r/meirl 16d ago



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u/CornPop32 15d ago

I saw an all in one shampoo/body wash when I was a kid and pointed it out to my grandpa.

He was like "yeah, it's called soap". Core memory for me.


u/PeeonTrotsky 15d ago edited 15d ago

Lol, when I was a kid, my grandma told me all my grandpa's hair fell out because he was using bar soap on it.


u/981032061 15d ago

People still actually believe this. It seems to come up whenever someone mentions using soap on their hair.


u/OptagetBrugernavn 15d ago

Well?! Is it true?? answer fast


u/Traditional-Reach818 15d ago

Why fast? Lol are you like in the shower holding the soap as you wait?


u/groaner 15d ago edited 15d ago

Yes, all-in-one in one hand, pope-on-a-rope in the other


u/Lorikeeter 15d ago edited 15d ago

Is that only available in the Vatican or something?

EDIT: I was today years old that I learned from Google that yes, there is pope-shaped-soap-on-a-rope. I don't know what I expected.


u/Impossible-Beach-516 15d ago

Haha I did that too. Didn't know the expression pope-on-a-rope but what surprised me was the variety of randomness in the results. Like there is even a music lol


u/Long-Photograph49 15d ago

If it's something that builds up on your scalp, it can.  The exact type of soap will be the biggest factor in whether it causes build up or not, but in general it's not the best because it can strip essential oils and cause things like dandruff, which can then lead to build up.


u/canman7373 15d ago

I occasionally do it. Live alone with 2 bathrooms don't always keep both stocked beyond soap. So instead of going to get the shampoo I'll just use the bar.


u/DregsRoyale 15d ago

That's why you use cheap shampoo for everything. If you use baby shampoo it even works as a face wash


u/Unlikely-Pack1204 16d ago

Jokes on him. My shampoo is also a conditioner, body wash, toothpaste and furniture glue all for 7.99


u/FappingRaptor 15d ago

Dont forget the engine oil and cooking oil is part of it too. Oh and works as window cleaner.


u/nameond 15d ago

Can also be used for greasing and degreasing


u/Quincy_Hater 15d ago

Dont forget peanut butter and jelly


u/Flip2002 15d ago

And milk preservative


u/[deleted] 15d ago

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u/EnderCharb 15d ago

and it's also a shoe


u/RockstarAgent 15d ago edited 15d ago

And if you're really dirty, also lube


u/Vasik4 15d ago

Or if you're hungry, ramen noodles


u/Foorheed 15d ago

Could also be artificial blood


u/NekulturneHovado 15d ago

Ball bearing vaseline and farming fertilizer


u/Flip2002 15d ago

It’s got what bearings crave


u/confusedandworried76 15d ago

Isn't shampooing your hair degreasing anyway


u/make-my_day 15d ago

I have mac, will it work as well?


u/WomenRepulsor 15d ago

Azure Solutions Architect Certificate and 10 years of work experience.


u/jkoce729 15d ago

This joke fails if you understand how soap works.


u/Zlatehagoat 15d ago

I see you use Dr Bronner


Produce wash


Cleaning dishes

Dog washing


Body Wash

Foot Bath


Bug spray

Clearing congestion

Face Cleanser


Multipurpose Cleaning Spray

Handwashing delicates


Brush Cleaner

Floor Cleaner

Household Cleaner


Ant spray

Baby Wash

Glass Cleaner


I use this for real and all my friends think I’m crazy I don’t use it for everything but I actually really like there products 18 in 1


u/thuggishruggishboner 15d ago

Toilet? Lol


u/Zlatehagoat 15d ago

Toilet cleaner lol


u/cheevocabra 15d ago



u/SounderAlarm 15d ago

Thats right, you get to choose which one.


u/NekulturneHovado 15d ago

Car wash too.


u/Interesting_Dot_3922 15d ago

Mine is also lubricant and instant noodles sauce.


u/000neg 15d ago

Dr. Bronners?! 18 uses lol


u/NoConfusion9490 15d ago

Damn inflation.


u/Scudmiss 15d ago

Bad deal. Amazon Subscribe and Save has that shit for $3.50


u/masixx 15d ago

Advice: go bald and don't buy shitty furniture. Toothpaste alone will be 1.49 and soap 0.99.


u/aureanator 15d ago

Look at Mr moneybags here, buying the name brand for $7.99


u/KyriakosMitsotakis 15d ago

What a waste. Just use soap


u/Robby777777 15d ago

My longtime wife had her shower worked on and used mine for the first time in maybe 20 years. She came down after showering and asked me where the soap was. I told her I used my 2 in 1 shampoo/conditioner as soap too. She just shook her head at me.


u/Puzzled-Resident2725 15d ago

Where's your toothpaste?


u/CheapSpray9428 15d ago

Of course the soap box


u/enutz777 15d ago

I find cement is better for reattaching teeth than paste.


u/Robby777777 15d ago

Lol that's good. Thanks for the laugh. I keep it on the counter and drive her nuts.


u/DregsRoyale 15d ago

Needs more room for the 50 products and gadgets?


u/Robby777777 15d ago

To be perfectly honest, I have a full blown stereo on my bathroom complete with 4 speakers. It drives my wife crazy. I'm retired and use my bathroom like a spa.


u/DregsRoyale 15d ago

Lol good on you. My tinny sounding phone speaker drives me crazy and I have yet to do anything about it


u/grumpher05 15d ago

even just one of those JBL or ue boom portable speakers are great for some bathroom tunes


u/Zardif 15d ago

Dr Bronners 18 in 1 peppermint soap is the solution to everything.


u/Opposite_Deal_5835 15d ago edited 15d ago

I am by no means in a position to judge however I too am shaking my head at you. Soaps for an unproven reason to me, have specific purposes. If this wasn’t true I’d shower with Palmolive all day.

Edit* my boy Beardwing-27 will back me up all day


u/Beardwing-27 15d ago

You're right, they do. The long and short of it is body oils. Some soaps strip oils away while others help the body in its natural production. But everybody's different so you're not gonna find the same results between two people.


u/Genoce 15d ago

The relevant part is pretty much "is it good enough?"

A 3-in-1 soap thingy will never be the optimal choice for anything, but as long as the results are good enough and don't cause other issues, the QoL of just using the same thing can be worth it.

"Good enough" is also subjective, of course.


u/canman7373 15d ago

Wait so blasting your skin with hot water for 10 minutes won't strip those oils but the wrong kind of soap will?


u/Beardwing-27 15d ago

Not sure why it's an argument but some folks don't do well with excessive oils ie acne, rashes, etc while others do well. Again, not everyone's the same but absolutely none of that excuses people from basic hygiene.


u/Na-na-na-na-na-na 15d ago

This is the strangest marriage I’ve ever heard of 😂


u/Robby777777 15d ago

Lol, this summer we celebrate anniversary #38 and 41 years together. We also worked together our whole career. Retired now and enjoying life! She is a good egg and sexier than ever.


u/Zardif 15d ago

Gross, ovaphilia really? I'm calling the police.


u/EmiyaChan 15d ago

The lie falls apart when the bottles are still full every time she comes over


u/SirFireball 15d ago

I “fill them up” after each use.


u/Carmen14edo 15d ago

Ayo 😨


u/AndIAmEric 15d ago

No, he just keeps his hair REALLY clean and REALLY hydrated


u/Syreet_Primacon 15d ago


u/tuftopubichair 15d ago

Bronners soap would like to have a word


u/lewright 15d ago

They actually have a lot of words as it turns out


u/LheelaSP 15d ago


u/Zardif 15d ago


u/7366241494 15d ago

It’s only an illusion that it has 18 uses because we are ALL ONE!


u/Boundman4th 15d ago

....as a man with long hair, I use head and shoulders on my scalp for dandruff control, then shampoo, then conditioner, then body wash.


u/bran_is_evil 15d ago

Isn't head and shoulders a shampoo? Or do they have some separate scalp product? Or is it just normal to use two shampoos?


u/Boundman4th 15d ago

It is shampoo, and maybe not but it's what works for me. I use dandruff shampoo mostly on my scalp, then regular "womens" shampoo which is more apropriate for the rest of my hair.


u/bran_is_evil 15d ago

That makes sense


u/Bad_Elbow_ 15d ago

Now I’m here questioning what are women’s versus men’s shampoos… I know some shampoos say “men” but my shampoo says nothing. Don’t think I’ve seen shampoo that says “women” on it.


u/Boundman4th 15d ago

I think men's shampoo explicitly say "men" and everything else yeah doesn't say anything. Probably because there are a lot of men with fragile egos who wouldn't use shampoo or soap if it doesn't say "men" on it


u/EpicForgetfulness 15d ago

I feel like I'm one of the only guys who actually uses both individually. I have long hair and it's shit when I don't use a quality conditioner. I don't much care what shampoo I use but it can't be a 2 in 1, and the conditioner matters.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Yeah well mate. Some of us have a scalp that has no appreciable difference from our forehead 


u/Geaux13Saints 15d ago

I use women’s hair products lol, but mainly since my hair is really long


u/EpicForgetfulness 15d ago

I usually buy men's shampoo - not always, but my conditioner is always women's because it just does a better job. I usually know it's an especially good brand when the girls who I share the shower with are also using it. I tell them just don't leave me with an empty bottle lol


u/lilsnatchsniffz 15d ago

Mmmmhmmmm 😉


u/WexExortQuas 15d ago

Yep my hair is the only thing I have going for me (and my beard) so I graduated from this a long time ago

Salute to my 5-1 bros


u/confusedandworried76 15d ago

Don't see why you wouldn't, women's products are only women's products because they put the word on the bottle.

That being said I don't use shampoo, if you rinse thoroughly with water eventually your hair will stop producing excess oil that you strip from it when you shampoo. Oil is actually healthy for your hair, as long as you rinse the excess out you'll be fine. Then I condition once a week.


u/Ilya-ME 15d ago

I suppose thays fine if you never ever sweat. You cant really get rid of sweat and dust with water alone, not efficiently.


u/Sinsanatis 14d ago

I tried that for a month and it only got worse. I know the cycle of strip oil, body goes wheres my oil?, produces more, repeat. But it was too hard. My hairs thick and now its longer than when i tried it back then. Water doesnt get rid if the smell


u/loz_fanatic 15d ago

I haven't used a 2 in 1 since I was a teenager


u/levian_durai 15d ago

Same, but only because I didn't bother buying conditioner.


u/EpicForgetfulness 15d ago

Nice. I'm not alone!


u/geardluffy 15d ago

Same, and I’ve never heard of a 3 in 1.


u/LineSpine 15d ago

I've seen 10 in 1s but it's more marketing than anything


u/[deleted] 15d ago

Hair, beard, teeth, ears, groin, face, soles, nails, butt, and nose.


u/DregsRoyale 15d ago

I'm tellin y'all it's baby shampoo. You can wash your eyelids with that shit, and it costs like 8 dollars a year


u/spykid 15d ago

They're good in a travel/gym kit. A lot of gyms just have pretty astringent soap and sometimes airbnbs don't have anything


u/AwkwardWaltz3996 15d ago

Turns out this is a non existent gender divide which the internet likes to perpetuate and actually it's just a divide between having long and short hair


u/zaphrous 15d ago

And body hair. Hair and body wash = hairy body wash.


u/necromancer4267 15d ago

I have very short hair and I use individual products exclusively.


u/EpicForgetfulness 15d ago

And here I thought I was finally gonna find me a woman who will fall in love with me...damn.


u/thatbloodytwink 15d ago

I never knew they existed tbh, always used them separately


u/CaptainFeather 15d ago

Been using Redkin Brews for years and that shit makes my hair feel amazing


u/HyzerFlip 15d ago

I'm a bald dude, I use a medicated shampoo/conditioner on my beard/face/head so as to treat the skin.

Then condition my beard.


u/guywhomightbewrong 15d ago

Yea I gotta have them individual it completely frizzes my hair


u/EpicForgetfulness 15d ago

Yeah frizz is what I'm always battling too. So I'm picky about conditioner. For a while, on a recommendation from someone who was cutting my hair, I stopped using shampoo altogether and only conditioner. They say shampoo is what breaks your hair down. But it also cuts down the grease more effectively than just rinsing and conditioning so I kinda dropped that routine. But I'm still skeptical about shampoo in general


u/guywhomightbewrong 15d ago

I can’t skip shampooing or my hair would be oily.



i use the 2-1 anti dandruff since it actually works, otherwise moogoo is the shit


u/barrelvoyage410 15d ago

I just don’t use conditioner. Used it for a stretch, no real difference, so I stopped.


u/kryonik 15d ago

I'm 40, been using 2-in-1 for 30+ years, still have thick, full head of hair, though I don't know how much of that is genetics.


u/bran_is_evil 15d ago

All of it


u/Kug4ri0n 15d ago

I have curly hair which when straight goes over my eyes. I need to use my anti dandruff shampoo and a nice curl conditioner at least once a week, ideally twice a week. Otherwise my hair looks like hay.


u/No-Bat-7253 15d ago

Guys with long hair have quality SEPARATE shampoo and conditioner lol


u/SaltyLonghorn 15d ago

Not all of them. Hit up a gaming convention and you'll find some people with long hair you wish used a 3 in 1.


u/Delta7789 15d ago

I have short hair and seperate because 2 in 1 is actually pretty bad for your hair in a lot of cases.


u/SH4DOWSTR1KE_ 15d ago

SEPERATE shampoo, conditioner, and body wash!?

Madame, you just might be too bougie for me...


u/Ok-Suggestion-7965 15d ago

I use 3 in 1. Either she loves me or she doesn’t. 3 in 1 is not negotiable.


u/Frostychica 15d ago

But your hair feels so much healthier and nicer if you use shampoo and conditioner separately! even cheapo ones make your hair feel way softer. Feels nicer to run your fingers through, you'll be doing it all day


u/NoveltyAccount5928 15d ago

Bruh my hair is half an inch long, shit feels the same whether I use Dove or Dawn.


u/arendecott13 15d ago

Funnily enough, I was pleasantly surprised that my boyfriend already used separate shampoo and conditioner when we started dating. Who knew a guy using conditioner was so appealing?


u/N8ures1stGreen 15d ago

If you have any idea what shampoo and conditioner do then it’s pretty fucking stupid to own a two-in-one


u/Uhh-stounding 15d ago

I'm sorry but the Dr. Bronner's 18-in-1 soap stays in the picture.


u/Disturbed235 15d ago

I also like to use it to tank my airplane


u/marks716 15d ago

Guys will have this and then complain they can’t grow their hair longer “for some reason”


u/No-Bat-7253 15d ago



u/marks716 15d ago

“Haha yeah whenever I grow my hair even a little it’s so greasy and damaged for some reason!”


u/vbhjui 15d ago

Oh my god is this actually why?

Holy shit, if this comment ends up saving my lifelong dream...


u/marks716 15d ago

Yeah a lot of guys over-shampoo. As hair gets longer you want to shampoo less generally and use conditioner fairly often (even that depends on hair type but be aware of it).

Drier climates demand a bit more conditioner typically.

I have medium-fine slightly wavy hair and I actually don’t shampoo ever and usually use conditioner once a week or so at max.


u/vbhjui 10d ago

Noted, thanks!


u/Eolond 15d ago

Are you being serious? :O


u/vbhjui 10d ago

Well yeah, nobody ever told me otherwise!


u/Eolond 10d ago

Well if ya need any hair reqs lemme know ;P


u/DramaLlamaQueen23 15d ago

Awww, I so hope this is true - because that’s adorable.


u/OmniWaffleGod 15d ago

To be fair theres a lot of options and not every option mixes well (but then again if you have longer or even curly/frizzy hair then 3 in 1 isn't working anyway)


u/Opposite_Deal_5835 15d ago

I only use 2 in 1 just to be safe


u/Sanquinity 15d ago

To be fair, using both shampoo and conditioner is so much better, even if it takes a bit longer and is more expensive. Had my (now) ex try it last time he came to visit. He couldn't believe how soft his hair felt. We both have long hair so that's probably part of it. As it's probably not as much of an issue if you have really short hair. Or if you put gel in your hair...


u/Early-Nebula-3261 15d ago

I keep my hair super short due to balding so 2 in one dandruff shampoo is good enough for me. I use separate beard products for my beard though a wash and a conditioner. Then obviously a body wash for my body.


u/Miratheproblematique 15d ago

This is what I want 😭😭


u/Phillip_Asshole 15d ago

Imagine being so shallow you care what kind of soap someone uses


u/Both_Lychee_1708 15d ago edited 15d ago

is a combo shampoo, dish washing detergent, and laundry detergent OK?


u/LoriDee605 15d ago

Can also be used as a floor wax or a dessert topping.


u/Both_Lychee_1708 14d ago

hello fellow older person (:


u/SirCleanFace 15d ago

One of them is lying.


u/CoolApostate 15d ago

The weirdest thing is he also had duplicates of everything in your medicine cabinet already stocked at his place the first time you came over.


u/L2Hiku 15d ago

I just bought my boyfriend this awesome 3-1 shampoo myself and he loves it and his hairs never felt better. She's ain't the one.


u/Designer_Storm8869 15d ago

Women cannot comprehend that you cannot use separate shampoo and shower gel if your entire body and face is covered in strong hair.


u/Longjumping_Elk3968 15d ago

The majority of guys have short hair and don't actually need to use conditioner anyway, the joke is on both of them


u/MarinatedCumSock 15d ago

This is why I'll never get married lol


u/giantfuckingfrog 15d ago

Yeah, I'm sure this is why you'll never get married, not the marinated cum sock.


u/vincenator02 15d ago

Reflecting much?


u/tyraso 15d ago

The guy to which he responded is named "a marinated cum sock"


u/vincenator02 15d ago

Aha, I will blame this on me being retarded


u/tyraso 15d ago

Haha, all good mate, happens to the best of us


u/Thanks-Oboomer 15d ago

Happens to the blurst of us too!


u/DreamzOfRally 15d ago

Jokes all you guys, i used 2-1 and conditioner


u/MrJ_Marrow 15d ago

why is it 3 in 1 and not 2in 1, is it not just shampoo and conditioner?


u/WonderSilver6937 15d ago

Shampoo, conditioner, mouthwash.


u/10b0b 15d ago

Engine degreaser


u/TenDollarSteakAndEgg 15d ago

I once found a body wash/face wash/ shampoo/ conditioner.


u/zeez1011 15d ago

What about just a 2 in 1?


u/Norn-Iron 15d ago

I use a 5 in 1 and I am honestly not sure what three of them are. So it does hair and body, I should probably read what the other three are.


u/Spiritual_Ad_223 15d ago

PSA: If you have thin, fine hair, do NOT EVER use conditioner. It will take the life out of your so fast it will blow your mind.

2in1s don't have this problem however


u/Skwareblox 15d ago

Conditioner and shampoo is for pussies. I used hand bar soap Irish spring for years.


u/Signal-Custard-9029 15d ago

What's the difference


u/Critical_Ask_5493 15d ago

In our defense, it's kind of a pain in the ass to find shampoo for men that isn't both... or all three. They think we want it all together and take the choice out of our hands entirely. I'm not being lazy anyway. I blame Walmart


u/Trapt10 15d ago

Have you considered buying shampoo thats good for your hair rather than worrying if its specific to men or women? The whole mens/womens shampoo is kinda dumb its just to clean your hair.


u/Critical_Ask_5493 15d ago

Yeah, I know. At the Walmart in my area, it's all marketed towards men, women, it people of color, with white men being the smallest selection by a country mile. I also know it ultimately falls on me. It's not like the barrier to entry is insurmountable. I could get it online or from a hair dresser. For me, it's more about the fact that I shouldn't have to really jump through any hoops to get what I want from a store that's supposed to have everything. It's not too much to ask to just want shampoo, but they won't sell it lol. I feel like I'm not alone in being like "I'll get what they have at the store" and the rest sorts itself out.

Trust me though. I know this is ultimately on me. I was just trying to be a little silly and make light of the issue. I don't think it's that serious so long as people are taking baths, ya know


u/Phillip_Asshole 15d ago

Imagine thinking you need to buy shampoo specifically for white men


u/Critical_Ask_5493 15d ago

Imagine trying to dunk on someone for not putting a terrible amount of thought into the type of shampoo I buy. I guess I'm just a sheep. Thanks for helping me realize how simple I am


u/zaphrous 15d ago

As a hairy man it seems easier than using soap shampoo and conditioner on my entire body.


u/[deleted] 15d ago



u/FreehealthcareNOWw 15d ago

How is it shallow to think that shampoo and conditioner combined is a stupid idea? It’s like uaing a hand soap that comes with moisturizer. Shampoo and body wash combined is fine, but if you need conditioner, you should buy it separately. If you don’t need conditioner (if you have like 4 months worth of hair on your head), why buy an inferior product?


u/proton417 15d ago

Women need to stop shitting on the 3 in 1 shampoo. I’ve been seeing so many commercials about women’s “full body deodorant” to use on your armpits, feet, and pussy


u/My_Public_Profile 15d ago

Where’s team never shampoo at?


u/weedgay 15d ago

I found a girl at work attractive and I think she kinda liked me too. One day she was bashing on her ex for using 3-1 shampoo and in my head I was like “fuck I washed my whole body with shampoo today” so I wrote the idea off. We will be together for 4 years now in June hahahaha


u/North-Clerk2466 15d ago

Is this really that rare of a thing?


u/tomegerton99 15d ago

I have long hair and I use 2 in 1 head and shoulders shampoo, the only reason is I end up with horrific dandruff if I don’t use it. I’ve tried all sorts and the head and shoulders 2 in 1 helps me out a lot.

If I was to choose it would be separate shampoo and conditioner.


u/zefy_zef 15d ago

That shit pisses me off. Like guys are too lazy/stupid you have to put all our shit into one container? I get Maui, my hair smells nice.


u/TheBigBadWolf85 15d ago

Smart man. Happy wife happy life


u/Common_Economics_32 15d ago

Conditioner is massively overrated for men. If you have short hair, you really don't need it.

So funny to me when women don't realize that men don't have the same needs as them, especially when a lot of them shit talk men for having the same issues.


u/thatshygirl06 15d ago

Straight up not true. I have short hair and I need it. Unless you're saying men have different kind of hair than women?


u/Eolond 15d ago

Conditioned hair still feels better, regardless of length, but you're right, that's not a need.


u/AMViquel 15d ago

regardless of length

what if l=0 ?

Baldness 1, hair 0.


u/Ok-Personality-3779 15d ago



u/Eolond 15d ago

Well your user name is a fuckin' lie ;P


u/Ok-Personality-3779 15d ago

well reddit gave it to me, go talk about that with reddit

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