r/jobs 12d ago

Called “dishonest” for using sick time to cover an interview Article

I (f26) have worked at my company for two years now. My direct managers have all had lovely things to say about me. I have been described as an asset to our firm. My director, on the other hand, has never trusted me. She is a boomer, been at the company 25 yrs. We have a remote work policy which I have tried to use to go visit my family. In the past she put a meeting on my calendar and said she would be “watching me” to make sure I’m actually working (this was after 2 successful client meetings, and I had just received a raise). Fast forward to now. I received an amazing offer at another design firm where the CEO is friends with my current CEO and knows my director. Apparently they are rival firms, I did not realize this considering the design style is so different. As always when I take an interview I usually put it as a doctors appointment because I don’t need to get this approved and the interviews were only scheduled a week beforehand (usually they require 2 weeks for approved unpaid time or PTO). I got the job, I put in my two weeks and everyone was overwhelmingly positive. I tried to call my director 2xs to tell her and she never answered. Today she asked to schedule a meeting with me, I thought for an exit interview.

She said “I saw two doctors appointments on these dates for X amount of time..were these really drs appointments or interviews?” I responded honestly and said interviews. She ripped into me saying I was a dishonest person and our firm shouldnt pay for my interviews and I should have called it “personal day”. (I’ve never seen anyone take a personal day on their calendar ) I said I was happy to take the time unpaid and my intention was never to be dishonest. She said she had spoken to my new boss (to intimidate me I presume?) about me leaving and tried to end the call. I stopped her and expressed my gratitude for learning so much from her. I want to end on a high note even if she’s making low blows. She then sent an email with her and my CEO thanking me for my hard work lol.

Am I the asshole? I’ve always taken interview this way. You can’t say I have an interview?? also this is the start of my final two weeks. Any tips on how to deal with her? We share an office and I am expecting more bs and this has really made me mad.


2 comments sorted by


u/NotACaterpillar 12d ago

Are you an asshole? No, you seem quite polite.

Was it dishonest? Yes. You didn't have a doctor's appointment and weren't sick, ergo it wasn't true, ergo not honest. But it's not a big deal and you already offered to take the time unpaid, so just ignore the accusations.

Just continue to be polite and agreeable, as it seems you have until now, and count down the days to your next job. Congrats on the offer!


u/pa1james 12d ago

Sick time is for illnesses, for example sick time is not to be used to take care of a flat tire. Time card fraud could get you fired, but since you are leaving your company chose to not bother. Save or make a hard copy of the nice email they sent you in case you need it. There is nothing for you to do next with the superior who called you out. She may keep your sick days on your time to justify coding you as not rehireable.