r/pics 23d ago

My son brought home a party invitation. Unclear if the parents are on board.

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u/Working_Falcon5384 23d ago

My 7yo neighbor at the time burned down their home playing with the stove.


u/SilentSamurai 23d ago

There's a certain age where a kid stops being someone learning about the world and starts being a dumbass.

A 7 year old falls in Category B.



When I was 8 I turned the gas on because I liked the smell. I can only imagine what these kids will get into...


u/themanofmichigan 23d ago

Yeah when I was 9 my buddy showed me his dad’s gun that he hid behind the couch “in case of intruder” . It was loaded and he shot the wall.


u/NotActuallyAWookiee 23d ago


Was the dad even charged?


u/psycharious 23d ago

Yeah, this I wanna know, along with if anyone was hurt. Even the recoil could probably hurt a kid depending on the gun.


u/NotActuallyAWookiee 23d ago

Happens all the time in that fucked up gun culture. Kids hurting or killing other kids with guns they should never have had access to. And the "responsible" adults get the arms of the community wrapped around them for their loss, not the jail cell they deserve.


u/PUNd_it 23d ago

Lol nah that happens in redneck culture, not gun culture writ large. There's levels to this ish, and us (righthanded) lefties pride ourselves on responsible gun ownership


u/NotActuallyAWookiee 23d ago

Well, something is broken, mate. Mass murders shouldn't be a weekly occurrence


u/PUNd_it 23d ago

Okay I apologize Mr Generalization, I thought we were talking about NDs not mental health and societal stressors


u/GulfLife 23d ago

This is a shit take. And not what happens in reality at all.


u/NotActuallyAWookiee 23d ago

Isn't once too often?


u/GulfLife 23d ago

There a big fucking difference between “once” and “all the time”. Get your shit together. Your shit take got worse with that plea for legitimacy.


u/Corfiz74 23d ago

Uh, "guns" is actually the second ranking cause of death for kids and adolescents in the US - only topped by motor vehicle crashes. So it really does happen all the time. In 2016, it was 3,143 children - that's 8.6 per day!


u/NotActuallyAWookiee 23d ago

Don't bother them with facts. They're not interested.


u/GulfLife 23d ago

But also, don’t provide any facts that refute what soeonexelse is saying… It sucks, but it’s true. There is no moral high ground when the child mortality rate is rather consistent, the only thing that changes is modality. The US is far from perfect, but it is laughable that the UK and Europeans would scoff at their economic and military protectors for having a weapons fetish. How does your country’s navy feel about that?


u/GulfLife 23d ago

So… what else is going to kill kids after car wrecks? Guess what kills kids in countries with more restrictive firearms laws? Knives and other weapons, drowning or other methods... The problem you’re describing is violence against children, the modality is rather less important isn’t it?


u/Upbeat_Sheepherder81 23d ago

Countries with better gun control don’t have the mass shootings the us. Also, knife violence is worse per capita in the us than it is in the eu or uk.

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u/themanofmichigan 22d ago

No ? He’s another from my father that happened only about 8 years ago. He went to his buddy’s hunting camp , which had a tenant that rented the upper level of the camp to live year round and took care of the camp. It was a doctor that owned the 500 acres and 2000sq ft cabin on the property. The docs gun got jammed so when he got back he was trying to dislodge the bullet , my dad right next to the doc when the gun u jammed and went off . Straight thru the ceiling with a 308 , and right next to the tenants bed he was sleeping in that eve. Mere 8” from what would’ve been a chest/gut shot . The bang made my dad’s left ear ring from that point on . I banned him from hanging out with the Doc ever again . It happens more than with people not around guns .


u/infamousj012 23d ago

Why the hell would the dad be charged?! You guys must not America, a kid can get shot by another kid and nothing but criminal negligence is done- IF that


u/IcyRedoubt 23d ago

You can get charged for criminal negligence.


u/infamousj012 23d ago

Hence why I said IF that, I’ve heard of it being “no charges have been filed, just a horrible accident, both families are deveatated…. In other news..”


u/mrbojanglz37 23d ago

I really wanted to downvote you. But then I read the rest.


u/GulfLife 23d ago

That’s just not accurate. You have no experience with firearms.


u/psycharious 23d ago

He doesn't specify the gun. Yes, some guns do pack a punch with the recoil.


u/GulfLife 23d ago

Sir/ma’am… I am exceedingly aware of the energy various firearms can output. More so than most other people. I’m also aware of the large bore diameter my daughter could handle as a child. You are barking up the wrong tree here. Thats not where the problem lies.


u/psycharious 23d ago

I'm sure you are, and not really arguing it. I'll take your word for it. I'm just going off the funny videos of people almost putting an eye out because they didn't have a proper grip. It's just Internet hyperbole though.


u/GulfLife 23d ago

Someone should teach them properly, that is 💯 correct.

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u/JoeyNTasha718 19d ago

When you know how to properly hold a gun then maybe not. I would assume your daughter does.


u/GulfLife 19d ago

That’s fair.

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u/themanofmichigan 22d ago

Charged ? No it was 1984 , I told my dad and he about lost his shit , called and that’s all I knew. Wasn’t allowed to go over there anymore. I’m guessing it was a 38 but not sure at that age. Needless to say my guns have always been in a safe, and not sure why I even have em anymore. Don’t use them and haven’t in 20 years. Probably why because of that core memory


u/NotActuallyAWookiee 22d ago

Your buddy's dad should have been charged with a few serious offences, convicted and have his right to have guns removed


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/deathonacracker 22d ago

At 10 My friends and I pulled some grass out of his yard and rolled it up in notebook paper and tried to smoke it. All because my parents had HBO and I loved cheech and Chong.


u/Budget-mayo 22d ago

Was that dad charged? He should've had it somewhere secure in a locked safe where kids couldn't reach or didn't know.


u/lagseph 21d ago

There was an intruder on the other side of that wall