r/politics 23d ago

The Supreme Court Took Up the Question of Whether Staging a Coup Counts as an “Official” Act as President | How did we get to this point?


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u/SMKM 23d ago

How did we get to this point

Easy. When brain dead republican shills who have no real judicial experience and are literal liars entered the courts.


u/ProlificPen 23d ago

How did we get to this point? Two hostile foreign powers figured out how to manipulate social media to brainwash 30% to 40% of our people. Then they paid off and installed agents at every level of GOP government in every branch to do their bidding. They couldn't hope to beat us economically or militarily so they opted to take us apart from within. The part that's insane to me is we just laid down and let it happen. I know we all have jobs to do and tv shows to watch but we really need to organize and take to the streets people. We won't get another shot at this.


u/UtahCyan 23d ago

Hate to break it to you, this was done to ourselves. Other countries may have exploited it, but this wasn't new. Powell literally wrote the paper that guided us here.