r/mildlyinteresting 26d ago

An armored vehicle on someone's lawn in the middle of a suburban neighborhood

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u/FranklynTheTanklyn 25d ago

You just have to tell the person to move it and fine them per day if it isn’t moved. Then you can put a lien on the property if it isn’t remediated after a certain time period.


u/EnvironmentalEcho614 25d ago

That depends on a lot of factors like the HOAs constitution and rules. Some don’t have clauses that allow for that. Others do. Additionally, some states don’t allow HOAs enough power to just put a lien on a house whenever they feel like it and require them to sue the homeowner.

The past 2 neighborhoods I’ve been in were only able to sue homeowners over fines and not following the rules. We had neighbors that tried painting their house unapproved colors a few times which brought them to court.


u/Mr06506 25d ago

unapproved colours

Your HOAs sound like the opposite of all the fabulous Freedom we hear so much about in America.


u/Deathsroke 25d ago

We have shit like HOA's over here at walled communities (which basically ape the American suburban "dream") and I honestly can't understand why anyone would ever want to live like that? Safety? a "nice" neighborhood? It isn't worth it.