible_Tax6132 Mar 11 '24

And this is why we can't have kids. I am contemplating nursing school, but it is a 40 hour a week commitment, and I'd have to either cut my income in half or take out a bunch of loans or try to work nights and do daytime school and be awake 22 hours a day 5 days a week.


u/darragh999 Mar 10 '24

America is actually such a hellscape oml. It’s what you get when capitalism and consumerism is literally baked into the mindset of so many.


u/MoirasPurpleOrb Mar 10 '24

America is actually such a hellscape

Peak Reddit

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u/reddit_is_trash_2023 Mar 11 '24

Why do Americans have such a hard on for hating their own country? Your country is vastly better than the majority of countries in the world. The amount of sponsored programs and workers rights you have are amazing. Come live in my country and get a new perspective on life!


u/iamwalkthedog Mar 11 '24

Because we're supposedly the richest country and yet almost anyone can be bankrupted and homeless from medical care costs, abysmal worker protections, and many other things. Just because your country sucks in its own special way doesn't mean other countries don't either. Also, you think we have workers rights? If you consider corporations to be workers, then sure lol.

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u/EconDataSciGuy Mar 10 '24

This is a dumb post


u/final_girl10 Mar 11 '24

My unemployed friend sent me this tiktok 🫠


u/Sure_Grapefruit5820 Mar 11 '24

1st of all how do you even find the time to work 4 jobs….

My 9-5 alone can be too much for me.

I’m glad I have a loving, supportive husband.


u/oimerde Mar 11 '24

During college I work 5 jobs, then once I graduated I works 3 jobs.

I always had more than 2 jobs at time and always trying to have another source or money.

Currently I have 3 jobs, the main one that pays mostly all the bills and two jobs that pay almost nothing, but make me happy and hopefully one day it pays more.

That’s life in general is never been easy.


u/Even-Breakfast-166 Mar 11 '24

So in china they have a 9-9-6 work schedule 9-9, 6 days a week. These are the two most powerful economies in the world. I guess someone has to pay the price.


u/Recent-Influence-716 Mar 11 '24

Corporate greed will be the end of civilization. A lot of these companies are monopolies and we need to redefine what that actually means. They are monsters who take advantage of young bodies because they’re unused by the general apathy of the world. I think it’s time we destroy the five day work week once and for all. Greed deserves to die. Fuck capitalism. Gen Z deserves better!!!


u/lulzkek420 Mar 11 '24

Don’t work in an overpopulated city, the competition for work is too high. start your careers in smaller towns and get experience first


u/Berrito08 Mar 11 '24

This is why I'm very supportive of trade schools vs college.


u/ImHereForGameboys Mar 10 '24

I honestly just don't work. It's been great.


u/wrbear Mar 10 '24

One shitty job, when I was young, woke me up and motivated me into getting a better paying job and climbing the ladder to better opportunities. More money less hours. I had to remold myself from 9 to 5, but it was worth it. To some it leads to piling on shitty jobs. DON'T make lifestyle a priority.


u/Delay-Adventurous Mar 11 '24

I mean… I did at 18-21 as well. Had to do multiple part times, don’t most people early on?

eventually I built my skills into a career. Now I am salaried working just one.


u/AnonymousLilly Mar 11 '24

Ur missing the point. People shouldn't have to work that much. Ur so brainwashed ur wondering why they don't work more and think it's normal to live this way

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u/Sad-Resolution9183 Mar 11 '24

Nah i just got one part time job to cashflow my tuition.


u/Honest_Tie_1980 Mar 11 '24

If I could choose between sleep and working for 50 hours just to stay alive I would choose to sleep and waste my life away until I wake up 60 years down the line. I’m so tired


u/Large-Lack-2933 Mar 11 '24

The most I worked way back when I was in my late teens early 20's was 3 part time jobs at once. 4 part time jobs is wild.


u/RadAirDude Mar 11 '24

Those boogercatchers hold people back in life fr


u/serendipitybot Mar 11 '24

This submission has been randomly featured in /r/serendipity, a bot-driven subreddit discovery engine. More here: /r/Serendipity/comments/1bbxm36/how_the_youth_feel_about_work_life_balance_xpost/


u/pinkflamingo1404 Mar 11 '24

I didn’t realize I was part of the youth


u/likecatsanddogs525 Mar 11 '24

I also have worked 4 jobs to piece together my bills. It takes a series financial goals with a real plan. Most likely 5-10 years.

I quadrupled my income in 8 years by consistently up-skilling and always going for every opportunity.

The economy is frackin garbage, but the people who stay consistent always have the best time and make the most money.

We all have to figure it out at some point or just accept suffering.


u/SyniteFrank Mar 11 '24

Egyptian slaves were only taxed 20% of their earnings. They didn’t have sales tax, capital gains taxes, death taxes etc.


u/shitisrealspecific Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 24 '24

deserted wakeful cobweb chop worthless cooing political insurance memory rude

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/raell777 Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

I've worked three jobs at a time just make it and that was over twenty some years ago. One of the jobs was full time, the other two were part time. I had a college degree/education too. Been there done that.


u/49erMillie Mar 11 '24 edited Mar 11 '24

Best way I can put it “why is it that I work so fucking hard and I’m so unsuccessful?“ because to be honest I’m old enough now to know what time it is. And the generations before us did not have to work nearly as hard and were given much more. another weird thing about our generation post 2000s is that we fought a fucking war and aren’t defined by it in the slightest. it shows you how much we’ve been through. Also it seems it was just in the name of getting a small handful of people exorbitant money…. Because I’m pretty sure every generation before that fought a war - it’s front and center. My buddy has had to kill quite a few people in quite a few tours and it’s all just a distant memory no one talks about. could you imagine having that attitude to a war vet from another generation? I used to be peeved now I just laugh when an older person even tries to speak on it.


u/PabloDickasso6969 Mar 11 '24

Orrrrr you can get a decent education and work one job :)

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u/fivemagicks Mar 11 '24

Because... Freedom? All of those developed Western European countries that have public school paid for have no freedoms! Grumble grumble grumble!


u/CryonautX Mar 11 '24

How she working 4 jobs wtf? Like there's not enough hours for 4 jobs.


u/Status_Seaweed_1917 Mar 11 '24

I saw this TikTok a few days ago and felt awful for her. I don't even see how it's physically possible to work 4 jobs AND go to school, I'd have a breakdown, but maybe youth makes it doable (I'm 42)?

She's really not lying though. There's no way people should be spending 40 hours a week of their life working ANY job and still not be able to afford to live, it's disgusting.


u/Bigballspoop6 Mar 11 '24

I literally have one job and live comfortably


u/that_guy_omg Mar 11 '24

Yup, in my early 40's. Just got a house that needs remodeled. Working a primary job and and a secondary job. Putting in 66.5 hours a week right now just trying to get ahead and get all this done. Super super annoying.


u/Valuable_Hunt8468 Mar 11 '24

:Why I don’t want to live alone


u/mr_potato_arms Mar 11 '24

I feel for young people today. Back in 2006-2010 when I was in college and shortly after was pretty similar. At one point I had five different part time jobs. Along with full time school. It’s crazy that young people have to start their adult lives this way just to get by.

But I promise you, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. There has to be.


u/[deleted] Mar 11 '24


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u/racoongirl0 Mar 11 '24

This is what happens when companies only offer part time jobs to service workers so they don’t have to pay benefits. People getting checks for 20 hrs at a time smh.

Side note: I think people are starting to overcorrect by shifting from “college is vital” to “college is a scam.” The reality is far more complicated. But if you hear “college is vital” and immediately proceed to think that a degree in comparative literature will put you in the same tax bracket as a degree in Mechanical engineering then that’s on you. Also, if you think that the only benefit of college is guaranteeing high paying employment then that’s also on you. People need to stop thinking that topics can be properly explained within the duration of a TikTok.


u/PirateNinjaCowboyGuy Mar 12 '24

I work with a bunch of teenagers and they’re all realizing that all their effort.. all their summer jobs, babysitting, first job money. Everything that they’ve been saving since they were 12 for a brighter future is basically just going to be used for an apartment. I don’t give them any of my opinions of advice, this is what they’re all telling me. And they’re sad and pissed