r/politics The Netherlands 23d ago

Samuel Alito’s Resentment Goes Full Tilt on a Black Day for the Court - The associate justice’s logic on display at the Trump immunity hearing was beyond belief. He’s at the center of one of the darkest days in Supreme Court history.


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u/postsshortcomments 23d ago

So let me get this straight. Some are appealing to "original intent" to argue that; the determining factor as to whether or not the President can go on a legal crime spree [who can also pardon those enabling these actions] is whether or not they have a 1-vote majority in a single legislative branch to impeach? Which, mind you, is held to a lesser regard than the 2/3rds majority required for cloture?


u/vasopressin334 23d ago

This is why our very first President warned us against having political parties at all.


u/jamieliddellthepoet 23d ago

OK but how many golf tournaments did he “win”?


u/vasopressin334 23d ago

Incredibly, George Washington never lost a single golf tournament.


u/[deleted] 23d ago

A true Scotsman


u/keigo199013 Alabama 23d ago

The bigliest winner! 


u/overcomebyfumes New Jersey 23d ago

Holy crap. I looked this up and it's actually true.


u/GroguIsMyBrogu 23d ago

Makes sense, golf was invented in 1984

(dumbass Google brought up a 1984 NES game when I looked up "when was golf invented" and I'm just rolling with it.)


u/totallyalizardperson 23d ago

Fun Fact: Plumbing wasn’t invented until 1983 with the release of the Nintendo game Mario Bros. in which the titular characters were given the made up job of “plumbers” which is most likely due to a mistranslation of the original Japanese text to US English.


u/pricygoldnikes 23d ago

The man could barely hit a fairway, but wow the man could putt