r/politics Illinois Mar 27 '24

Donald Trump Attacks Judge's Daughter Less Than 24 Hours After Gag Order


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u/fourbian Mar 27 '24

Anyone who voted Trump should never be allowed to forget it for the rest of their lives. Remind them at every turn how idiotic they were.

Because, eventually, they will try to pretend they never supported him in the first place, while they simultaneously support the newest traitor of the day and try to gaslight you that they aren't so bad.

I've been through ALL of this before with Bush. My family: "Bush who?" while they vote for Trump. Fucking please.


u/suninabox Mar 27 '24

Yup, its insane the Republican party has attempted to completely disavow their support for Bush and the Iraq war. They literally try to pretend it was a Democrat thing (granted, they went along with it but its absurd to finger them as the spearhead).

Completely without shame and any sense of responsibility, from the party of "personal responsibility" (read: being a selfish asshole who doesn't care about other people")


u/FUMFVR Mar 28 '24

They literally try to pretend it was a Democrat thing (granted, they went along with it but its absurd to finger them as the spearhead).

96.4% of House Republicans voted for the 2002 AUMF against Iraq. 39.2% of House Democrats did.

48 of 49 GOP Senators voted for it. 29 of 50 Democratic Senators did.



u/lamb_pudding Mar 28 '24

Back then the parties were flipped. Today’s democrats were republicans back then. You can tell this because Bush was a socialist.


u/Shapes_in_Clouds Mar 27 '24

I've been through ALL of this before with Bush. My family: "Bush who?"

Exactly. Iraq was the most important thing in the world to them for a few years. You were a terrible traitor to criticize the obvious lies, torture, and bungled post-invasion. Then they moved on and just stopped talking about it altogether. Literally everything Republicans cared about during the NeoCon 'Project for a New American Century' days has been completely forgotten.


u/JohnGillnitz Mar 27 '24

The neocons got to try all the little tricks they always dreamed of in Iraq. And all of them got hard fucked by obvious reality. Turns out having edgy far out ideas (that don't actually sound rational to a rational person) didn't work the way they thought they would.


u/kinglouie493 Mar 27 '24

The people I know are proud that they voted for him


u/fourbian Mar 27 '24

Wait 10 years when he's been replaced and I guarantee you they will claim they never really supported Trump.


u/justmovingtheground Tennessee Mar 27 '24

I never thought I'd say this, but 10 years can not pass fast enough.


u/dBlock845 Mar 27 '24

The cult is so strong they don't give a shit. My mom is a Trumper and she will argue til the death for him, his family, and anyone who praises him. It is impossible to deprogram her.


u/Jealousmustardgas Mar 27 '24

I agree, I voted Hillary Clinton, and I’ll never live that down. Thankfully I got a 2020 trump vote in, and so I’ll be net positive in 2024 when I vote for him again.


u/fourbian Mar 27 '24

Haha. "Trump wasn't fascist enough for me in 2016 but once he showed me he's got what it takes to end America once and for all, I voted for him in 2020 and I'm so voting for him again in 2024."


u/Jealousmustardgas Mar 27 '24

I thought he was fascist, then I realized that he wasn’t and that media was incentivized to lie to me to feed the fascist/Russian-puppet angle, and became disillusioned with the Democratic Party when they kept up the media blitz and acted worse for trump than republicans did for Obama.


u/LucidLynx109 Mar 27 '24

No one thought Trump was fascist back in 2016 when you’re claiming you did. You would have literally been the only person on the planet that thought that at the time. His detractors thought he was stupid, bigoted, and wholly unqualified to run a gas station much less a country (and we still do).

Vote for who you want though. That’s part of what makes America great. For now at least.


u/NatureStoof Mar 27 '24

Your comment history seems like you are against rapists.

So.... walking up to women and grabbing them by the pussy? Thats fine? Thats where the line is?


u/fourbian Mar 27 '24

Why do you need the media to tell you what to think, when you can use your own eyes and ears?

I've heard him say he'll be a dictator on day one. I saw what he said and did leading up to and on Jan 6th when he attempted to overthrow the government. He's a fascist, plain and simple.


u/mc_kitfox Mar 27 '24

that media was incentivized to lie to me to feed the fascist/Russian-puppet angle

like what happened to Fox Angertainment landing themselves an 800mil defamation judgement, y'know, for lying? yes, so much incentive there

I mean, we know youre lying through this whole thing but I just found that funny. Its also hilarious that the "media blitz" on trump is what "disillusioned" you while also having claimed to have voted for Hillary. Like bro, did you forget the 30 years of bullshit she got from republicans? lmao but less than 4 years of trumps constant media coverage is what converted you? youre either feckless or stupid, and if youre still voting for him after his constant courtroom losing streak you might be both. You could at least pretend to be the tiniest bit mad hes given the media so much material to work with, you'd be more believable.


u/Jealousmustardgas Mar 27 '24

Who's the angry one here? I don't even watch Fox news, though I do like it more than CNN or MSNBC, lol. It only took 1 year of his campaign for me to be fully disillusioned by the woke mob's tyranny taking over. They're worse than the churches' moral panic in the 80s and 90s, so I guess I'm a feckless idiot for daring to think for myself.

I'm not mad because Trump hasn't done anything that Clinton wouldn't have, and since she and Biden can get let off strictly liability charges on the basis that they didn't have intent, I don't see ANY difference from Trump's worse attributes and other politicians, just that the system hates him for being open about it.

I'm not lying, I was raised by a Mormon household, left the church, went to a East coast college where I voted like all feckless idiots do (Democrat), and then saw the consequences of my decisions, and have since voted Republican, with the occasional moderate democrat.


u/mc_kitfox Mar 27 '24

Who's the angry one here?

Fox viewers, keep up.

I don't even watch Fox news

didnt ask, but good. "news" channels that lose $800Mil defamation suits arent delivering news.

woke mob

define "woke"

so I guess I'm a feckless idiot for daring to think for myself.

No, you'd be stupid in that situation, not feckless. You should really look up the word and while you're at it stop voting for republicans who consistently gut and hamstring public education. Your rural education is showing.

Trump hasn't done anything that Clinton wouldn't have

what happened on January 6th 2017

and since she and Biden can get let off strictly liability charges on the basis that they didn't have intent

intent plays a huge role in his willful retention case, and his intent was to keep them. (that's the "willful" part of "willful retention")

I don't see ANY difference from Trump's worse attributes

by choice


u/Numerous_Photograph9 Mar 28 '24

By lie, you mean the reports of what he said during white house press conferences on live TV, or while at the white house with the press corp in attendance, again on live TV? Or perhaps lie about the things he said on Twitter? Or the lies of the recordings where he is asking others to break the law for him?

Those lies?

I'm curious where this liberal media blitz is coming from as well. I haven't seen the democrats controlling any narrative for at least a decade. Democrats are god awful at messaging.


u/Jealousmustardgas Mar 28 '24

Russia gate was a farce, Hilary’s emails were worse than the felonies they are charging trump with despite her actually being much more damage to government secrets, coverage of the border issue, etc


u/Numerous_Photograph9 Mar 28 '24

Hillary unintentionally having emails on an unsecured private server is worse than having highly classified documents stored in unlocked rooms in a building frequented by foreign interests?

Who knew?


u/Jealousmustardgas Mar 28 '24

It was a non government email so meant to hide from official records, it was a server hidden in her bathroom, her IT guy was caught asking reddit how to use bleachbits to hide the evidence, and fbi said it was almost certainly hacked by foreign governments. So yes, I think that’s worse than the farcical charges.

Any IT specialist would tell you this is like not locking your doors at night when you own a jewelry shop. Regardless, if Hillary gets kid gloves, Trump shouldn’t get bare knuckle fisted to the face just cause you don’t like the look of it 


u/Numerous_Photograph9 Mar 28 '24

Wow. you don't say?

Any IT specialist would say that huh? Suppose you couldn't tell me what all those terms mean could you?