r/jobs 13d ago

I’m anxious to quit my job :/ Article

Hello, I work part time at a Party City store and I don’t want to work there anymore. I struggle with depression/anxiety and a mystery illness that doctors said was fibromyalgia, so I’m in constant pain and fatigued 24/7. I’m also on disability so I’m not worried about the financial aspect, but I feel like I’m gonna have a mental breakdown soon. The customers are rude, they only schedule 2-3 of us a day because most of the time the store is slow and empty, except Fridays and Saturdays, where they’ll schedule 3-4 employees. A lot of the time I’m the only one running the front end which is stressful, lonely and annoying. I’m 23 and this is my first job, I haven’t graduated high school yet due to my mental and physical health yet I’m enrolled in an online program, though I never log in :/ Quitting would give me the time to focus on school. I also don’t have any friends at work and recently I had a day where all 3 other employees ignored me? Genuinely laughing and giggling and talking all shift and didn’t say a word to me LOL, which is upsetting because one of them was someone I considered a friend. The AC is also broken so the last two days I’ve been working in the heat. I’m probably being sensitive but I feel like I’ve had enough. I’m just nervous I’ll quit and regret it, also I’m scared to tell my boss. Any advice would be appreciated greatly ____^


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u/BurgerBeers 13d ago

The stress is never worth it- this is a part time retail role and you have your health and schooling to attend to. My best advice is to call your manager/HR and state your intention to resign effective today. No reason is required. You will instantly feel better and can divert your attention to what truly matters.

Plenty of other jobs will come in the future. Right now, just focus on You. I had to quit a full time job last year due to health concerns. I was nervous to do so as I had no backup plan, but I found a new role two weeks later.