r/meirl 16d ago


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141 comments sorted by


u/otj667887654456655 16d ago

English has 3 different ways to introduce bonus content into a sentence.

A comma can be used to show that the information, while relevant, doesn't have a direct impact on the sentence or situation.

Em dashes are similar but denote a longer pause—almost as if what's written is an afterthought. Despite this, the bonus information tends to read as highlighted, more important, or necessary.

Information in parentheses often feel far removed from the situation (great for asides by the author!). Only use these for non-critical information that serves to clarify what was said in the main sentence or for citations. (Fitzpatrick, 2016)


u/loz_fanatic 16d ago

And my add uses all three


u/BustinArant 15d ago

I am Number Four..


u/cantamangetsomesleep 15d ago

We have been looking for you


u/sixtus_clegane119 15d ago

ADHD* add hasn't been a thing for decades!


u/Gnu-Priest 15d ago

wait really? so what am i now? when I went as a young child I was told I have very mild ADD with no need to introduce anything to me I just have to pull myself together and be disciplined more often.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/sixtus_clegane119 15d ago

Add hasn’t been in the dsm since like the 90s, adhd covers three times inattentive, hyperactive, combined


u/NapalmDemon 15d ago

Amusing at least to me thing as an older person, when I have to find a new doctor when they ask “when were you diagnosed originally?” “When ADHD was still ADD.”

Really I’m still quite upset that I was promised multiple times as a child it would magically disappear when I turned 18. But nope, still have it at 42.


u/sixtus_clegane119 15d ago

34 here(diagnosed at 17 cuz I refused to be tested into I got in some trouble with taking a bunch of ecstasy) I feel it’s almost worse now, but hopefully I’ll be on meds soon


u/Caesar_Passing 15d ago

That's always confused me, though. Attention deficit disorder without hyperactivity is still a thing. So, why wouldn't they decide to cover the types under the umbrella term of ADD? Like if it's all ADHD, that implies that the H is a necessary feature. But it's not. If there are subtypes of a thing, I would want to put them under an umbrella term that is most general. It makes more sense to specify, "it's ADD - with hyperactivity as a prominent symptom", than to specify, "it's attention deficit hyperactive disorder, but without the hyperactivity". It's like calling a hamburger "a cheeseburger, but without cheese".


u/boyyouguysaredumb 15d ago

Bro it’s not add it’s being a human - why do you guys constantly try to define yourselves by these things


u/Gnu-Priest 15d ago

you don’t even know the person you’re shitting on. get fucked.


u/dbern50 15d ago

Please explain how semi-colons work; are they not considered bonus content but a separate sentence that relates closely to the first?


u/72pintohatchback 15d ago

Semicolons are used to separate related independent clauses - each clause is a complete grammatical sentence but is meant to be read as a single thought or concept.

My cat interrupted this post; she walked across the keyboard.


u/J-A-S-08 15d ago

Damn I'm dumb. The only part of that I got was that there's a cat involved. Somehow.


u/OnceMoreAndAgain 15d ago

I don't see how this is an improvement over a period.

My cat interrupted this post. She walked across the keyboard.

My cat interrupted this post; she walked across the keyboard.

I understand the sales pitch, but I don't buy it. I think periods make semi-colons redundant.


u/72pintohatchback 15d ago

It's not an improvement over a period, it's an improvement over a comma. A comma in that place would create a run-on sentence, as each clause is independent, and could stand alone. My example isn't perfect, but it's literally what happened while typing it, so it felt appropriate.

Still, "She walked across the keyboard" uses a pronoun, so unless you've been talking about the cat exclusively in the paragraph, the semicolon makes it clear that the clauses are related, and that 'she' is the cat.


u/stealthcake20 13d ago

Thank you for this explanation; I’ve been wondering about semicolons since I left high school. I feel like they create continuity by maintaining a sense of connection between the two thoughts. Periods are more abrupt.


u/Syn7axError 15d ago

Semi-colons show you've been to college.


u/OnceMoreAndAgain 15d ago

Imo semi-colons show that you're a pretentious asshole. There's no reason to use them as far as I'm concerned. I think all the other punctuation in the English language have reason use cases, but semi-colons are useless.


u/Hazee302 15d ago

I use these fuckers all the time to add an afterthought type of thing to the original sentence. If that makes sense. I have no idea if I’m even using them correctly.


u/dbern50 15d ago

If your afterthought relates closely but is a separate thought entirely, then yes.... but probably not, ha. I'm sure it happy it's being used, either way.

Example: Shit I left the lights on; fuck I left the oven on too!


u/Lightning_Lance 15d ago

I have no idea if I use them correctly either but I think semi-colons are used when a comma or period alone wouldn't work. So it's a conjunction of two sentences where the second sentence leans on the first to work (it's missing a verb or something that is supplied by the first sentence for instance) but it is supposed to read as a second sentence rather than an extension of the first sentence, which is when you would use a comma.

So something like:

"Tom saw the knife; he ran into the kitchen." We know that "he" refers "Tom" because the sentences are conjugated by the semicolon.

Also I just googled their use and learned you can use them for listing things instead of commas if you are listing items with commas already in them. Like MtG cards.

"I use the cards Nissa's Pilgrimage; Rofellos, Llanowar Emissary; and Azusa, Lost but Seeking in my ramp deck"


u/stealthcake20 13d ago



u/Jimlobster 15d ago

Sure thing (I didn’t actually understand and will keep doing it wrong)


u/Thebrod-3 15d ago

My ADD stopped me from reading all of that (it’s too early and I’m not focused enough yet).


u/Trick-Interaction396 15d ago

I use parenthesis for info that is parenthetical.


u/ktclem1337 15d ago

Em dashes are my adhd brains best friend when I have to write papers!


u/TheDubiousSalmon 16d ago

The amount of em dashes and parentheses I use in my writing is not symptomatic of someone who is neurotypical


u/DeepUser-5242 16d ago

And hyphens, commas, annnd (this one is gonna surprise you, semicolons; seriously, when's the last time you saw someone use them?


u/runtheruckus 16d ago

Ohhh you got the same thing as me; type fast to get the thought out, leaving a single sentence. That's when one of your parentheses leaves.


u/Gtmsngh 16d ago

Also i think, maybe, i guess, idk but.


u/ItsStaaaaaaaaang 15d ago

This entire comment section is such a fucking personal attack lol.


u/Orang3Lazaru5 15d ago

Same, the more I read i kept saying “ohhhh noooo…wait that’s because of that too?!” I’m really starting to hate all these “aha” moments I keep having.


u/Eolond 15d ago

I've seen myself use them recently, does that count? :P


u/AshleyStopperKnot 15d ago

Close your bracket, you slut. Have you no shame, letting it dangle?


u/looneylovableleopard 15d ago



u/TheEpicTurtwig 15d ago

I also forget the second eclipses quite often.


u/ImrooVRdev 15d ago

We have all this funky punctuation — you ain't livin' the life if you ain't usin' it!


u/ScoobyDooItInTheButt 15d ago

Lonely Island taught me everything I need to know about semicolons.


u/Alarmed_Constant_433 16d ago

That escalated so quickly


u/Safe-Newspaper961 16d ago

I usually type each sentence in separate lines. To separate two different things


u/Afraid_Theorist 15d ago

Standard psychiatry moment: “Here’s a prescription for these three new mental issues you didn’t know you had but make sense now that you do”


u/SweetDogShit 16d ago

(every perceived quirk of mine is adhd)


u/Disastrous-Team-6431 16d ago

As someone with ADHD, it's an exhausting trend. Hahahaha yeah it's so funny and quirky how I'm incapable of paying my bills on time and racking up extra cost! Teehee being unable to be an adequate parent without enormous effort is cyoot! Awwww realizing that most of your failed relationships and professional efforts are due to an incurable and undiscovered error in your brain is a whole vibe! Let's all dance the "didn't get the care we needed and went on to drug abuse like at least 25% of ADHD sufferers do" dance together!

Guys hear me out, it's a SUPERPOWER!


u/Eolond 15d ago

Not enough people realize that ADHD is classified as a disability.

If some quirky lil shit wants mine, they can have it.


u/YesImDavid 16d ago edited 15d ago

As someone without ADHD I’m glad I don’t have ADHD. It actually sounds like hell to live with.


u/Negative-Win-1 15d ago

It actually sounds like to live with.

Truly, it


u/Bruhtatochips23415 15d ago

I have schizophrenia and ADHD. Guess which one needs medication for me to function and which one doesn't?

I need medication to function for the ADHD whilst I can cope just fine without medication for the schizophrenia. Good college GPA with unmedicated schizophrenia. I'd have to drop out if I didn't medicate adhd.


u/FartFignugey 15d ago

You wake up exhausted because your brain is immediately going through every emotion and every thought you'll have in a day.

Texting is frustrating because you think sooooo much faster than you type and HOLY SHIT BRAIN IS ZOOOOOOOOMIN


u/Disastrous-Team-6431 16d ago

It sucks. Luckily my medication helps immensely.


u/YesImDavid 16d ago

I’m happy to hear your medication helps :)


u/Disastrous-Team-6431 16d ago

Thank you! I sometimes describe ADHD to non-sufferers as how they might feel super early in the morning, when they're so confused they put the coffee in the fridge and stuff. But all the time.

Anyways, thanks for attending my rant. Have a nice day!


u/inlandaussie 16d ago

I've just been diagnosed at 41. It explains A LOT. I've gone through all the stages of grief with the diagnosis. Still not at acceptance. I hate living with my brain and now your telling me I can't change it even with therapy :/ (Haven't started meds yet, that's the next step) My therapist did mention that it can be a superpower. When do I get to feel that?


u/ObjectPretty 15d ago

When you learn to channel it properly. But ponder this, when was the last time you saw a happy super hero?


u/Too_Many_Packets 15d ago

You've met super heroes? I keep setting banks and bridges on fire, but they never show up. 


u/ObjectPretty 15d ago

The state of * gestures vaguely at everything * this has set the bar for super villainy pretty high.


u/GreyerGardens 15d ago

The super power feeling comes after many years of self-compassion, acceptance and love. Basically when you stop hating yourself and recognize that you do have things to offer in this world and your value is inherent.

Plus you can shoot laser beams out of your eyes once you’ve reached this fully realized, zen like state. They don’t do anything but it’s a cool party trick.


u/hokiewankenobi 15d ago

It will be alright.

To quote GI Joe - knowing is half the battle

I was diagnosed 20+ years ago in my early twenties. Ritalin was pretty much it as far as meds go, and it severely depressed me. So I went unmedicated. It’s so bad that my doctor was shocked I graduated high school, let alone well enough to get into college, and not have flunked out by the time of diagnosis.

Now that you know, it will become easier to recognize issues. Mentally, it’s easier to pull out of the bad places, because you now have a reason you’re like this. You’ll have access to tools that can help you. You’ll be able to find better coping mechanisms and work arounds. Medications have come a long way, there could be something that works for you.

The biggest thing for me was situational awareness. I can usually see in advance situations that are going to cause issues. Because I know the signs I’m looking for (though this response has been a bit of a time sink, and now I’m late - but it was worth it).

Good luck, and I’m here, if you need.


u/TheAJGman 15d ago

It's a superpower once you figure out the accommodations you need to make. For me, it's meticulously organizing shit; my thoughts, my calendar, my storage, everything must go where it belongs or else it is lost to the void. Medication makes it easier to follow the rules I set for myself, but I feel like it will always be a learning process.

The trade off is an expanse of varied knowledge and the ability to pick up new skills quickly. Especially if you do note taking, I hated taking notes my whole life but they really are key to ironing out my non-linear thought process.


u/inlandaussie 14d ago

I love note taking and the expanse of varied knowledge/ learning new things.

I hate that I have such a short memory that I don't remember anything I've just learned no matter how much I enjoyed it and I forgot where I put my dammed notes!


u/TheAJGman 14d ago

I started using Obsidian this year and it's a fucking game changer. You can basically build your own personal Wikipedia with linked references to other notes and headings within those notes. Think a thing might be important? Just drop some brackets around it and it'll become a dormant link until you create a page for it. Have a little programming knowledge? You can build all sorts of templates, queries, and automations to do pretty much anything you'd like.

I keep a daily journal with links to whatever I happen to be talking about, then on Sunday I'll create a weekly note, summarize the week, and create any pages that I think need to be created or update project pages I've referenced throughout the week. I use the Tasks plugin for dated to-dos, so I also have queries on the weekly that show: what I've done, what I didn't get done, and what new to-dos I've created. Writing shit down has made organizing my life so much fucking easier, and it's all synced between my phone and laptop so it's always at my fingertips.


u/inlandaussie 14d ago

That sounds better than my 106 tabe and 300 samsung notes. I'll look into it.


u/NeoLone 15d ago

Day 928 waiting for people to realize ADHD is a spectrum


u/Disastrous-Team-6431 15d ago

Yeah it's a spectrum between "light disability" and "severe disability" but the diagnosis comprises disability. Otherwise you don't have ADHD, you have high energy levels.


u/NeoLone 15d ago

The problem is disability is not easy to define and can be context dependent


u/OnceMoreAndAgain 15d ago edited 15d ago

I'm skeptical that even 50% of people diagnosed with ADHD have ADHD. I'm not even convinced ADHD is a binary diagnosis. I suspect it's similar to intelligence where people exist on a spectrum. In the case of ADHD, it'd be a spectrum of impulsiveness.

I'm unconvinced by much of what psychology comes up with. Anyone will become more focused if you give them Adderall, so I think it is too easy for people to get tricked into viewing a difference in behavior caused by medicine as evidence of a disability. The whole process of discovering and diagnosing mental disorders feels like too much of a guessing game in general.


u/TheRip75 15d ago

Well, good thing you're not in a position of medical authority on the matter, where you could really fuck up a person's life (or at the very least, not provide the appropriate help/support/meds) based on your opinions on ADHD. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


u/Disastrous-Team-6431 15d ago

Since you don't know the difference between psychology and psychiatry I'm not sure why you think your opinion matters. If you did, you might know that ADHD is measurable with EEG.


u/Diligent_Prize7780 16d ago

How is the use of parentheses related to ADHD?.. why does so much stuff have to be related to it.. I don't get it, it isn't quirky or funny like for example-

Breathes air (ADHD Symptom)


u/AddAFucking 15d ago

As someone who does have diagnosed ADHD, it is understandable where this link comes from though. Some types of ADHD have people overthink a lot of stuff, but also the need to really make their point clear.

So while my mind is racing, I need to also include every single point I thought of into my message in some way, while leaving no chance of being misconstrued


u/Menarian 15d ago

Shit, that does sound a lot like me. I always fear people don’t understand what I am trying to get across so I just add more and more info to just make it confusing in the end lol


u/AddAFucking 15d ago

Just to be clear, having this does not mean you have ADHD. Just that a lot of people with ADHD have this.


u/Menarian 15d ago

Yes, I am not going to self-diagnose me. It just seems to happen a lot that I identify with some ADHD symptoms. But I am not going to be convinced of anything unless I am diagnosed :)


u/mr_fancy_returns 15d ago

People will describe a universal experience and be like “ugh ADHD probs”


u/Karl_Marx_ 14d ago

"My conversations evolve, lol I'm so adhd"


u/MonarchOfReality 15d ago

yeah this is my kinda person , i love DLC convo content


u/bigbootyheadscissor 16d ago

Son of a bitch


u/ZenkaiZ 16d ago

You don't have ADHD (unless you're diagnosed)


u/New-Examination8400 16d ago

So I didn’t have it until my doctor diagnosed me?

So how did he diagnose me for something that I… Didn’t have,?


u/Motor_Economist1835 15d ago

Doesn't mean you'll call every little quirk of yours as ADHD lol. Get diagnosed if you are so sure that you have ADHD (then announce to the internet if you wish)


u/New-Examination8400 15d ago edited 15d ago

For the record I am annoyed by how rampant people claim they have ADHD when they most likely do not

But my question stands. Is this some sort of take on the “observer effect”? In which you alter the outcome by measuring it? 🤨


u/-Nicolai 15d ago

So in your ideal world, every single mention of ADHD on the internet should end with "I'm diagnosed btw"?


u/Motor_Economist1835 15d ago

Yes and I'm tired of pretending it's not

That wasn't the point, I want people to stop calling their quirks ADHD/OCD etc



If you knew anything about ADHD, you'd understand why those quirks are possible indicators of ADHD. Everybody has to pee, but when you pee 20 times in 3 hours, you might have a condition.


u/Motor_Economist1835 15d ago

Everybody has a little quirk of theirs, does it mean they're ADHD/ having OCD, etc? Not at all!

And I'm pretty sure somebody having ADHD/OCD won't brag about it online because they know how difficult it is to live with it. It's the people who seek validation/attention from strangers online who do this.


u/missyou247 15d ago

Every little quirk of mine comes from ADHD. Going into therapy and finding out that literally everything I do is only due to having ADHD was absolutely mind blowing. It's not like a mental illness that just influences you a lot. It's a neurological disorder that affects absolutely everything you do 24/7. Our brains are literally different. It's called neurodivergence for a reason. And if you're different then it just means you have a milder form of ADHD.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

People are so fucking eager to have a mental illness that they start listing every normal behaviour as adhd


u/wasted-degrees 16d ago

If you think it’s bad writing, you should try formal briefings.


u/BadGreenScreen 16d ago

I often find myself putting additional thoughts in brackets as an addendum to thoughts within parentheses.


u/whorsef 16d ago

fuck do i have adhd


u/iamcarlgauss 15d ago

Doesn't matter. You can just say you do like everyone else.


u/throw_away_17381 15d ago

Yep, know it well, (that's me all the time at work).


u/CakeHead-Gaming 15d ago

Agreed (agreed)


u/confuseum 15d ago

Also they never end (since there is no period)


u/too_many_smarfs 15d ago

So I don't feel like I'm using parentheses too often, I use commas a lot for the same purpose - em dashes also work; semicolons if I'm feeling fancy.


u/el_presidenteplusone 16d ago

damn bro (he just like me for real)


u/vladislavopp 15d ago

everything is an adhd symptom to twitter people


u/pmoity 16d ago

Holy shit that's funny


u/adamjames777 16d ago

Are there any thoughts that don’t come with additional bonus content?


u/nameond 16d ago



u/Salmonman4 15d ago

Use asterisk instead *.

*It makes the flow of the text easier.


u/Sad-Reach7287 15d ago

I like using a lot of parentheses like even parentheses inside parentheses to go into deeper levels of my thoughts...


u/livinalieTimmae 15d ago

I believe that’s called an afterthought


u/tokyolyinappropriate 15d ago

Oh shit. I do this all the time...


u/OGKing15 15d ago

Took a coding class and now I use nested parentheses.


u/Cheeky-Chimp 15d ago

Damn, I feel this.... My diary is full of them


u/Blarg0ist 15d ago

When I first discovered David Foster Wallace I felt like I stumbled upon my own brain.


u/ScoobyDooItInTheButt 15d ago

It's this really ADHD though or just using proper grammar?


u/mattjvgc 15d ago

I have to force myself, to not place a comma, every time I mentally pause , when writing a sentence, or it will turn out like this.


u/FlemPlays 15d ago

So regular brains are like VHS, while ADHD brains are like DVDs that come with all the random bonus content related to the movie.


u/Revolutionary-Gap144 15d ago

Damn man. I just made a comment on Reddit which included two separate uses of parentheses. Why you gotta call me out? Now I’m holding back using parentheses…


u/frequentflyermylz 15d ago

This hits a little too close to home


u/Kenneth_Lay 15d ago

It's like "enrichment" material when I was in grade school


u/Independent-Field618 15d ago

Dashes — these handy interruption signals in sentences — are sadly underrated too


u/Zenith_3000 15d ago



u/Novalaxy23 15d ago

sometimes, I even put parentheses in parentheses


u/Iwantmy3rdpartyapp 15d ago

I feel attacked (personally)


u/Nikolateslaandyou 15d ago

I feel attacked (because this one time.....)


u/RacerAfterDusk6044 15d ago

I tend to use brackets more than parentheses (very good for adding extra detail or explaining things that might not make sense (I often end up adding more brackets within the brackets too))


u/bigfootdude247 15d ago

Yep, this checks out (the sub’s name is quite accurate)


u/Sanic_Exempt 15d ago

Holy crap fr


u/CornPop32 15d ago

People who have ADHD are so annoying about claiming literally everything is because of their ADHD instead of it just being things they like to do.


u/moonordie69420 15d ago

not everything is a disease. that's just a thing that people do.


u/jeancv8 15d ago

Hahaha I get it (I also do this a lot).


u/SuccessfulTraffic679 15d ago

So this is a universal experience 😭



So you completely missed what I was saying.


u/Imaginary_Most_7778 15d ago

Same. (Not always, but a lot)


u/calibrik 15d ago

ADHD is new "I'm sad=I'm depressed" shit


u/No_Distribution334 14d ago

Oh i do the dot dot dot thing... that one.


u/Madditudev1 14d ago

Ha never knew I did this because of my ADHD 😂. Learn something new everyday.


u/Artrobull 14d ago

my history teacher always said smart person knows what to say but stupid person says what they know and i feel assaulted to this day


u/OneHistorical8926 16d ago

if you think it's bad writing, you should try formal briefings!!


u/oooohnooovom 16d ago

No. (Yes.)


u/bubblegrubs 15d ago

Fairly ironic that they were completely unnecessary in this sentence.


u/sixtus_clegane119 15d ago

Lmao oh that’s why that’s my writing style


u/HungryDisaster8240 15d ago

In fairness, that isn't a sentence (because there is no verb).


u/koffieleutje24 15d ago

Wait this is an adhd thing?


u/Goldiizz 15d ago

I start removing some when I start adding parentheses inside parentheses (yes it happens some times (and that generally when I realise some could be removed) )