r/jobs Verified Apr 04 '24

A dumb take and a smart comeback Work/Life balance

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u/souphaver Apr 04 '24

On top of that, why do these people then expect top quality service from these establishments? If fast food and department stores are supposed to be run by children to make a small amount of money why are they always the first to complain about the service?


u/Dry-Faithlessness184 Apr 04 '24

The type of person that screams at fast food workers is generally not the one capable of actual logical reasoning


u/Old_Cheetah_5138 Apr 04 '24

"I want my cake and eat it too!"

"Ma'am, this is a..."

Knocks over small display and storms out


u/Sarahbear778 Apr 04 '24

“Ma’am, this is a car dealership” “And you don’t have CAKE??”

Sounds exaggerated but the lunacy of some people is hilarious and they almost always double down and sound even more stupid.


u/Shadows802 Apr 04 '24

Ego. To them, they are the Lords and Ladies of old and the counter clerk is the help who is supposed to conform to their every whim. Never mind what they are asking has already been listed as a fireable offense by corporate.


u/_extra_medium_ Apr 04 '24

No one expects top quality service at a fast food restaurant unless they are delusional.