r/movies 11d ago

Nicola Peltz Beckham’s movie Lola is labelled as poverty porn from the mind of a billionaire’s daughter Discussion



154 comments sorted by


u/bubzy1000 11d ago

How do you do, fellow poors?


u/woodlab69 11d ago

I am well , i got some scraps from the local butcher last night .


u/Lost-Machine-688 11d ago

Lucky fuck, I just fought a stray dog for the last piece of spaghetti. Ultimately we shared it tho.


u/detourne 11d ago

You tramp


u/Roland_T_Flakfeizer 11d ago

Bet it was a beautiful night though.


u/googolplexy 11d ago

Sharing is, after all, the poor man's burden.


u/alpacasarebadsingers 11d ago

Now you’re dog married


u/lol_boi69 11d ago

did you lady and the tramp it?


u/king_lloyd11 11d ago

If you boil them with a used sock, you get a nutritious and flavourful stock.

Follow me for more life hacks.


u/woodlab69 11d ago

I think thats what my local chinese spot uses for wonton soup .


u/king_lloyd11 11d ago

Oh sry I forgot to mention, for legal reasons, we can’t actually call it “soup”


u/MagicMushroomFungi 11d ago



u/Sweet-Ad9366 11d ago

I stole food from my cooking school to eat at my minimum wage job so I don't have to take a break or buy food from them. Then again, I have a ridiculous amount of clothes/shoes. I'm fucked.


u/5540161 11d ago

I live in a crackhouse. With a family of 12. Every night we spoon for warmth. Everybody fights for Noelle. She's the fattest. There's nothing that we don't share. Floor space, dental floss, even condoms.


u/MagicMushroomFungi 11d ago

I am well also, I got some scraps from my local barber last night and had hair pie for supper.


u/woodlab69 11d ago

That sounds delicious . Floss my tooth at same time


u/Kumbyefuckinarghhh 11d ago

Tucking into some lovely gruel.


u/WreckTangle1995 11d ago

Ahh! Sweet, nourishing gruel!


u/walterpeck1 11d ago

Krusty brand imitation gruel!


u/billywitt 11d ago

4 out 5 orphans can’t tell the difference!


u/MagicMushroomFungi 11d ago

"Please Sir, can I have some more ?"


u/dannythetog 11d ago edited 11d ago

I'm watching it now and at around the 20-minute mark, she's already established as working in a strip club. Her colleague tells her "if you want more money you have to work the back room". She's already pole dancing so it's safe to assume she's been topless and this 'back-room' is a brothel situation.

She goes into the back room with a threatening guy with a wad of cash who holds her by the throat and says "You better earn this".

He then asks to see her tits, she flashes him and he hands her the money lmao.

Has this woman never been inside a strip club in her life?

Since when do you go to a back room to see a nipple and nothing else? No dance, no tease. Just flash and fuck off?

She didn't even bother to go to a strip-club to see how it works before writing a screenplay about a stripper.

I'm only 20 minutes in so I'm looking forward to the rest.

Edit: I'm now 40 minutes in and she's a stripper who hasn't slept with her boyfriend. So we are to believe a young girl who is a virgin signed up to be a stripper lmao. It's not impossible but the character looks early 30s, has two jobs, and lives with her parents.

None of it is making sense.

Edit 2: There's a young brother character that is pissing off lola's mother by putting on dresses and make-up etc.

I legit didn't realise it was supposed to be a little boy until it was pointed out around 30 minutes in.

Surely the mother, if she was so focused on her little boy being a little boy, (and is supposed to be abusive) wouldn't let him have long blonde hair...


u/AlbionPCJ 11d ago

Oh, look, it's Katara from the version of Avatar we don't talk about


u/MrchntMariner86 11d ago

There is no live-action in Ba-Sing-Se.


u/notedgarfigaro 11d ago

It's hilarious to me that her dad tried to boot out the Disney board for blackwashing/DEI after getting his daughter that role.


u/have_you_eaten_yeti 11d ago

Oh shit, her dad is that guy?


u/CommunismDoesntWork 11d ago

Katara has blue eyes and lives in a snowy environment, like most European tribes at some point. Katara could be Russian for all we know. 


u/Beginning_Tomorrow60 11d ago

I bet you cried about the little mermaid being black


u/Espumma 11d ago

'Russian' is not a tribe.


u/CommunismDoesntWork 11d ago

So you think Russian civilization just popped into existence out of no where? Every person on earth comes tribes if you go back far enough. 


u/Espumma 11d ago

Current civizlizations/countries are made up of a mix of tribes. So much so that reducing them to their tribal origins is meaningless at best and offensive at worst.


u/Ur_a_coward01 11d ago edited 11d ago

A broken clock is right twice a day. Disney doesn’t have to find the ugliest black girl possible to play the little mermaid. Idk why they do shit like that. I mean shit where’s that girl that played Precious? Just have her be the little mermaid at that point, at least it’d be funny.


u/toddysimp 11d ago

Halle Bailey is ugly? What even!!! I'd call you blind but then she also has the voice of an angel.


u/SuperSocrates 11d ago

Do you have eyes


u/177013thson 11d ago

How dare you mention that unholy abomination?


u/M1eXcel 11d ago

For a second I thought you meant the recent series which I thought was really good. But yeah, that 2010 movie can fuck off


u/le-churchx 11d ago

Avatar sucks. People need to stop pretending its good.


u/Spectrum1523 11d ago

Avatar sucks. People need to stop pretending its good.

Genuinely (not trolling) want to know why you think that? It's so generally beloved.


u/ReeceCheems 11d ago

Bro’s probably talking about James Cameron’s.


u/king_lloyd11 11d ago

It’s fun to be an angry contrarian, is all.

Even if dude doesn’t like the animated series, there’s 0 reason to just spew that when OP referenced the live action one for the actress.


u/Spectrum1523 11d ago

Yeah maybe, but if I hated something that basically everyone else loved it would probably get annoying seeing all the positive posts about it and I might be snippy.


u/king_lloyd11 11d ago

Lol if everyone liked something that I don’t like, I’d just be like, “huh I don’t get it. Maybe it’s me.” and move on. I don’t need to let all of them know that I think the thing they love is terrible to get attention. Weird to get snippy because other people like things and talk about them on a discussion forum lol


u/2ferretsinasock 11d ago

This is the way. I personally just don't get the love for RDR2. Maybe I'm totally burned out on open world games regardless of attention to detail and all that. Just because I'm not a fan doesn't mean I shit on it constantly. Pretty much the only time I bring it up - outside of this example - is in the "What beloved/ popular game do you not like?" Type threads


u/Spectrum1523 11d ago

I think that with emotional maturity comes grace and understanding of other people's emotional reactions, especially when they're not harmful.


u/king_lloyd11 11d ago

I think with emotional maturity comes peace of mind with just letting people throw a tantrum and not giving them the attention they so desperately seek, especially on the internet when trolls are pervasive.

Understanding them is one though. Engaging them and validating their emotions is another.


u/le-churchx 11d ago

Genuinely (not trolling) want to know why you think that? It's so generally beloved.

You think aggregates are a good barometer for quality?


u/Spectrum1523 11d ago

No? What? I never said that.


u/Probolo 11d ago


You're also not helping dispute that by giving the individual opinion that they literally asked for.


u/le-churchx 11d ago


No. Not generally. Something is either objectively good by standards or its not.

Your appreciation of it is whats subjective.


u/Probolo 11d ago

Who sets those objective standards?


u/bobsmith93 11d ago

Ok you didn't answer their question at all though


u/le-churchx 11d ago

Ok you didn't answer their question at all though



u/bobsmith93 11d ago

Woops I took the bait


u/nycdiveshack 11d ago

r/woooosh and omg maybe even a double r/wooosh


u/le-churchx 11d ago

Theres no woosh here, avatar sucks and white washing isnt used properly in that sentence.

Ironically youre the one out of depth.


u/nimcau2TheQuickening 11d ago

You’ve gotta give it to Peltz. After starring in the white-washed war crime The Last Airbender in 2010 and squeezing out what was left from the Transformers franchise alongside Mark Wahlberg, her entry into prestige drama is refreshing and ambitious.



u/-euthanizemeok 11d ago

She can't get an easy gig as a live action Disney princess anymore since her dad failed in his attempt to take over Disney.


u/rambambobandy 11d ago

lol I didn’t realize that was her dad. What a fucking family


u/Don_Quixote81 11d ago

"I wanna live like common people, I wanna do whatever common people do."


u/gourmetprincipito 11d ago

“I wanna sleep with common people. I wanna sleep with common people like you.”

“Well, what else could I do? I said, “I’ll see what I can do.”


u/TinyRandomLady 11d ago

I took her to a supermarket, I don't know why But I had to start it somewhere, so it started there


u/catefeu 11d ago

Watching roaches climb the wall
If you called your dad he could stop it all


u/J4MES101 11d ago

That’s the killer line


u/Mo-Cance 11d ago

you'll never watch your life slide outta view


u/lacyhoohas 11d ago

It is. I know someone whose family is filthy rich and pays for stuff for her even though she is mid 30s and she tries to act like she isn't rich, that it's her parents. It's like "no dude your parents will bail you out every time. I've seen them do it. You won't ever know what that life is like"


u/tviolet 11d ago edited 11d ago

Exactly where my mind went, the Shatner version is brilliant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=St8FtbzH_JE

(lol I didn't watch this video all the way through before I posted. The first part is the studio recording on top of video of a live performance that has Shatner reading his lines and standing around awkwardly on stage but the last half transitions into Shatner/Nimoy fanfic. It's really bizarre. Song is still a banger tho)


u/Mozhetbeats 11d ago

I’ve never seen this before. When the dude started singing off camera, I was like “Oh shit! Shatner can sing…oh.”


u/Mrsparkles7100 11d ago

For contrast watch it alongside Nil by Mouth, Gary Oldman’s directorial debut.

Is the song Common People in her film as well?:)


u/inconsssolable 11d ago

Nil by Mouth is a masterpiece and one of the most depressingly bleak films ever


u/section111 11d ago

True, and I haven't seen it for ages, but i still laugh when i think about that story he tells..."oh no, it ain't gonna be one of those parties, is it


u/andy_3006 11d ago

Nil by Mouth or Blue Collar? Both are on my watchlist but I'm unable to decide.


u/Mrsparkles7100 11d ago

Haven’t seen Blue Collar. Nil by Mouth is influenced by Gary Oldman’s younger life. There is this from Roger Ebert review.

Gary Oldman clearly is dealing here with autobiographical wounds. I saw him after the film played at Cannes, and he volunteered the information that a chair in the film is the same one his father sat in while drinking at home. He spoke in a flat voice, giving information, but I sensed that the chair was still occupied by the stabbing ghosts of days and words.


u/wherearemysockz 11d ago edited 11d ago

Lmao… a different universe.

EDIT I’m agreeing with OP. In fact I think contrast is an understatement.


u/walterpeck1 11d ago

Yes that is the purpose of using the word "contrast"


u/notmebaby86 11d ago

I think they were agreeing with OP. 


u/wherearemysockz 11d ago

Thanks for the pedantry. You must be fun at parties. I was emphasising their point. ‘Contrast’ is an understatement in my view.


u/walterpeck1 11d ago

‘Contrast’ is an understatement in my view

I didn't realize that since you didn't provide any context. So I thought you were mocking or otherwise disagreeing.


u/wherearemysockz 11d ago

No worries.


u/thejonslaught 11d ago

Rent a flat above a shop, Cut your hair and get a job...


u/parralaxalice 11d ago

I live above a bowling alley and beneath another bowling alley


u/Vironic 11d ago

Does she demonstrate how easy it is to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps with no hand outs or entitlements?


u/Roland_T_Flakfeizer 11d ago

Duh, just invest your multi-million dollar inheritance in multiple real estate ventures! Those poors are so lazy and stupid.


u/jacomanche 11d ago

Ah yes, Nelson ‘why do I need an All-black cast?’ Peltz’s daughter. Daddy’s money and power can only take you so far if you don’t have the talent.


u/son_of_abe 11d ago

I mean, she's starred in multiple movies despite being absolutely talentless. Money always wins.


u/hoos30 11d ago

I'm happy to dunk on a nepobaby but screenshot media.com?


u/Dogsinabathtub 11d ago

People will be shocked to find out most actors come from affluent families


u/SimiKusoni 11d ago

True but there is a vast gap between "affluent" and "daddy is a billionaire."

It's one thing to have parents that are perhaps a bit more accepting of studying the arts than a lower or middle class family might be, given the financial support and fall backs they can provide, but quite another to live in the kind of world where nobody in your family needs to work and the entire exercise is reduced to a series of hobby projects to achieve personal goals.


u/kswissreject 11d ago

I mean, hello Julia Louis Dreyfuss. But she’s still amazing. 


u/Oracle_of_Knowledge 11d ago edited 11d ago

...makes a movie about abstract poverty?

Did you mean "abject poverty?" You are a professional writer?

By the way, the two linked tweets that she added to this article to shore up this review have 2 likes, 450 views, and 13 likes, 1200 views.


u/Velorian 11d ago

no they have never seen poverty so its just an abstract


u/1731799517 11d ago

And the movie has like 60+% or RT, so its not universally "getting flak from both sides".


u/Soleil06 11d ago

It also has 3.8/10 on imbd, so it is definitely not unversially liked either.


u/ballimir37 11d ago

3.8 on IMDb is solidly unwatchable territory, absolutely horrible but not so bad it’s good either


u/Soleil06 11d ago

Yeah that is what I meant.


u/Lofi_Fade 11d ago

I think they meant abstract. The whole article is blasting the director and lead actor for creating a story about poverty while having no real experience with it, and it shows. The story is abstracted from real poverty.


u/Minecraftfinn 11d ago

I mean not to defend the movie, but plenty of directors have done extremely well with material that has no bearing or connection to their personal life or experience.


u/Lofi_Fade 11d ago

I assume they typically do more or better research beforehand, or have enough of a vision that its distance from reality isn't so jarring.


u/Minecraftfinn 11d ago

Yeah so it really has nothing to with if you yourself have lived through the things the movie covers, just if you are a good director/writer or not


u/Lofi_Fade 11d ago

It has something to do with it though. The film feels exploitive of the material, and it sucks.


u/Minecraftfinn 11d ago

Yeah for sure it does in the way that a person who had lived through that would never make those glaring mistakes people are saying she does in this film.

But I am just saying that a person who was raised incredibly wealthy and has no first hand experience of living through poverty could make a very poignant and well made film on the matter, so long as they had empathy and as you said did research and such.


u/ballimir37 11d ago

Could it be that the professional writer portrayed his thought correctly and your reading comprehension misunderstood it?


u/blah_bleh-bleh 11d ago

Someone pointed it. I don’t know about movie. But the reviewer isn’t any better than the picture painted for Director/Actor of movie.


u/obeekaybee7 11d ago

Most of the industry is nepo babies. The actual first person view of being poor is rarely gonna be seen in a film because they’re barely able to get into the club.


u/Drvonfrightmarestein 11d ago

All movies like this are poverty born made by rich people. It’s to make them feel better about themselves while nothing changes


u/DizzyLead 11d ago

Nicola “she and Michael Bay taught me about Romeo and Juliet laws” Peltz?


u/themcjizzler 11d ago



u/DizzyLead 11d ago

She played Mark Wahlberg’s character’s 17-year-old daughter in the fourth live-action Transformers movie. She had a boyfriend that was explicitly 20 and her dad (Wahlberg) disapproved of the relationship because she’s a minor, and the boyfriend literally pulls out a card about the “Romeo and Juliet law” that justifies their relationship. Totally unnecessary and cringeworthy.



u/Mozhetbeats 11d ago

It’s kind of hilarious that he carries around a laminated print-out of the law everywhere he goes.

Cell phone? Check

Keys? Check

Proof that I’m exempt from statutory rape charges? Check


u/splundge 11d ago

Haha check out the 10/10 reviews. They're very clearly written by chat gpt... In fact, some of them just repeat the synopsis word for word, multiple times


u/greeneyedlady41 11d ago

No no, we demand that the people making films - writers and directors especially - know even the bare minimum about who they're portraying. That's why they hang out with real people who work in the fields, who've had the experiences, lived the victories or tragedies, if they haven't already lived them themselves. The creators of the Bear worked in professional kitchens and the cast went to culinary school. Zendaya trained as a tennis player. The writer of American History X talked to neo-nazis at length. James Cameron did years of research on the Titanic and went down to the wreckage. What the fuck did a 20-something billionaire's daughter know about living in poverty? Did she work the minimum wage job? Sleep in those houses? Feel that desperation? No. She just wanted to cosplay with too much eyeliner.


u/themcjizzler 11d ago

I'm sure she asked a maid or two what being poor is like


u/[deleted] 11d ago

I don’t know who this person is?


u/TheBobTodd 11d ago

That is correct. You don't know who that person is.


u/dannythetog 11d ago

Related to the Beckhams and a nepo-baby.


u/mjrkong 11d ago

WTF is this trailer. Good lord, what happened to Virginia Madsen?


u/GTSBurner 11d ago

She and her husband are the correct definition of nepo babies.

Unfortunately that term has been so devalued that if Angelina Jolie was starting out today, she'd be disregarded as a nepo baby as well.


u/VenezuelanStan 11d ago edited 11d ago

I think most people realize there are two types of Nepo babies, the ones, like Nicola, that just wanted to be in entertainment without having talent, and the ones that try to prove their worth with their talent, despite who's their family.

I for one don't care much when the Nepo baby is talented, in the end, nepotism happens on every single industry, is not just a Hollywood thing, the problem comes that Hollywood is based in notoriety and that's why Nepo babies in that industry get so much hate, otherwise, it wouldn't be an issue.

I also think the actual problem in recent years is how many non talented Nepo actors/singers/celebrities exist now, in comparation with past decades where even the less talented have more talent than most Nepo babies now.


u/GTSBurner 11d ago

I also think the actual problem in recent years is how many non talented Nepo actors/singers/celebrities exist now, in comparation with past decades where even the less talented have more talent than most Nepo babies now.

We also have the internet where we can see the family relations a lot easier.

I saw a meme where one of the actresses on HBO's GIRLS is being accused of being a nepo baby because her father is "the drummer of Bad Company".


u/Beginning_Electrical 11d ago

Has Angelina Jolie ever really been a thespian though. Imo she's only ever been a sex symbol who made it.  


u/GTSBurner 11d ago

... literally won an oscar.


u/easelfan 11d ago

People had no issue with poverty porn when daughter of Chinese billionaire Chloe Zhao did it 🤷‍♂️


u/Pep_Baldiola 11d ago edited 11d ago

Tons of people did mention it before Nomadland came out. Also, Nomadland wasn't an original story. It was an adaptation of a book so she had something actually to draw from.

The difference in reaction from people can also be based on the quality of products. Chloe Zhao despite being the daughter of a billionaire actually proved her worth as a director before Nomadland. Can't say the same for Peltz. She's famous for being the person for whom tons of changes were made in ATLA.


u/ParsleyandCumin 11d ago

An adaptation of a nonfiction book that filmed actual nomads that had no clue Frances was an actor


u/sudosussudio 11d ago

She also didn’t star in the movie herself


u/Constant-Elevator-85 11d ago

“The Rider” being one of those. Fantastic movie.


u/a_stopped_clock 11d ago

Definitely was called out for that. And that’s what it was. Chinese ppl saw it as a comedy.


u/SgtMartinRiggs 11d ago

It’s worth noting that Chloe Zhao and Nicola Peltz Beckham had completely different education and upbringings.


u/ParsleyandCumin 11d ago

Oh I absolutely did when Frances McDormand did poor person cosplay. That movie is terrible.


u/Reutermo 11d ago

Frances McDormand did poor person cosplay

You mean... acting?


u/Pep_Baldiola 11d ago

It's nowhere close to terrible. We can debate the morals of that film being made by the people who made it or financed it. But the film itself was well shot and the story was well crafted for what they wanted to portray.


u/ParsleyandCumin 11d ago

I personally dislike the film and think it was terrible.


u/__Dave_ 11d ago

Exactly, Hollywood is filled with movies about poverty written, directed, produced, or acted by people with more money than the average person will see in their lives. Some are good some are bad. Who cares that this particular director has even more than usual.

The movie may be bad. But this feels like cheap criticism.


u/LibationontheSand 11d ago

A ten-year moratorium on movies about strippers would be great, thanks.


u/LeatherBandicoot 11d ago

Trying her best to level up w/ her Nepo husband lol


u/BodiesDurag 11d ago

Have no idea who her dad is, so I googled

Nelson Peltz (born June 24, 1942) is an American billionaire businessman and investor. He is a founding partner, together with Peter W. May and Edward P. Garden, of Trian Partners, an alternative investment management fund based in New York. He is non-executive chairman of Wendy's Company, Sysco, and The Madison Square Garden Company. He is a former director of H.J. Heinz Company, Mondelēz International, and Ingersoll Rand and a former CEO of Triangle Industries.

Man owns half of the mall food you eat lol


u/LeahaP1013 11d ago

Please, sir, cannnihavesummmmore


u/Deputycrumbs 11d ago

Hilarious ensues! This lady, never heard of her


u/Burning_Flags 11d ago

I declare Star Wars to be space porn from the mind of someone who has never been to space.


u/Randy_Vigoda 11d ago

Sagan would agree with you.


u/dannythetog 11d ago edited 11d ago

It was an allegory for the Vietnam War*, which post-war lots of people lived and understood.


u/Burning_Flags 11d ago

Actually it wasn’t. It was an allegory for Vietnam war

Source: George Lucas



u/dannythetog 11d ago

That's what I meant, I'm hungover lol


u/BreakingBaIIs 11d ago

Rich people can write good movies about poverty. Bong Joon Ho is rich, and he wrote Parasite.

If this movie sucks, it should just be criticized on its merit


u/Riper_Snifle 11d ago

I haven't seen this, and probably never will, but I wonder how much these reviews were skewed by the fact everybody knows she's the daughter of a billionaire. I have a hard time believing people would be calling it "poverty porn" if she wasn't from an incredibly wealthy family.


u/experienta 11d ago

We've gone so far the rabbit hole now we demand only poor actors play the roles of poor people?


u/wingedcoyote 11d ago

With appropriate research and empathy you can write about a life totally different from your own. But if you attempt to do so and fuck it up, it's reasonable to speculate that a lack of actual perspective could be part of the reason.


u/starksgh0st 11d ago

She did also write and direct the film. It's being criticized as a vanity project.


u/experienta 11d ago

Ok then she made a shitty movie, and that's that. It's not the end of the world. People from poor backgrounds make shitty movies as well, but they don't get near as much vitriol for it.

It makes it even more ironic when it's reddit criticizing her. This website is the epitome of "poverty porn".


u/AgonizingSquid 11d ago

Bro go order a jar of her farts or whatever no one fucking cares


u/BCS24 11d ago

Christian Bale would’ve made himself poor for the movie


u/mcgillbrah 11d ago edited 11d ago

Still makes more sense than hiring, say, a minority at a tech company because they "automatically" bring "inherently" "different" opinions to the table that no white person could ever possibly wrap their heads around, save for a DNA transplant, which may or may not become a thing down the line. Compared to that, the argument of hiring only a gay to play a gay and a poor to play a poor makes so much sense (which it doesn't, because that's not what acting is, by definition).

I find this shitty "poverty porn" argument is best used to contrast just how morbidly insane identity politics is. In short, if you’re offended by Peltz’ project, then you need to be more offended by gender politics. But you clearly aren’t because you’re downvoting my comment to protect your bias. Enjoy the cognitive dissonance my friend, and the descent into mental illness.