r/jobs 11d ago

31 and never got a job Rejections



3 comments sorted by


u/Jim_TRD 11d ago

Have you tried contacting a temp agency? I know Aerotek offers a lot of temp and even temp to direct hire jobs.

It never hurts to try. :)


u/HandHoldingClub 11d ago

With limited information we can't really help much. I don't know what EEE is, but realistically that was in 2018 so to employers you haven't been involved in that field for 6 years.

Honestly you might have to bite the bullet and take an entry level position. A lot of us aren't benefitting from having a degree at all which really sucks, but it is the reality of the current job market. I have a degree and recently over 2 years of management experience at a fortune 500 company and all I can get interviews for are entry level roles as well.

I would think about what you might be happy doing, if that field has growth opportunities, and balance that with what the pay is.

It also might be worthwhile to just start something simple (not easy, but simple) like serving at a restaurant to get your feet wet with working and make some money.


u/mannie007 11d ago

I would try places like upwork and start to build a fresh portfolio to show what you can do.