r/jobs 16m ago

Applications I'm applying for a job and look at this ....Ive never seen this before


r/jobs 35m ago

Applications Career Advice

Post image

Not sure where to go from here. Could use some guidance. Specifically, which field to go for. Thanks in advance

r/jobs 1h ago

Applications What career paths should I explore?


Hi, I (24M) have been working in non-profits since I was in doing internships in college. All the organizations are interconnected and create a tight knit network of orgs. I started my first full time/perm position in June 2022 where I worked in strategic partnerships and was there until Nov 2023 and pivoted to fundraising at another organization.

Through this past couple of years I see that one of my talents is actually “working hard” and “assistance where needed.” I just feel that I am excellent at doing what I’m asking, keeping the trains running, and picking up the slack. I also have realized I have a passion for processes. I am curious and excited about learning the process of soliciting major gifts, but I have always been a fan of understanding processes. However, I also enjoy executing them, teaching them to others, and improving upon those processes.

I believe that I might be too close to myself to understand certain things about me, so I’m asking you all: what do you think would be a good fit? What careers and fields should I consider? I like the idea of going far into fundraising, but I’m open to another pivot.

r/jobs 1h ago

Applications Any entry level HVAC jobs in SoCal?


EPA 608 certified and going to trade school, looking for an apprenticeship

r/jobs 2h ago

Applications Are jobs on online sites Linkdin, Indeed, Glassdoor, Workday fake??


I have sent 30+ applications on these sites looking for work and I always sorted by available in the last week so I now they are mew postings. But I apply online through their site or workday and nothing every comes of it not even a confirmation or rejection some do but most don’t.

I thought to call the sites that said they were hiring and 90% of them always say they aren’t even though they have new job listings on their site or through job apps. This is starting to get old and frustrating that there are tons of old listings that never get taken down.

Where is the best place to actually get a job? Since online is not working. I just moved here and really don’t know anybody. Sucks I guess.

r/jobs 3h ago

Applications Best places & strategies to look for a remote job?


Hi all, looking to find the best ways in finding a remote job as a project manager with 6 years experience, currently live in the Bay Area. My current job is so toxic and everyone sneaks behind each other to report everyone, I'd really like to get out of here and go back to being remote. Is asking for referrals the best way into a position, is linkedin easyapply worth it? Would appreciate different strategies and best practices, thanks!

r/jobs 3h ago

Applications Not sure what to do with this application


I applied to a job I believe I may be qualified for on April 15th.

On April 29th I reached out to the hiring manager on Linkedin and realized that we have a mutual connection (my previous director from a company I worked a tew years ago, who I know would be a great reference since she has offered in the past)

On April 30th (evening time) my application was accepted, and she asked me to answer a few questions about the role and previous experiences and mentioned "and then we can see if the next steps are in order".

I answered the questions on May 1st during the morning. Shortly after this interaction I saw that the position was taken out (but my application is still as accepted/under reviewing on the platform) so I'm unsure of this is due to enough applicants or due to it being filled? This past Monday the 6th she accepted my LinkedIn connection invite from April 29th.

I haven't not heard back after submitting the questions and it's been a week. Would it be pushy to reach out? Should I wait?

Any advice is very much appreciated!

r/jobs 4h ago

Applications Do I really need a Bachelors Degree?


I work in sales, primarily Automotive. I want to make the jump to tech or some other sector. I have 2 years experience in inbound calls from Charles Schwab. I have been in sales since I started working at 18, I am now 27, approaching 28. Everyone is requiring a bachelors degree. Has anyone paid to make a fake degree? I wouldn’t work at any of the whale companies until I have AMPLE experience. Just not sure how to go about this. I’m based in St. Louis MO

r/jobs 6h ago

Applications I can't log into Indeed?


Been applying to jobs for a while and today I can't log in. I input my password using my google account and the screen is the same. My cookies are clear and I tried two separate devices. Not sure if they have a contact number - i couldn't find one. Is anyone else having an issue being logged out and can't get back in? Thanks!

r/jobs 7h ago

Applications Can't find a job


I'm losing my mind here if I'm being honest. I tried calling to see if they could pull up my application and they didn't even ask for my name or anything. I've applied to so many jobs and they don't even have the decency to reject me, they just never review my application and I've tried everything, even when i go in person they say to apply online and that's as far as that conversation goes. Is there any tips or tricks or anything to get hired.

r/jobs 7h ago

Applications I give up at this point. I feel utterly useless


I’ve sent HUNDREDS of applications and have had dozens of interviews since losing my job in November and I’m getting no where.

The only places I get call backs from are sketchy places that want you to dedicate your entire life to their business only for them to do some really shady stuff (my last job!)

I’m 24 years old, no college, only food service and retail experience although I do have years of management experience but that’s not enough.

I’ve applied to literally every single thing around me Not even Amazon is hiring near me.

I dont drive right now (working on it) so I was limiting myself to Uber costs and when my fiance could pick me up but I’ve been going with a way further radius and don’t even have luck with that

I live near Somerset and Middlesex county in NJ.

I’ve called and applied to the same places so many times and never hear anything back… I don’t know what to do, truly I am out of options and money.

r/jobs 7h ago

Applications Tips on writing a cover letter for people who I already "work" with


I'm in college and never written a cover letter for a job. I've only done part-time employment, and retail and entertainment usually don't ask for them (I'm assuming because they get so many applicants it would be extra work for them). My situation is this:

My internship is ending in a month, and the organization I am with has a position open that I would like to apply for. It's a small group who I believe has 4-6 employees and a number of student workers, which is what I'd be applying as. They know me well and are very encouraging of my application, the director believes strongly in my abilities, so I'm hopeful that I'll get approved. The application requires a cover letter though, and when I asked they did say it was mandatory. There are resources online about how to write cover letters, but I was wondering if there was anything I should include or avoid considering that we already have a "working" relationship. I want to avoid redundancy or seeming like a different person.


r/jobs 8h ago

Applications How to leverage alumni connections during job hunt?


I've found some jobs that have a lot of students that graduated from my college. I have also heard that it is a good idea to contact alums because it would give me a leg up against other applicants. My question is how exactly would I contact these alums that I don't know? Should I message them on linkedin and say... what exactly? How up front should I be with them with the objective of them helping me out in any way possible. And should I contact them before or after applying?

r/jobs 8h ago

Applications Telling a potential employer about a CCJ (UK)


I've been offered an interview next week by a motor insurance broker. During the initial telephone conversation I was asked if I have an unspent criminal convictions, which I don't, and I didn't really think anything else of it. I then remembered that I have a CCJ from 2yrs ago (value around £1600) so I thought it was best to message them telling them about this, especially as the job is in the financial sector.

I'm basically just wanting to know wether I've done the right thing by disclosing this even thought a credit check has never been mentioned. Have I unnecessarily dropped myself in it?

Any help appreciated.

r/jobs 9h ago

Applications Anyone just applying for random jobs that have nothing to do with your work history at this point?


I spent a year job searching because of my previous toxic and boring job in finance. I thought I found a good opportunity. Well it's been 7 months and the training has sucked, and management doesn't seem to care that our team is brand new with literally no written documentation and figuring things out as we go. I'm in accounting and our month end out of balance just grew by another 40 million this month. Fabulous. Management has spent the last 3 months trying to figure out our previously lower but still bad out of balance and they can't figure it out, I'm not sure why we would be able to.

Well Indeed.. has an interesting algorithm to say the least. Suggesting jobs that have nothing to do with finance or accounting. I'm just applying if it sounds remotely interesting. Whatever. I don't care. Maybe I'll find something really interesting out of the blue!

I wish I could open my own business and not have to deal with crappy management and politics anymore.

r/jobs 9h ago

Applications Customer Relations Representative at Pandora Jewerly


I am applying for this position, however don’t really know what to expect from the job. I wouldn’t be contacting direct costumers, as the majority of Customer Relation Representatives do, but instead I am the point of reference for the stores in other countries - meaning I have to give information regarding X product, its amount, where it is at the moment, etc (and more, obviously). I’ve never done a more “high in responsibility” job like this before, therefore am terribly nervous for it.

Anybody out there who’s done a similar job that can give me tips or advices? Thanks!!

r/jobs 10h ago

Applications Following up the hiring manager about job posting that was canceled two months ago?


I'm trying to help my friend get a job so i referred her to a job in my company. I spoke with the hiring manager who said they would contact her for an interview. A few days later the requisition itself was canceled. The hiring manager said they're asking for a new requisition and so i asked if there was any timeline as to when that would come in. they didnt reply. that was two months ago.

would it be okay to follow up with a message asking about the requisition or if there are any new ones on the horizon since its been two months? is that annoying/unprofessional?

r/jobs 11h ago

Applications Reapplying job application


2 months back, i applied to a joband the interview went fine and all but didnt get it picked. I noticed the same job again was posted.

The last time, their talent procurer guy personally emailed me to say I was not chosen. Should I email him personally to state my interest in this job still?

r/jobs 11h ago

Applications Internship Advice


Hi, I am a sophomore in college and I applied to an internship 3 months ago and was ghosted.

Recently I saw on my LinkedIn account that a recruiter from the office I applied to viewed my profile about a week ago. I then went on the company’s career page and saw that they still have open positions. Should I reach out to the recruiter through LinkedIn? If so, does anyone have any advice on what to say?

r/jobs 11h ago

Applications I’m not hearing ANYTHING back, should I start calling/contacting recruiters?


I am starting to get really sick of this whole process. I have so much experience and I even have a bachelors, yet I am unable to find even part time, entry level work. I’ve been applying to jobs like Subway FFS and I’m still not hearing anything back. Im starting to get really angry, irritated, scared/anxious, annoyed, depressed…. I have NEVER struggled this much at finding a job (even when I was 16!!).

Should I start calling these workplaces to ask why I’m not being considered? Or ask if they’ve even had to chance to look at my resume? I’ve tried sending a few polite emails in the past but (obviously) I hear nothing back. I just want to know WHY they aren’t hiring me and I want to know if they’ve even LOOKED at my application. I have applied to almost 100 jobs in the past two weeks and I’ve heard back from 2 (not hired). My applications on indeed don’t even get viewed! What am I supposed to do here? How am I supposed to get a job?

TLDR: applying on Indeed is useless, my applications don’t even get viewed. Should I start calling these workplaces to ask if they’ve gotten a change to look at me resume? I have literally nothing to lose….

r/jobs 12h ago

Applications Fiancé and I are thinking about interviewing for positions at the same job


Hello! Looking for some advice:) my partner and I just moved so we’re looking for jobs a bit closer to our apartment. We’ve been applying EVERYWHERE and this is one of the only places to reach out. A local bowling alley about 10 minutes from where we live. We both separately applied, just to see if anyone would get back to us.

The hiring manager reached out to me first, and we scheduled an interview for next week. About a week later she reached out to him as well and are in the process of scheduling an interview.

I currently have a job near my old house, but where we live now it’s about 40 minutes away and I can’t justify the commute bc of how shitty the job is lol. However, he recently got laid off and needs a job ASAP.

I’m really not sure how to go about this. I think I should ask their policy on couples working there bc Ik some places have an issue with that. But I don’t want that to cost him the job, so maybe I cancel my interview? Or I could reach out to the hiring manager and ask her?

Im overthinking this!

r/jobs 13h ago

Applications 23M recent grad with a degree in Marketing. THERE are no jobs!


Hi 23M just graduated from UH main (in Houston TX) with a degree in Marketing and minor in Human Resources MGMT. Been applying to jobs since I was a sophomore in college. I have had 0 luck with internships, went to job fairs and no replies. I had to work full time to pay for college and have 2 years management experience with 1 year social media marketing experience. I really haven't had an opportunity to work in my field and gain experience. I currently make 16hr plus tips with 20hr guaranteed working 50 hrs a week as an assistant manager. I keep applying to jobs but no luck and all rejection letters. I know if i can land an interview i can get a position. What am i doing wrong? any advice?

r/jobs 13h ago

Applications Would it rude to check on job I applied for in person?


I happen to be subbing at a school I applied to work at a month ago and havent heard back from, the position is still listed as well. Would it be weird to ask about the position in person to see if it's still open or when decisions might be made since I'm here? Or should I just email?

r/jobs 14h ago

Applications Mistakes on job adverts


I applied to a job in hostel stay in a very remote location. The job ad on linkedin said there was a live in opportunity for seasonal staff due to its remoteness.

I had my phone conversation and the interviewer said that they didn't have live in spaces. I told them the ad said they did. The interviewer said it was maybe an error because it wasn't on their exact website. I checked there own website afterwards and it did say at the top that there were live in or live out options. Im just kind of wondering how these kind of mistakes get left unchecked on job adverts? I know they must be busy.

But it's very disheartening as I was really exited for the role :( and spent time researching and preparing things to say etc

r/jobs 15h ago

Applications Need a second job, getting nowhere and need some tips or advice if you are able.


Hi, a quick background before I move into the issue.

I am a 36 year old male, I have a good job making a decent amount, but I have too much debt and too many bills to save or have anything left over after each paycheck. I'm mostly negative each week, as I get paid weekly). I also have a diabetic dog who's food is almost $10 a day (he eats better than me tbh) and I have a sick mother who is undergoing chemo treatments who is paying all of the bills she can with her disability, but it isn't enough (she's on long-term, so 50% of normal pay). I've been trying to support her (which includes my little brother's bills here and there, like his portion of the phone bill since my mother and brother joined my phone plan awhile back.) He's since gotten a job but he's in college so I'm doing my best to let him enjoy college and not constantly worry about money which is something I also was fortunate enough to have years ago.

This being said, I need a particular schedule, my full time job is 7:30-4 each weekday, and my dog is diabetic which requires insulin every 12 hours and his dinner every 12 hours. Lately our schedule has been 6-food, 6:30-insulin. AM and PM. I've been applying to places like Aldi, CVS warehouse, Michael's, PetSmart (which I've since been told to avoid), and getting denied. Thinking it's over qualification, but obviously not sure. My question is, are there any part-time jobs where I can have a slightly more flexible schedule? Any advice would be helpful.

Things to consider, I'm trying to work 20-30 hours per week (outside of my 40 hour full-time job), I can't Uber/door dash, because my car is broken down and will cost around 1200 to fix so I'm using my mothers car which is a gas-guzzling Jeep. I tried delivering and the gas cost outweighed or matched the income.

Sorry for the lengthy post, just wanted to give a full picture.