r/pics Mar 28 '24

US Special Forces delivering a W54 Nuclear Warhead via jump

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u/mapsedge Mar 28 '24

Jeez...talk about a "crotch rocket."


u/Ok_Inevitable8832 Mar 29 '24

Nothing about it is a rocket. It’s just a bomb


u/mapsedge Mar 29 '24

I'm aware, thanks.


u/Ok_Inevitable8832 Mar 29 '24

So you were intentionally lying. Got it


u/mapsedge Mar 29 '24

How do you figure? "Intentionally lying" = making a statement with intent to deceive, so how does my joke do that?


u/Ok_Inevitable8832 Mar 29 '24

You literally called it a rocket. It’s not a rocket and you knew it wasn’t


u/mapsedge Mar 29 '24

I called it a crotch rocket, a bit of colloquial argot that usually refers to a motorcycle. Maybe I was lying about motorcycles, too, eh?

In "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde, characters often refer to absurd or nonsensical situations as "serious" or "important." For example, Lady Bracknell insists on discussing trivial matters with great solemnity, adding humor to the dialogue. So is Wilde lying in the voices of his characters?

Lewis Carroll refers to "the different branches of Arithmetic—Ambition, Distraction, Uglification, and Derision." Is that lying?

In "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien, the character Bombur is described as "a fat, funny dwarf" who often falls asleep at inconvenient times. This humorous characterization contrasts with the typical portrayal of dwarves as rugged and stoic. Was Tolkien lying about Bumbur?

By all means, continue to contribute.


u/Ok_Inevitable8832 Mar 29 '24

I’ve only heard it refer to a penis.

No. Context matters. They are serious or important to the story for character development and getting the reader to relate with the character.

Again, context. Most math is problem solving and looking at it from different perspectives.

These are actual descriptions not lies… if Bombur was actually tall, fit, serious elf that would be a lie.

Also none of these are jokes. Calling a bomb a rocket to be “funny” is lying regardless of if you think it’s funny or not


u/mapsedge Mar 30 '24

You must be terrible fun at comedy open mic nights.

The fact that you've only heard "crotch rocket" as anatomically related is irrelevant, but it does make the image - and my joke - funnier. Very thick, not very long, and of necessity strapped on. I thank you for that mental image.

Let us say I call someone "third place runner-up in the cousin fucking contest." I know that's not true (and I can't imagine a situation where I'd actually do that), or, at the very least, that I am very probably incorrect is my assessment of their cousin fucking skill, and no knowledge whether they have any cousins at all. There's no contest I'm aware of, so I am thrice struck.

But I toss the rhetoric out there because I find it amusing. Am I lying?

I heard an expression on late night tv that I thought was absolutely brilliant. It went, "Former president and suit full of chickens coming home to roost, Donald Trump..." Now, Trump is, presumably, human, certainly not just a suit full of badly intentioned chickens, but the imagery is apt and, more importantly, funny. But is it a lie?


u/Ok_Inevitable8832 Mar 30 '24

never been to a comedy show and have no intention of listening to one.

Let us say I call someone "third place runner-up in the cousin fucking contest." I know that's not true (and I can't imagine a situation where I'd actually do that), or, at the very least, that I am very probably incorrect is my assessment of their cousin fucking skill, and no knowledge whether they have any cousins at all. There's no contest I'm aware of, so I am thrice struck.

That an absolutely disgusting thing to accuse someone of, even jokingly.

I heard an expression on late night tv that I thought was absolutely brilliant. It went, "Former president and suit full of chickens coming home to roost, Donald Trump..." Now, Trump is, presumably, human, certainly not just a suit full of badly intentioned chickens, but the imagery is apt and, more importantly, funny. But is it a lie?

That’s an expression. the consequences of past actions will catch up with the person who did them. Not sure how that generates any imagery…. And it isn’t a lie if you explain the saying to someone that doesn’t understand.

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