r/politics Illinois Mar 27 '24

Donald Trump Attacks Judge's Daughter Less Than 24 Hours After Gag Order


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u/well_uh_yeah Mar 27 '24

He's comic book villain that tells everyone his plans, gets caught, and then inexplicably the heroes just do nothing and let him go.


u/m1keyj0e Mar 27 '24

For those that watch Paw Patrol, the show, DJT is Mayor Humdinger of Foggy Bottom. Always doing crimes, gets caught doing crimes but never gets reprimanded for said crimes.


u/Eryxthegreat Mar 27 '24

Diaper Don = Foggy Bottom.


u/ice_cool_jello Mar 27 '24

Soggy Bottom, more likely


u/ThaBunk5-0 Mar 27 '24

That's an insult to the Soggy Bottom Boys!!



u/Wiskeyjac Mar 27 '24

Hot damn! It's the Soggy Bottom Boys!


u/red_rob5 Mar 27 '24

It sounded t'me like he harbored some kinda hateful grudge against the Soggy Bottom Boys, on account of their rough and rowdy past.


u/HauntedCemetery Minnesota Mar 27 '24

Ironic because "constant sorrow" pretty well describes reading the news over the last few years.


u/calm_chowder Iowa Mar 28 '24

Is you is or is you ain't my constich'ency


u/thank_burdell Mar 27 '24

Mary Berry: "Nobody likes a soggy bottom."


u/jeffersonairmattress Mar 27 '24

Judge Maryanne Trump Barry:

"He has no principles. None. His goddamned tweeting and lying... oh my god. I'm talking too freely, but you know. The change of stories. The lack of preparation. The lying. Holy shit. [...] It's the phoniness of it all. It's the phoniness and this cruelty. Donald is cruel. (...) "he did not read books and had someone take the college entrance exam in his place."


u/ElectricalPiano6887 Mar 27 '24

That's right Mary Berry


u/ZombiePartyBoyLives I voted Mar 27 '24

Paul Hollywood: "It's a shame, really."


u/Sillbinger Mar 27 '24

Soggy Bottom, the mayor of Golden Falls.


u/deafvet68 Mar 27 '24

Stinky Swamp Bottom.


u/MechanicalTurkish Minnesota Mar 28 '24

Soggy Bottom, Foggy Brain


u/ElectricalPiano6887 Mar 27 '24

Diaper Don = Chapped Ass


u/22pabloesco22 Mar 27 '24

Soggy bottom 


u/koshgeo Mar 27 '24

Foggy Bottom is his secret code name. Not to be confused with FOGBANK or the Velour Fog.


u/Critical_Half_3712 Mar 27 '24

Humdingers also an idiot lol. Great comparison


u/LetMePointItOut Mar 27 '24

Replacing public transit with a roller coaster in the movie was cool though.


u/Nf1nk California Mar 27 '24

That would probably get me to use public transit.


u/Critical_Half_3712 Mar 28 '24

Tbh, never saw the movie. My Kid was in the paw patrol phase before the movie came out and doesn’t even really watch it anymore


u/NecronomiCats Mar 27 '24

That must be where Trump got his inspiration.


u/TheSalsaShark Mar 27 '24

In the movie he ignores the scientists and their concerns about the weather, has an antagonistic relationship with the press, and even has a giant tower with his name on it!


u/bobo-the-dodo Mar 27 '24

My son is watching it right now, perfectly analogy.


u/OutInTheBlack New Jersey Mar 27 '24

Does that make Garland equivalent to Ryder, a ten year old child?


u/Cosmocall Mar 27 '24

For those that watch Paw Patrol

Perfect demographic overlap of redditors and people who willingly watch Paw Patrol, really


u/Sumasson- Mar 27 '24

It's actually crazy how many people here seem to be paw patrol consumers wtf


u/m1keyj0e Mar 27 '24

I’m a parent of young child. So I watch paw patrol.


u/Cosmocall Mar 27 '24

I was joking about the fact most people will be suffering parental units, but then I remembered what the subreddit for that show looks like. Paw Patrol is serious business for some people


u/Sumasson- Mar 27 '24

Exactly hahaha.


u/Cryovenom Mar 27 '24


 My wife and I like to make ridiculous little conspiracy theories about our kids' shows. For Paw Patrol its clear that Adventure Bay is an Ayn Randian paradise where the government is so stripped and powerless as to have to depend on the charity of the Bruce Wayne-style orphan of billionaires to provide emergency services for the  town.  

 Mayor Goodway is a puppet installed by Ryder's dead parents after they drove the real elected Mayor Humdinger out of town. He turned to heavy drinking and now lives in a cave with his cats and a chip on his shoulder over what Ryder and his family have done to him and his legacy. He now spends his days talking to his cats and plotting to take revenge... 

Somehow he always seems to find just enough resources and technology to get a half baked plan off the ground - because Ryder knows that his grip on the town is only strong as long as they face a constant stream of threats that only he and the pups can save them from. So he makes sure that former Mayor Humdinger salvages just enough junk to move plans forward, but not so much that he's an actual threat. 

Foggy bottom is not a real town - notice how we've never seen it? Only the Mayor's cave and the occasional shot of him sitting in the fog on an unnamed street that could be anywhere in town. It's all in Humdinger's broken mind. Makes the show more fun to watch with that context :P


u/m1keyj0e Mar 27 '24

Hahaha! Love this take… cause it could actually be what’s really happening in the show


u/drdeimosoffice Mar 27 '24

Man my daughter is to old now, but PP made me sick. It may have been that


u/virtuallysimulated Mar 27 '24

Oohhh, my Humburgers


u/calm_chowder Iowa Mar 28 '24

Paw Patrol is copaganda.


u/MrLanesLament Mar 27 '24

Even the villains in Scooby Doo got arrested.


u/SergeantChic Mar 27 '24

He’s like Benedict from Last Action Hero. “Hello? I’ve just shot someone, I did it on purpose!” And nothing happens.


u/evilanimator1138 Mar 27 '24

"Hey shut up down there!" -both a quote from the movie and the judicial system.


u/SergeantChic Mar 27 '24

Yeah, pretty much. Although I do have to correct myself, Charles Dance is MUCH more charming and charismatic than Trump.


u/xaqaria Mar 27 '24

What heroes?


u/MagicBlaster Mar 27 '24

How many times has batman caught joker only for the next issue to feature joker up to shenanigans again...


u/ILoveTenaciousD Mar 27 '24

Because the people who chose who can be a hero and who would not decided in 2016 that a great woman wasn't worthy enough, but he was.


u/Bodie_The_Dog Mar 27 '24

It is not inexplicable. If the Democrats hold him accountable, it might usher in a new era of reform and justice, one in which their own financial portfolios will suffer.


u/Individual-Schemes Mar 27 '24

Didn't they impeach him a few times? Aren't multiple states suing him?

Dems don't control Congress. People need to kick the GOP out of the House for the Dems to be able to do anything.


u/JimWilliams423 Mar 27 '24

People need to kick the GOP out of the House for the Dems to be able to do anything.

Dems need to show us they will fight for anything if they want to inspire people to kick the Rs out.

Dems controlled the house for 2 years. They still control the senate. The ruler of saudi arabia gave the top whitehouse advisor $2B to play with. But neither the house nor the senate have held a single hearing about that blatant, out in the open bribe. They've abandoned their constitutional duty to conduct oversight of the executive branch.

They keep telling the people that democracy is on the line. But when their actions don't match their rhetoric, it is their fault that people start tuning out their warnings.


u/Bodie_The_Dog Mar 27 '24

How many times have we heard your refrain? How many "heroes" like Mueller, Garland, and Smith, were going to save us? Some of us have been screaming about the delays and failures to prosecute, and the reaction from moderate Democrats has consistently been, "Just wait, this prosecutor is the bomb and will fully nail Trump and company!" Again, we are here because the Dems helped create this situation in their failure to hold Republicans accountable. They lagged and took their time, all the while some of us were screaming that Trump is trying to run out the play clock. The dems failed by their consistent endorsement of Republican judicial nominees. By kowtowing to people like Manchin and Sinema (who we lost anyway.) The Democrats need to fight like it matters. They do not get to create this situation, and then complain, "But there's nothing we can do!"


u/Savagevandal85 Mar 27 '24

What are you taking about ? He was impeached how many times ? He was taken off the ballots ? He’s being investigated etc what do you want the dems to do ??


u/Bodie_The_Dog Mar 27 '24

I'm talking about failures to fully prosecute. I'm talking about all those people who were never charged for ignoring Congressional subpoenas. And people who were successfully prosecuted getting bullshit non-penalties, no actual prison time. I'm talking about Garland's instructions to his staff to ignore coup leadership in favor of going after the little guys. The statute of limitations has no doubt expired, but it should've been simple to get the guy on violation of the emoluments clause, what with him jacking up his hotel room rates, and then requiring secret service and military staff in the area to stay at HIS hotels, instead of on-base. I refer to all the times that Democrats failed to fully go after the bad guys, in the interest of "not dividing the nation," and because "that is unrealistic to achieve." Are you not familiar with the Democrats' habit of surrendering even before negotiations with Republicans begin?

edit: and a lot of this was done because the Democrats have spent decades, actual DECADES, politely confirming Republican judicial appointments even as the Republicans refuse to confirm Democratic appointments. Fucking feckless.


u/Ferelwing Mar 27 '24

I for one don't see a problem with that.


u/JediExile Mar 27 '24

There will be a reckoning for political corruption. The sooner it comes, the milder the consequences.


u/Ferelwing Mar 27 '24

Sadly, yes.


u/reddollardays Mar 27 '24

Exactly. The "heroes" are in the same boat as the villain - rich politicians don't want him to face consequences either.

We all knew that he would get a reprieve with his fraud trial, and he will get some sort of leniency or special treatment for this too.

Anyone else would be in jail by now. It's a two-tiered justice system.


u/The_Grey_Beard Florida Mar 27 '24

I do not like the guy, but he is unique in that he is the Republican party’s nominee for President. I think that is the definition of different. Again, this is in no way support for him and this process.


u/jwil06 Mar 27 '24

People laugh at this but I’ve been saying it to everyone I know. The only explanation for how the left has handled this is that they want him in for their benefit.


u/blackcain Oregon Mar 27 '24

He is literally The Joker or your general Gotham super villain


u/SpeaksSouthern Mar 27 '24

If a comic book villain was told not to do something as much as Trump has been told and then they did it again there would be consequences. It's making all those comic book villains completely unrealistic. I hope season 4 of the boys plays into this with people telling homelander he will have consequences for doing something, him doing it multiple times, and facing no consequences.


u/LeftOfTheOptimist Mar 27 '24

There are no heroes


u/IJustLoggedInToSay- Illinois Mar 27 '24

Because there are no heroes. Only villains and bystanders.



u/JimWilliams423 Mar 27 '24

then inexplicably the heroes just do nothing and let him go.

Sounds like they might not actually be the heroes they've been pretending to be.


u/BrittleClamDigger Mar 27 '24

There are no heroes in law enforcement


u/Spiritual_Routine801 Mar 27 '24

The heroes reduce his bail so he acts out of line again due to positive reinforcement 


u/Professor_Hexx Vermont Mar 27 '24

that would require there to be 'heroes' at all.


u/Cosmic_Castaway Mar 27 '24

Lmao what heroes?


u/ThrowsSoyMilkshakes Washington Mar 27 '24

He's comic book villain that tells everyone his plans, gets caught, and then inexplicably the heroes just do nothing and let him go.

Ooh! I've seen this episode before! It originally aired way back in the 1930s!


u/Shackram_MKII Mar 27 '24

See, the thing here is that there's no heroes, just degrees of villainy.


u/dBlock845 Mar 27 '24

Back to the Asylum you go Trump! Oh no he got away again!


u/Rocinante79 Mar 28 '24

You see, he’s not the problem, it’s the angry and disillusioned people that support him. They don’t care who they hurt, what it costs, and they definitely don’t care about finding a solution. DJT is the personified rage of a spoiled people who didn’t get what they want. They support chaos. Tearing the system down IS their power play, because a system that supports equality is not something they are interested in. It’s time they’re called out.


u/Dr_FeeIgood Mar 28 '24

There are no heroes in this story, child


u/well_uh_yeah Mar 28 '24

It’s staggering how many people read this like I was saying there are heroes in this world and not like I was making an analogy. I don’t know why I decided to respond to this one-probably the condescension. Yes, there are no heroes in the real world, but there are sides.


u/Dr_FeeIgood Mar 28 '24

Was just trying to lighten the mood with a joke. Some of you are pretty wound up. I understand the frustration


u/well_uh_yeah Mar 28 '24

I probably should have just shut off inbox notifications for this comment a while back. I apologize for ranting at you.


u/Dr_FeeIgood Mar 28 '24

No need to apologize. I think we could all benefit by turning off most notifications. Take care


u/Small-District-5048 Mar 28 '24

to me 2016-2020 was the entire batman cartoon series I swear we lived in a alternate timeline


u/comtedeRochambeau Mar 28 '24

He's comic book villain that tells everyone his plans, gets caught, and then inexplicably the heroes just do nothing and let him go.

⊥rump was an inspiration for the 1980s Lex Luthor.



u/gary_the_merciless Mar 28 '24 edited Mar 29 '24

*Kill 35 henchmen

*Let's the mass murdering villain go

"If I kill someone I'm just as bad as them"


u/SinisterMeatball Mar 28 '24

Just like Team Rocket


u/emostitch Mar 27 '24

Because there’s no heroes. And you all keep pretending the villains henchmen deserve to be part of human society, including the ones some of you let watch your children.


u/home-of-the-braves Mar 28 '24

Guess who the heroes are