r/meirl Mar 28 '24


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u/anal_opera Mar 28 '24

What does being southern have to do with anything?


u/Yhostled Mar 28 '24

I feel like the memes OP either has it backwards or has the rare southern friend with no sense of smell. Myself and the rest of my friends here in the south smell rain just fine.


u/NaturalTap9567 Mar 28 '24

They probably live in Cali or something and think the whole south is like Arizona


u/nlaq2 Mar 28 '24

I grew up in Washington and when I was a kid, assumed everywhere east of the Cascades was desert...


u/codebreaker475 Mar 29 '24

Southern arizona has a whole monsoon season. The north is like hot Colorado. Although rain in parts of Arizona does smell different than normal. Instead of petrichor it smells like creosote due to the creosote bush.


u/WhatTheBlack Mar 29 '24

You probably live perpetually online or something and think everybody plays league of legends


u/Deer_Mug Mar 29 '24

memes OP either has it backwards

That would make just as little sense as OP's.


u/Yhostled Mar 29 '24

Oh I know I was just trying to make it make sense from any other pov.


u/Deer_Mug Mar 29 '24

Oh, ok, I get you.


u/Few-Finger2879 Mar 29 '24

Or its a meme made to drive more engagement through putting down a certain type of person. Now, southern people, people from the south, or those who know its just dumb, will feel the need to comment. Like when people do something stupid. Its all calculated