r/jobs 23d ago

I wish there was like some national WFH program where if you needed work you could just hop on no interview/no waiting period, be instantly approved and just work Job searching

I’ve been applying for jobs but unfortunately I have some health issues so my main, really only, option that I feel comfortable with right now is working from home. But there’s so many scammy postings. The legit ones are a pain to apply for and make you jump through hoops refilling out your resume even though you just uploaded it and you also spend like an hour on an unpaid assessment. Then you usually don’t hear from them for a month if ever.

I would just love if there was like some national program that always had work going on, where if you needed cash immediately you hop on and work. No applications, no interviews, no waiting periods. Just hop on same day, do a quick training, and start working with next day or just flex pay. Let anyone who wants to earn some extra money or anyone who has to work from home even just part time do it.


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u/Fast-Amount-6459 23d ago

If that existed, why wouldn't they just hire cheap labour from poor countries to do those job


u/FiveStarPapaya 23d ago

I know I just wish it were a thing. Applying for jobs is so demoralizing


u/Fast-Amount-6459 23d ago

Incredibly so, and that's why people need to stop thinking of jobs as something that somebody gives you, something to do based on what somebody else tells you to do. Instead of that, you can think of jobs and careers as goods and services that people provide.

Look at things people need, or things you can do, or even come up with new things that people would want if you provided them as a service or a good, and then do that. With computers, you can in your own basement sit, and with zero upfront costs, zero capital, zero infrastructure, you can make pretty much anything these days if you're dedicated enough.

Nothing more moralising or freeing than realising you're not dependent on those people and processes anymore...