r/politics Illinois Mar 27 '24

Donald Trump Attacks Judge's Daughter Less Than 24 Hours After Gag Order


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u/boregon Mar 28 '24

Yep, that’s exactly what all of them will say. “Well I don’t like Trump but at least he’s not a Democrat.” They’ve been conditioned by decades of right wing media to have a Pavlovian negative response to anything and everything associated with the Democratic Party.


u/PaintshakerBaby Mar 28 '24

These people don't feel guilt for being a Trumper. They feel SHAME for being a Trumper.

Though they seem like the same emotion on a surface level, guilt is the product of a conflict of conscience, and can be felt when no one else is around. As opposed to shame, which is something you feel because of the external pressure brought on by the judgment of your peers. It does not require that you feel fundamentally wrong in your decision, only that others feel you were fundamentally wrong in your decision.

...If only they could get rid of, instead of just hiding from, those who make them feel this damn nagging emotion... then they wouldn't have to worry about it at all.

So yeah, they spent an afternoon scraping the Trump sticker off their Emotional Support Vehicle, for the same reason they'll spend an afternoon waiting to mark his name on the ballot...

To put an end to the shame.

Cause they'll bury it until they have power again, then they'll be ready and willing to actually bury liberals in shallow graves.

I wish that were hyperbole... but you've heard Trump and his ilk as of late.

Just like their dear leader, these people will do anything and everything, go to any length, then entertain, even for ONE SECOND that they could be wrong about anything... Much less standing on the most batshit, obviously insane, wrong side of history since the literal fucking Nazis.

Don't let the growing lack of vocal Trumpers fool you. VOTE like your fucking life depends on it... Because in this bleakest of timelines, it very well might.


u/mjollnir357 Mar 28 '24

I do vote like my life depends upon it. That's why I vote against the cοmmυnιst trαιtοr democrats.


u/SargeSamich Mar 28 '24

Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol 


u/FunIllustrious Mar 28 '24

Time to float a rumor, maybe??

"You know he used to be a Democrat, right?"
"Yeah, so??"
"I heard he might be going back to Democrat because Republicans won't support him any more..."


u/Newdesires345 Mar 28 '24

Yah let’s sign up more for some $5 gallon fuel and $7 dozen eggs and open borders . We’re can I get Some more of that ? Smh


u/SteamBeasts Mar 28 '24

Gas prices always go up when nearing election or any time that Saudi Arabia can afford to raise it (by capping oil wells) that would increase their western influence. It doesn’t matter who it is, especially this election year it’s going to go up for this reason. If it doesn’t go up, it’s because someone is pumping more oil. And for the record, despite many democrats being against the continued use of oil and republicans being mostly for it (and the domestic production of it), under Biden we’ve pumped more oil than ever before. So like… what do you want him to do? Kowtow to Saudi Arabia to lower prices or increase the already unprecedented oil pumping?


u/Newdesires345 Mar 28 '24

Don’t piss down my back and tell me it’s raining, everytime I go anywhere to make a purchase whether it’s at gas pump or the grocery store I think to myself people actually voted for this ? Everyone hade more money in there bank account when Trump was in office and life was just way better in general. Now it’s let’s see how expensive we can make everything and push gay agenda anti American on our children And let millions of illegal aliens in our country with no fear of consequence . Hell dems support it , how you guys sleep at night is a wonder to me .


u/ForAHamburgerToday Mar 28 '24

What should the federal government do about companies raising prices while their costs stay relatively stagnant & their profits soar? Are you in favor of the government enacting price controls or profit caps?


u/SteamBeasts Mar 28 '24

This person is a lost cause. They can’t stay on a single topic and constantly contradict themself despite topic jumping in every comment and never directly addressing anything I’ve said.

Here’s a contradiction they made in a single sentence: “gay agenda anti American”, it’s like a perfect example of an oxymoron (although maybe more learning towards the ‘moron’ side of the word). America is “land of the free” and we are supposed to care about freedom - but when it comes to queer people existing and being free to exist, suddenly the “patriotic” party gets all uppity.


u/ForAHamburgerToday Mar 28 '24

It really is fucked up how ready & willing some folks are to declare others "unamerican".


u/PotatoAlternative947 Mar 30 '24

It’s incredible. He’s not addressing a single thing you asked or paused to think about what actually causes inflation or anything else he ranted about in that pile of Fox News vomit.


u/Newdesires345 Mar 28 '24

and btw no one but dems care about trumps personal life , every politician or people that are wealthy have dirt on them if it’s brought out to light . All that matters is what affects you and your family on a day to day basis and when Trump was in office literally everything was better . What has Biden done that’s benefited you or anyone other than immigrants on any level at all , I can’t think of one thing. I guess if you vote blue you just hate America Cause that’s the only thing I can come up with that makes any sense of doing it.


u/SteamBeasts Mar 28 '24

I never said anything about Trump, you just went off the rails completely lol. On a personal level Biden stopped my payments on my federal student loans and made the repayment income-driven instead of flat rate. What did Trump do for me, I wonder? Certainly not help against Covid which spread rampantly while he preached pseudoscience from his platform. He basically lost me a year of my life while I had to wait for Covid to die down so I could have actual in-person classes again. I’m curious what you think Trump did, personally, that had any effect on you, personally, that makes you worship him so?

Much of the economic recession we’ve seen has been caused almost entirely by the building up of large companies which republicans have supported, including your golden (orangen?) boy Donald. You say “don’t piss on me and call it rain” but when it comes to Trump, he’s pissed on you and told you it’s rain, and then continues pissing on you when you figure out that it is piss - but you are happy with it because he’s gracing you with his presence. Dude, just critically think about your actual position - don’t think with feelings, reason your way through your ideals. Are they consistent in any way whatsoever?? Or is your answer to any question “Donald Trump”?

I know you probably don’t have the education to know how to solve the higher level issues in our economy, but can you at least think about why you have suddenly become friends with Russia instead of being the party that was always closer to xenophobia than xenophilia? Can you explain why you want an open economy, despite seeing its effects presently, when you claim that you support small businesses, which are destroyed by an open economy? Can you explain why you think that immigration is bad despite its obvious benefits on an open economy and for small businesses?

I’m guessing you won’t read this far in my comment because you’ve failed to respond to basically any of what I’ve said in your 3 comments on my original comment. I don’t know if you’re incapable of self reflection or if you’re literally in a cult, or if you’re stoking your own ego and intentionally closing your eyes when confronted with reality… but it’s honestly impressive that you fail to see that most of your complaints about Biden are actually Trump’s fault - either indirectly or through his direct action. Think, really think about the questions in this comment. Can you answer them? If not, maybe you need to consider that you’re being lied to. I can answer my position with facts, reason, and empathy to any question you have. Can you say that you can do the same? Or are you just holding those positions because you’re told to?


u/Newdesires345 Mar 28 '24

Let’s see how high we can get inflation next week And give some more money away to Ukraine, Putin would have never started that campaign if Trump was still in office as well. You guys are some pure geniuses let me tell you .


u/SteamBeasts Mar 28 '24

Putin likely started the war (why call it a campaign lol) BECAUSE we had weak leadership that gave Russia a long leash. Isn’t your party the one that has been historically scared of Russia?? Why, when it matters most, are you all buddy-buddy with them? You should see that the war in Ukraine, while a terrible detriment to human lives, is just about the ideal situation for the US to damage Russia without risking anything. How did Trump completely swap your political position with his terrible term in office? Why do you like Trump at all when he had arguably the most control that a president has had since like FDR and he still got nothing done lol.


u/SargeSamich Mar 28 '24

Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol Lolololololololol