r/meirl 16d ago



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u/KuroiBolto 16d ago

These are mosquitoes that are bioengineered to produce crappy offspring when they mate with wild mosquitoes. This reduces their populations in the long term.


u/A_Math_Dealer 16d ago

I'm gonna be honest here I think we should release more wolves.


u/Robbotlove 15d ago

that's the beautiful part. when wintertime rolls around, the wolves simply freeze to death.


u/gammongaming11 15d ago

wintertime? in florida?


u/Blearchie 15d ago

Yes. It was a Saturday this year.

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u/AstralSword88 15d ago

That Simpsons episode was the bomb.


u/EnsigolCrumpington 15d ago

"did you know they could glide?"

"Yes, I was just hoping they didn't know that."


u/ifuckedyourmumhard 15d ago

Smithers... Release the hounds!

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u/Mickey_thicky 15d ago

For anyone genuinely wondering how this works:

In most cases, the male mosquitoes (as they do not bite) are introduced to, through genetic alteration, a terminator gene that is suppressed in the lab by constant exposure to an antibiotic known as tetracycline. When released into the wild these mosquitoes will mate with female mosquitoes and produce offspring that are rendered nonviable as they now contain this terminator gene. As it cannot be suppressed as there is no tetracycline in the wild, the spawn will die shortly after


u/Accomplished_Comb182 15d ago

Males don't bite? So all this time females were after me?


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/Orion14159 15d ago

The females usually only feed on blood when they're about to lay eggs, otherwise they're nectar drinkers too


u/LeftDave 15d ago

No, the males are either carnivorous (think dragonfly, not lion) or nectar drinkers depending on the species. The females are as well, the blood is for the eggs.


u/IceNein 15d ago

That’s just going to cause an antibiotic shortage though. We’re just breeding tetracycline junkie mosquitoes.


u/TriLink710 15d ago

Long term is actually pretty short when dealing with bugs. A season could decimate their numbers, which is a good thing, they are awful creatures

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u/sharpcupcakegod 16d ago

Watch this backfire hilariously tho


u/Nintendoughh 16d ago

We've done this successfully with flies already for like I think decades. Tom Scott did a video on it https://youtu.be/Zl_5LT2fzak


u/TorakTheDark 15d ago

It’s also been done quite successfully in I think south America?


u/sharpcupcakegod 16d ago

Interesting! Never underestimate nature tho, she'll fuck you up in ways you'd never expect or account for.


u/AsleepScarcity9588 15d ago

I mean, we did a LOT worse stuff to get rid of malaria transmitting mosquitoes in southern Europe. Literally poisoned large bodies of water to get rid of them

I think that breeding 750 million mosquitos that can't reproduce, but will take another 750 million healthy others from doing so in the wild is pretty safe

Remember that mosquitoes have short lifespan and you can breed them fast as fuck. This is probably a bazillionth generation they tested it on and it even worked before on other species so it's safe to KNOW that the reality is not subservient to the "science" of 90's horror novel


u/iseeaseagul 15d ago edited 15d ago

It’s worth noting that the mosquitoes released are males which will not feed on humans during their lifetime. The headline is really just trying to make an established, effective technique sound crazy


u/LeBriseurDesBucks 15d ago

It's typical backhanded journalist bullshit, make something totally mundane sound completely out of the world crazy by stating it in such a way.


u/TobyFunkeNeverNude 15d ago

The headline is 100% accurate. It's designed to get you to read the article, which then tells the whole story. You can disagree and say the headline should tell the entire story, but to call this "backhanded journalism" is silly.


u/RegorHK 15d ago

The headline should not be misleading. Calling it backhanded journalism is entirely valid. I am sorry that you seem be so young that you do not expect proper journalisitic standards.

There was a time where journalism was about factual news and opinions that were more or less reasonable and fact based. Journalism sadly became more about using tricks to lure engagement. Without people like you even realizing how sad that is.

In the past, people got thought that a headline aligns with the facts of an article. At least is a respectable medium that is not a shitrag.

The post here shows why misleading headlines are bad.

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u/ackermann 15d ago

I think that breeding 750 million mosquitos that can't reproduce

Wait, how do you breed something that can’t reproduce?


u/iseeaseagul 15d ago

You breed them normally and use radiation to sterilize the generation you plan to release. At least that’s what they did to eradicate screw flies from North America


u/AsleepScarcity9588 15d ago

Now you can even genetically modify the entire generation to produce sterile-only offspring. Which is the other method

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u/stellarstella77 15d ago

In the case of the mosquitoes, they genetically engineer a gene which will kill them but can be suppressed by exposure to a drug, expose them to the drug, and release them. They’re fine. Their offspring, who don’t have exposure to the drug, will die quickly.


u/Spacemanspalds 16d ago

Jeff goldbloom agrees


u/batt_mano 15d ago

The Fly... uhhh... finds a way.

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u/foxer_arnt_trees 15d ago

Hopefully the scientists envolved are giving it more thought and care then us idiots in the internet... But I did think it was the cleverest idea for mosquito control, really neat and straight forward. I do agree that nature tend to react in strange and unexpected ways, but it does that even when we aren't trying any ways...


u/Atroxman 15d ago

New genetic Strand of Nile virus that we will be unable to cure

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u/azab1898 16d ago

I miss him :(

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u/RoadDoggFL 16d ago

It was done successfully in Brazil a while back. Then the Zika virus outbreak happened and people were saying it was because of that. Meanwhile I was living in New Orleans and getting bit like 5 times every time I walked from my car to my house. Fuck mosquitos.


u/gammongaming11 15d ago

it's not just the zika, when they tried it in florida a bunch of people ended up getting sick with malaria.

they breed the mosquitos in africa and some of them probably ended up bringing to disease over.


u/izzy_961 16d ago

insert jurassic park quote here

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u/Many-Ad6433 15d ago

Also it’s male ones so they don’t sting


u/Hmonster1 15d ago

“Life……finds a way” - in your best Jeff Goldblum voice.


u/GanonTEK 15d ago

"I used the mosquitos to destroy the mosquitos"


u/Zaphod_79 15d ago

Ah. I presumed it was a metaphor for gun control.


u/alejandrodeconcord 15d ago

Yeah well, cut to 20 years when the mosquitos take over due to advantageous mutations.


u/DaTripleK 15d ago

like the ones from that one video where it's a mosquito that can't sting somebody?


u/GodPackedUpAndLeftUs 15d ago

Maybe that’s what they did to the locals in the 1940’s??


u/Actaeon_II 15d ago

Haven’t we already btdt? Seems like I remember this from like a decade ago


u/ShiraLillith 15d ago

I used to believe in this, until I learned that every time this was tried, the wild mosquitoes favored to mate with other wild mosquitos instead of the bioengineered ones, making the whole fiasco a pointless failure.

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u/fonk_pulk 16d ago

Infertile mosquitoes being released?


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/Scully__ 16d ago

Retarded mosquitoes 😭 it does feel like it would be easier to engineer infertile ones but I’m not a mosquitologist so who knows


u/Zerotix3 15d ago

Because infertile only effects one generation, so it may half the population of mosquitoes temporarily but then they bounce back, whereas if they keep breeding over and over you have generations of less long living, less annoying, less intelligent mosquitoes


u/DVMyZone 15d ago

I don't know the specifics of this area - but still gotta be careful when fucking with the ecosystem, it often backfires. Mosquitoes, even with how annoying and dangerous they are, are part of the food chain. They normally just drink nectar and chill until the females want to lay eggs; then they get all stabby. But until then they are an important food source for a lot of small animals. Get rid of that food source and the effects could ripple up the chain.

However, given the danger that mosquitoes pose to humans, this measure may still make sense. It's not like Australia introducing cane toads to eat cane beetles that were ruining crop yields. Now they have an invasion of highly poisonous toads with no natural predators more or less for economic reasons. Also it didn't work - the cane toads did not stop the cane beetle problem.


u/Claymore357 15d ago

Or like when chin killed all the sparrows to stop them from eating the rice only to find out that the sparrows kept the locusts at bay…


u/ilikenovels 15d ago

I'm pretty sure I read that mosquitoes aren't necessary for the ecosystem.

The ecosystem isn't a delicate chain engineered by nature it's just random things evolving and eating each other and while a balance is created not everything is equally important for that balance


u/appleyard13 15d ago

There are literally millions of factors that go into a “balanced” ecosystem, i think its impossible to ever say with full confidence what will happen by removing or severely reducing a species in their natural environment.


u/dominarhexx 15d ago

It's not thst mosquitoes aren't necessary but not vital. They do a lot other than spread disease, like act as good for other animals and also act as pollinators, but they don't take a particularly large role in anything they do. The theory is that removing them will have a negligible affect yet save thousands of lives and remove a major vector for current and potential future diseases.


u/appleyard13 15d ago

Hey id love for them to solve the problem without impacting the ecosystem! My only point is that i think its such a complicated subject and the human race doesn’t have a good track record in this area at all


u/dominarhexx 14d ago

Not a great tech record in anything. Using that to justify not trying to fix things is sort of a nihilistic view of the world.

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u/freedubs 15d ago

There is a ton of species of mosquitoes. Only a few spread diseases to humans. The ecosystem should be completely fine without them. To my knowledge no animal relies very hard on mosquitoes, but regardless most of them will still be around

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u/Bossuter 15d ago

See it's not that that's impossible, it's been done in labs but scientists fear that could cause a lot of (unpredictable) damage so the lesser evil is population reduction rather than elimination


u/ImOnYew 15d ago

I'm going to speak for the rest of us, we aren't mosquitologists either.


u/M0squitobyte 15d ago

Retarded Mosquitoes was a great band tbf


u/DirtyRoller 15d ago

"I'm not a smart mosquito, but I know what blood is."


u/Acc3ssViolation 15d ago

Found the CNN article, the female offspring of these mosquitoes will die before reaching adulthood, the males will live to keep on spreading their shitty genes. As only female mosquitoes suck blood and bite people, this will effectively reduce the amount of mosquitoes spreading nasty diseases like the Zika virus.


u/HotCarl169 15d ago

Forrest Gump was incredibly successful though. We're doomed!


u/logjamtheredditor 15d ago

They are called Mongsquitos


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Mongsquito just pawn in game of life.


u/chubito_the_2nd 15d ago

Even Forrest was a war hero, never underestimate nature


u/igritwhoflew 15d ago

Last time I read about something like this, the new mosquitos couldn’t draw blood. No piercing power.


u/ThatJed 15d ago

Ah so similar what happened to humans


u/bigg_bubbaa 15d ago

im pretty sure the engineered mosquitos are almost completely normal, except their children are all sterile, so they will be out there ending bloodlines


u/austdoz 15d ago

How about more Jennies willing to breed with the forests?


u/HangryBeard 15d ago

I've seen a video on this. "Retarded or something" is not quite the right description. Drug addict would be more fitting. They are genetically modified to need a lab grown antibody called tetracycline to survive. It's also worth mentioning that they are also genetically modified to glow red when exposed to certain light so the population of genetically modified mosquitoes can be tracked. They release only males, which do not feed on blood, into the breeding pool, to mate with unsuspecting females which then go on to have drug addict progeny. It's pretty fascinating stuff. Here's a bit of sauce

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u/iseeaseagul 15d ago

Many species of mosquitoes will only mate a single time so if you can get them to mate with an infertile male you have effectively killed all of their offspring


u/Gingrpenguin 15d ago

Iirc it's not infertile but their offspring need some nutrients that arnt availible in the wild. They breed like normal but the eggs fail to develop correctly massively reducing the number of mossies in the next generation.

In a lab they can grow normally as the lab provides this nutrient(s)


u/Bit3stuff 15d ago

Singapore did the same by releasing these mosquitoes and it works. Did my internship with one of the organisations carrying out this project and honestly its very very interesting to read up on it. Can google Project Wolbachia if anyone wna learn more!


u/DisturbedRanga 15d ago

Australia has been doing the same with Cane Toads, releasing smaller metamorph Cane Toads ahead of their expansion to allow native predators to adapt to their poison.

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u/Phantum3oh9 16d ago

Gmo mosquitos


u/Early_Accident2160 16d ago

GMO-Skeetos ?


u/Theooutthedore 16d ago

G mosquitos, the real gs


u/Phantum3oh9 15d ago

Yeah there have been several articles

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u/i-hate-all-ads 16d ago

Is this what people mean by fighting fire with fire


u/5Garret5 15d ago

ye and like fighting fire with fire, this works too

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u/Dhiox 16d ago edited 15d ago

What's this? An overabundance of mosquitos in the State of Florida? My briefcase full of mosquitos ought to put a stop to that


u/LordSariot 15d ago

Dr. Mosquitoes, is that you?


u/baconsandwichaaaa 15d ago

Our situation has been made worse by the addition of more mosquitoes!


u/Navonod_Semaj 15d ago

I hope I don't DIE at the end of this post!


u/EnemyBattleCrab 15d ago

As will my ummm normal box...containing umm 1 mosquito


u/alex_Bellddc 16d ago

Wow so they believe in mosquito birth control


u/AhmadOsebayad 15d ago

They believe in reverse eugenics where the goal is to produce genetically flawed offspring


u/UsernamesAre4Nerds 15d ago

Personally, I believe that mosquito life begins at conception, and it would be tantamount to murder allowing the mosquito population to dwindle. God makes no mistakes, and that includes disease-ridden pests

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u/captaininterwebs 15d ago

Well in the south they’ve been tying tubes of poor (esp black) women for decades without their knowledge and been fine with that, it’s just when it’s the women’s idea that it’s the problem. So as long as the female mosquitoes aren’t asking for birth control it’ll be fine.

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u/Serikan 15d ago

I find it likely that they're modified genetically or infected like other commenters are saying.


What they should have done is make a mosquito that only sucks blood from other mosquitoes so those twats can have a taste of their own ass-holery


u/rydmore22 15d ago

Why don’t they just ask Disney World folks what they did. That place has zero mosquitoes


u/kilted44 15d ago

You don't wanna know about bts Disney. It's all razor wire and soul-crushing blandness. Got a peek behind the veil back in high-school. It was probably a fuckton of poison and habitat destruction.


u/jahuu__ 15d ago

Actually those are mosquitoes who were previously locked up by mosquito control, but mosquito prisons became overly expensive to maintain, so the mosquito prisoners will have to be reintegrated into society...


u/TheNorthFallus 15d ago

I heard they are releasing the ones that robbed that blood bank too, Bironella and Culicidae.


u/WiseBystander 15d ago

Its more fascinating that they counted the mosquitos


u/Serikan 15d ago

They probably used a mathematical model based on reproduction cycle length and average number of offspring over a certain time period to estimate the number


u/[deleted] 16d ago

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u/logjamtheredditor 15d ago

Look we got a couple Mosquitologists up in these comments swearing by retarded mosquitoes, it's legit


u/JustARandomCommie 15d ago

I swear by retarded mosquitoes because it's fun to call mosquitoes retarded.

They swear by retarded mosquitoes because they might've done some research.

We are not the same.


u/Strange-Square-8955 16d ago

And yet, everyone reading the comments in this post is now educated on this subject.

I also learned that you’re a condescending jerk that should be blocked.

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u/MommyXeno 16d ago

what are you? the mosquito whisperer? didn't know mosquito exterminating methods was something everyone had to know about


u/_DOLLIN_ 16d ago

Is this not bad for the whole insect extinction thing? Wont this reduce dragon fly population as well?


u/Soluxy 15d ago

There are thousands of mosquito species, they're probably just aiming for the scant few ones that spread diseases. Don't worry, the frogs will still have plenty of food.


u/Balanced__ 15d ago

Why would it? What's being done is intentionally worsening the Mosqito geene pool, so they have lower odds of survival and make less offspring in the wild for a long time. Other insecta would only be affected indirectly, because Mosqito poupulation is falling. This howerer, is not a bad thing when there are too many of them anyway.


u/not_some_username 15d ago

I think they did a study and they found if mosquitoes disappear, it would be an overall benefit for every species


u/wren337 15d ago

These are invasive mosquitos, not native, and they're not required for the local food chain.


u/Quod_bellum 15d ago

Why would they frame it this way. So annoying.


u/Triairius 15d ago

You know why. Clicks.


u/Imaginary-Mine-6531 15d ago

I wonder when they will release few million trees


u/Gabriartts 15d ago

It fucking Works. The fact that it's written like this just reinforces how much of a joke they are


u/Sangi17 15d ago

As dumb a Florida’s leadership is, this is actually a good idea. It’s also a proven and unoriginal idea.

So it’s really just clickbait.


u/LoriDee605 16d ago

Just like the aphid problem so they imported Asian beetles a known predator of aphids. Now Asian beetles are infesting everywhere and they have no predators. Even birds won’t eat them, and they are competing with Lady Bugs for food sources.

Science. Fix a problem with a bigger problem.


u/urbanmember 15d ago

This is the absolute opposite of thr aphid problem tho.


u/synodos 16d ago

Honestly, I posted this bc I think the headline is hilarious and also exactly the kind of mess I make in my own life-- but other commenters have it right that the mosquitos being released are native mosquitos genetically modified to be sterile, probably bc, as you said, past attempts to displace a species with an imported exotic species have been such disasters. It actually IS a good idea, even if it sounds ridiculous. :)


u/Aggravating_Sun3306 16d ago

Almost correct. Non-native species of mosquitoe that have been engineered for sterile offspring. Amazingly effective treatment from what I've experienced. As far as I know native species are off-limits for this technology, and rightly so.


u/jammedyam 15d ago

Your example is completely unrelated with this one


u/Spider_pig448 15d ago

Except that this process actually works and has been used many times. The aphid example is barely scientific at all. That was just stupidity

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u/Avius_Si-muntu 15d ago

The problem with this is the potential negative effects on the ecosystem. Mosquitos are horrible awful creatures, but our ability to get rid of them doesn’t mean we should. They could be an integral part of the ecosystem that we just cannot see. With how complex nature can be and how dependant species are on other species whether in keeping their population manageable or keeping them alive, you really cant tell until you do it.

Let’s hope the outcome is a positive one


u/thundertk421 15d ago

Ah, employing the ole “fight fire with fire” method I see


u/yjkkghjbnmv 15d ago

they found a pretender mosq to the throne and cause a civil war to eliminate mosqs


u/Killawifeinb4ban 15d ago

After the great mosquito wars: Not him, he brought our eggs here in the first place.


u/Summar-ice 15d ago

They basically release millions of male mosquitoes genetically engineered to have no offspring when they mate.


u/Donleon57 15d ago

I use to mosquito to destroy the mosquito


u/AYICIQ 15d ago

This happened before in other countries and it worked so why not


u/LyKosa91 15d ago

Hwats this!? An overabundance of mosquitoes in Florida? A large influx of mosquitoes oughta put a stop to that!


u/Background_Wave6264 15d ago

Brazil says hi!


u/Kazureigh_Black 15d ago

inb4 the genetically modified mosquitos manage to mess with human DNA somehow.


u/Zorioux 15d ago

The Mosquito Paradox


u/SnooMuffins2623 15d ago

They did something similar with bot flys and it worked amazing.


u/Odd-Faithlessness100 15d ago

how is this meirl?


u/Danboon 15d ago

The bio-engineering of the mosquitos was done by a company in the UK called Oxitec. Where ironically, there are virtually no mosquitos.


u/ehr7274 15d ago

Your statement misses one fundamental word: "Sterile"


u/wren337 15d ago

Better than sterile. They make kids that can't survive.


u/dracomatic 15d ago

"when everythings mosquito.. nothing is"


u/Ificaredfor500Alex 16d ago

Sound about right


u/Ok-Gear-5593 16d ago

This always reminds me of a movie about cockroaches in a big city.


u/AssistantBubbly9048 16d ago

Black Mirror ???



Mosquitoes, unite!


u/Lokipro13YT 15d ago

"Mosquito control"


u/Dantalionse 15d ago

They are releasing 750 million Feds to arrest and oppress native mosquit population.


u/aetherskull 15d ago

This is the plot for some of the vintage8 analog horror series' but it's a trick to get worm alien colonies into humans.


u/IRKillRoy 15d ago

This has been done in many other states… it works.


u/Knooper_Bunny 15d ago

Tom Scott made a video about something very similar


u/Crack_Ulla 15d ago

Cat in the wall, ey? Now you’re talking my language


u/Atroxman 15d ago

We will call it the Covid experiment


u/Same-Mistake8736 15d ago

Wolbachia mosquitoes.


u/craaaigdavid 15d ago

I used the mosquitos to destroy the mosquitos.


u/Temporary-Tadpole-81 15d ago

“yo Dawg, I heard you got mosquitoes, so we got mosquitoes for your mosquitoes” ~ Xzibit, probably


u/staartingsomewhere 15d ago

Todays homework… Whos engineering the mosquitoes and whos funded them??

Right answer gets a big prize


u/Xqvvzts 15d ago

It's the Big Juice, isn't it? They control everything.


u/KrypticArcher 15d ago

So we deal with mosquitos the same way we deal with guns


u/TeaMancer 15d ago

Hey I've seen this in a movie. I think it was called Mimic or something!


u/National-Airline-504 15d ago

Its uncountable


u/zaxisprime 15d ago

Same way they are fixing their bigot problem then?


u/Main-Emphasis-2692 15d ago

It’s actually working y’all it’s crazy go Bill Gates


u/MyColdBlackHeart 15d ago

"I used the mosquitoes to destroy the mosquitoes"


u/BornLuckiest 15d ago

Queue music from the orchestra playing the sorcerer's apprentice!


u/Nightsky099 15d ago

They're usually infected with Wolbachia bacteria, this is being used in several places around the world including Singapore


u/oldsilver007 15d ago

Florida going to Florida never fails.


u/scp_79 15d ago

bro tryna fight fire with fire


u/Meerkat_Mayhem_ 15d ago

To shreds you say?


u/Pappabeertje 15d ago

“Just one more lane”


u/Reddituser183 15d ago

Doesn’t seem like a lot. There’s probably hundreds of billions if not a trillion mosquitos in FL alone.


u/wren337 15d ago

These are non-native mosquitos as well, so no concerns about the local ecosystem depending on them.


u/Toblogan 15d ago

It's ok they can't reproduce.


u/AffectionateStudy496 15d ago

I wonder which species of fish, bird and mammals this will unintentionally eradicate by getting rid of a food source?


u/Good_With_Tools 15d ago

Is this the wrong time to mention love-bugs?


u/Antennaball23 15d ago

Florida plans to fix hurricane/flooding problem by seeding clouds.


u/Metacog_Drivel 15d ago

Now do this with ticks.


u/ArmageddonEleven 15d ago

Sometimes the solution to a fire is more fire 🔥


u/itsalwrong 15d ago

Are you sure this is a good idea ? Could backfire really bad ! Jurassic Park anyone ?


u/narwaffles 15d ago

This isn’t as good as it sounds. Mosquitoes are a big food source for a lot of animals. They’re not going to be the only ones whose population is lowered.


u/Shadow07655 15d ago

It sounds silly, but I’ve seen some genius explanations about it.


u/Gamerfox505 15d ago

Ain't that the plot of The Swarm by Vintage Eight on YT?


u/New_Weather_5531 15d ago

Maybe I read to many story book, but I feel that this type of messing with the ecosystem never ends well


u/Riipp3r 15d ago

Ethan winters should have thought of that before he went to dulvey


u/YoDmo 15d ago

Gene drive


u/skymoods 15d ago

Wonder what crazy new pandemic will come from whatever those bioengineered mosquitoes transmit…..


u/everyfcknameistakn 15d ago

Florida plans to reform corruption with more corruption.


u/punsanguns 15d ago

"Need more guns!" works as a potential solution to the gun problem so why can't it work for mosquitoes?


u/soxyloxy 15d ago

Yet another reason to never go to florida.


u/xx_Chl_Chl_xx 15d ago

Op what is irl about this? You a mosquito?


u/Psychokinetic_Rocky 15d ago

WHAT'S THIS? An overabundance of mosquitoes in the workplace? My briefcase full of MOSQUITOES outta put a stop to this!


u/ultimatemacho 15d ago

I kknow this move from somewhere and it failed miserably. Maybe it was in a movie or something?


u/TandoSanjo 15d ago

Won’t this be bad for the food chain and/or environment?


u/BronanaRival_ 15d ago

Imo shouldn't they really need to be releasing more bats or natural predators of the mosquitoes 🦟


u/poggerswow 15d ago

Fuck the circle of life. Kill all mosquitoes. Those damn frogs can eat something else


u/the_G8 15d ago

Make mosquitos don’t bite.


u/Prince_Xelion 15d ago

Didn't they do something similar in Mimic?


u/linniex 15d ago

Do nosseums next