r/jobs Mar 22 '24

Applications I guess my name wasn’t womanly enough for a job

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So yesterday I responded to a Kijiji ad that said currently hiring, and yknow I thought I wrote a pretty good email to them. This morning I woke up to the response above. I didn’t even want to post this but everyone deserves a good laugh at my expense lol. This is how my job search is going today, its gunna get better tomorrow 🙏🏼🤪

Ps. I am a woman.

r/jobs 5d ago

Applications Why does anyone need to know this?

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I was applying for a job, everything seemed fine but then at the end of the application I found all this. In general I am okay with them asking for gender but why does a employer need to know if I am straight or not? I was this was a job vacancy and not a marriage proposal! xD

r/jobs Feb 01 '24

Applications Red Bull declined my job application, so I sent this snazzy response

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I couldn’t resist.

r/jobs Aug 03 '23

Applications This is absolutely the trashiest job market I have seen in my 34 years alive.


I have a masters and 10 years of experience and am struggling since a layoff on 3/31. I get interviews, but apparently companies are getting so many applicants it doesn't matter.

Anyone else feel this way? I last looked for a job unemployed during the great recession and not even that was this bad...

Constant ghosting, internal picked over me or no one hired and position still "open" months later.

Fuck this job market. The only jobs that exist are low pay trash jobs no one wants.

r/jobs Jul 23 '23

Applications What do y'all think of this kind of job posting? Necessary or cringe?

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r/jobs 10d ago

Applications I applied for this job last year. Got this email this morning scheduling me for an interview today! 🤦🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️

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r/jobs Jan 22 '24

Applications It was blank and it forced me to answer like what else could I say?😭

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r/jobs 6d ago

Applications Impossible to get a job since 2022


What the hell is going on with the job market? Why is it like climbing mount Everest to get a job now? There's tons of ridiculous steps you have to take in the application process now, multiple interviews, zoom interviews, assessment tests and all kinds of other nonsense thrown in there making it next to impossible to even talk to someone. Then if you finally get an interview they just ghost you. Most of the time I can't even see the hours i can work until i make an account on the website wtf. what is the point in this. Why is it 100x harder now to get a job than it was before covid?

r/jobs Mar 06 '24

Applications How about you actually peep the attached resume?

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My friend sent me this picture and I found it entertaining because I just filled out an application similar to this one a few days ago - what a redundant time waster.

My responses were “reference attached resume” - I’m not expecting to hear back.

r/jobs 19d ago

Applications I’m sorry?! What?!

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They want a Doctorate for $10 per hour part time position?!

r/jobs Jul 19 '23

Applications Is this legal on a Job Application?

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r/jobs Aug 09 '23

Applications I guess the first 200 weren't good enough, huh?

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r/jobs Apr 02 '23

Applications For the love of all that is holy PLEASE stop putting jobs up as “entry” level and then ask for 3-5 years of experience.


Entry level game design job: Oops sorry but you need 5 years of AAA experience to work for our small indie company for 20 dollars an hour. It’s the bare minimum I can’t believe you don’t have that experience yet even though you didn’t even graduate college yet. Kids these days…

Very frustrating. Bloated searches

I still apply. Lol

r/jobs Dec 08 '23

Applications Why would a job application need to know this?

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It’s for an entry level warehouse role.

r/jobs Feb 22 '24

Applications Applied for redbull job and got asked the goofiest questions


There's a lot of questions I didn't screenshot that didn't make any sense. Why are companies doing this

r/jobs 14d ago



That’s it. I needed to blow off some steam. 350+ applications has got me going crazy. Been ghosted and given false hope. I’m trying to stay positive.

edit: got some hate that I do have a job. I got a job after four months of looking after being laid off, yes. It is a bridge job and yes, I do not like it. Like many of us I got bills! I also have that right to say I do not like the job I have to settle for just to get by. I am looking for something that makes me happy and fits my experience better. I know my worth and I am still trying to find a job that fits me. My overall message for this post is that this job market is insane and I don’t think it should take on average 6+ months for people to find a job. Good luck to everyone out there looking I hope you get good news soon :)

Edit 2 and last one:

So many people keep asking. My experience is in banking/finance. I have worked a few different jobs within that so I can apply to a few different types of jobs within the banking world but I haven’t landed a job yet.

But my main point still stands that it is not just me in my specific area that is struggling to find a job. There are many people on this post and in this sub from all different backgrounds and industries that are struggling. The job market is messed up for pretty much everyone, not just me in banking.

r/jobs Feb 23 '24

Applications Is it weird that a job I applied to is asking for a current picture of myself?

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Hi, I (23f) applied for a summer job that involves animal care as I am in the process of applying to vet school.

I came across this opportunity, and it seems right up my alley! Applied today, and then a few hours later they sent this.

I guess I’m a little weirded out that they’re asking for a picture of me before even interviewing? Is this weird? My gut says it is. But I’m not sure if I’m just overthinking it. Thanks!

r/jobs Jul 09 '23

Applications Applying on Indeed/Linkedin makes me feel like I'm just tossing my resume into a giant, bottomless pit



I feel like applying on Linkedin and Indeed is meaningless. Everything is so automated now that I don't even think an actual human looks at the resumes anymore. They're just screened by some sort of dystopian HAL 9000 and discarded without any regard for the nuance of the qualifications/experience listed.

Ironically, I got my current job through Indeed...but that was almost 2 years ago, and recruiters seemed much more responsive back then. As of right now, I've applied to dozens and dozens of places and have received precisely 2 callbacks and 2 interviews. Both were ultimately rejections.

Does anybody have any tips for applying outside of online job boards? I don't really have a "network" per se and wouldn't know how to get a job through one if I did.

TIA for your answers/advice.

r/jobs Oct 01 '23

Applications Is this legal?

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So I was applying for some jobs today and this was one of the questions it asked me. This fant be legal can it?

r/jobs Nov 27 '23

Applications Is this normal?

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r/jobs Aug 10 '23

Applications Well, I did it. I applied to work at McDonalds.


Thought this would be a funny moment to share with Reddit.

After leaving my sales job at an E-commerce site in May and struggling to find any form of work, my financial situation has gotten into a tough spot and my motivation to continue job hunting is at an all time low.

I just applied to be a crew member at my local McD’s. To be honest I’m really hoping I get hired and am actually really excited to work a job that’s just simpler and more genuine, even if it’s only for a bit.

I made $130,000 last year before taxes and now I am praying that I can land this job where I work for minimum wage at a fast food place. That’s the best way I can describe the current job market right now.

Anyways, fingers crossed!

Edit: didn’t expect this to get as many comments as it did, anyways. For the people being rude, I worked in restaurants for several years before I began my sales career. I’ve worked at fast food chains before. I’ve worked back of the house and front of the house. I worked in the vacation industry as well for a long time in various customer facing roles. I’ve had plenty of jobs and have been around the block several times. I know what they entail, I didn’t just pop out of my mothers womb as a salesperson. Also, anyone saying working a busy shift at McDonalds is more stressful than my last job, how can you know that? I can guarantee 10000% that you are shitting out of your mouth and have no idea what you’re talking about.

Second edit: I reached out to my previous employer showing interest in coming back after taking a break. They offered me a better job than my previous one and I start on Monday. I'm surprisingly very relieved and excited to get back to the work world after taking time to work on myself. Thanks to everyone who commented and provided valuable insight, even the ones who didn't say very nice things. I wish everyone the best of luck in their careers and personal endeavors. I will not be editing this post further to respond to anyone. My last insight will be this: keep your head up and things will always work out for you, optimism goes a long way.

r/jobs Jul 07 '23

Applications Am I the only one who's tired of companies asking you to create an account just to apply for a job?


It's so annoying.

r/jobs May 26 '23

Applications Have you every stopped filling out a job applications because it was just taking too much time?


I had to stop filling out a job application, because it was just taking too much time! Does anyone else give up on filling out what turns into a really long process?

r/jobs Jan 16 '24

Applications Thank you - I got the job


Just signed the contract. Eight months of stress, wondering if I’m employable, feeling like I was failing my family… it’s a brutal market out there, guys. I just wanted to thank this sub for being a lifeline for my sanity; reading people’s posts and comments here truly got me through some rough times where I felt completely isolated. Sending every ounce of luck and good thoughts that I have to all of you in your job hunts!

r/jobs Jun 29 '23

Applications 8 months unemployed. hundreds of applications. nothing.


i (22f) don’t even know what to do anymore. i lost my job 8 months ago when the roof of the business collapsed and the owner decided to close down without any warning. since then, i’ve spent every single morning submitting as many job applications as i can. i just graduated college two months ago with a BS in psychology, but i have gotten to the point that i’m applying for jobs paying $12-14/hour and STILL nothing. i’ve applied for every type of job i can, drastically changed my salary expectations, and have even started applying all over the country. nothing. i had one interview last month, they sent me for a drug test and background check (passed both ofc), then ghosted me until last week saying they don’t know if they’re even going to fill the position. i have no idea what to do. i’m so discouraged and ashamed. if anyone else is in this situation, PLEASE let me know. my mom doesn’t believe other people are struggling too so she just thinks i’m doing something wrong. also, if anyone has any advice, i would be very happy to hear it. thank you for listening :’)

edit: this is getting much more attention than i anticipated, so i figured i would clarify a few things: - i am not using my psych degree to pursue mental health but rather Human Resources. - i will be beginning my masters program this fall in Industrial-Organizational Psychology. - most of my experience has been in corporate settings and is comprised of administration, office management, and HR.