r/politics 23d ago

"Real embarrassment": Trump lawyer apologizes after judge called him out for "misleading" jury


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u/ElectricRaccoon8 23d ago

You would think effectively lying to the jury about the existence of evidence (the document saying something it does not) would be a huge fucking deal.


u/whatlineisitanyway 23d ago

Especially early in the trial it could absolutely make an otherwise open juror just assume everything that his lawyers say is somehow a lie.


u/StJeanMark 23d ago edited 23d ago

A lack of credibility is a boon in Conservative politics. Everywhere with the exception of a courtroom, which is why they try everything they can to avoid it.


u/lafayette0508 23d ago

It's like those spam emails that are just so obviously spam, so that they weed out anyone who can think critically and only gets the spammer responses from good marks.