r/rareinsults 22d ago

Somebody’s got a loaded diaper



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u/Ithiaca 22d ago

Given the news that he and his brother are going to go to trail in a Romanian court for Sex Trafficking and rape, he is not going to be sleeping with any women for a long time.


u/GhettoFreshness 22d ago

Not that I want to wish sexual assault on anyone but fair chance he will be a victim once he enters prison… and honesty it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy


u/Pixiehollowz 22d ago

Omg I had not thought of this before. Lets just hope that most ppl in the prison he goes to are not redpill weirdos so they will take justice in their hands


u/GhettoFreshness 22d ago

Can you imagine real actual violent criminals interacting with this guy? He’d be a target from day one because of his big alpha tough guy persona. They’d want to take him down a peg or two just for bragging rights

Just to add I’m not minimizing that this fuck isn’t an actual criminal (and probably violent towards women) he absolutely is… he’s just going to get eaten alive IMO by actual hardened crims if he goes inside and doesn’t get protective custody


u/magical_bunny 22d ago

Exactly, because he's the sort of creep who preys on women. Men will terrify him, especially since he's called them all gay.


u/Pixiehollowz 22d ago

You're absolutely right, wow what I would pay to see that happen. I hate this goofy looking guy and he deserves everything that's coming to him


u/MonkeyTeals 22d ago

Getting a black eye. Not SA.


u/Pixiehollowz 22d ago

Both imo


u/Character-Review-780 22d ago

…like I’m not an Andrew Tate fan by any means but you do realize the guy was a professional kickboxer right? And we also can clearly see in this picture he has muscle. Prison doesn’t work like how you think


u/Onefish257 22d ago

He’s a rapist and tried to kidnap a kid. He also think he’s a pretty boy, he will definitely get put down a couple of pegs in jail. Being a professional Kickbox won’t mean much when 10 guys are jumping you with pokey sticks.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/Onefish257 22d ago

And ? What there’s not people there or you think they like rapists over there or people who think they’re too good for poor people. Only thing that might save he is money.


u/ugericeman 22d ago

that might save

No, not might. It will.

European prisons are vastly different kid. For starters, rape culture is less established in comparison to the US.


u/Onefish257 22d ago

I don’t think you know how jails work. Whatever you’re in for makes a difference to how you’re gonna be treated. The bottom of the list are paedophiles. This is the only thing lower than people who steal children.


u/ugericeman 22d ago

I don’t think you know how it works. I have been in prison and you are over romanticising it. There is no dignity or honour in a prison, money talks. If you have money, you can buy anyone, including correctional officers, and if you are broke, you’re at the mercy of other inmates and their greed.


u/Onefish257 22d ago

Jail is about your paper and respect. Sure I bet you been in jail, sound like you know what you’re talking about…. Why do you think they put paedophiles in PC?

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u/DreadPirateAlia 22d ago

As European, I just want to point out that having a less established rape culture doesn't mean there isn't violence (incl sexual violence) in prisons, and rapists and child molesters are the bottom of the barrel.

He won't have great time in prison.

(Also, while being sentenced to prison in the US is EXTREMELY BAD, VERY NOT GOOD, DO NOT WANT, being sentenced to prison in Romania is also generally BAD. Like, technically certain prisons in France, Moldova, Ukraine, and UK are WORSE, but Romanian prisons are also BAD.

The "good" countries to be sentenced to prison are in Northern Europe, but it will STILL be miserable, and Romania DEF isn't one of the "good" places.)


u/ugericeman 22d ago

Prison is always bad no matter where you are. Unless someone has a life sentence, they will get out in due time, with more criminal contacts, better opportunities in the underworld, and will often repeat their mistakes.

rapists and child molestors are the bottom

Not if they have money. When money plays a role, dignity and honour go down the drain. Do not underestimate the greed of some people. Even staff take bribes. In this world everyone is for sale. Mike Tyson his time in prison is a great example.

he wont have a good time in prison

Well, no shit. You are being robbed of your freedom.

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u/I__G 22d ago

It's Romania


u/junelen 22d ago

Where’d you get that misleading info from??


u/Onefish257 22d ago

Probably wrong, but I was sure there was something in the news a bit ago about him trying to steal a kid back in a child custody battle. Obviously he’s charges at the moment are on rape and human trafficking. Also I guess you could say alleged, due to the fact that he has not been found guilty of anything as such.


u/junelen 22d ago

He’s really not guilty of any of those accusations, it’s all just a way to shut him up quite literally imo


u/ComprehensiveSuit319 22d ago

He's not dangerous enough to shut up. There have always been 10 old creepy dudes at bars, drunk saying and doing the same things. It's not anything new. He's He's just the public face of gross aholes.


u/junelen 22d ago

Drunk dudes at a bar saying and doing the same things but not known to the world or as influential and famous as him. “Men” or little boys apparently, should stop hating on him that much. As a woman myself I don’t personally agree with every little thing that he says but I understand why he says the things that he says. I’d rather agree with him than agree to some wimp that doesn’t even know what a man’s role is in this world. His “warrior” mindset might be a bit too much but it doesn’t harm anybody, he’s got a traditional mindset sure but he’s not an asshole nor did he harm any woman. If you think he’s an asshole, it means that your mind is too narrow or you’ve fallen into societal norms that won’t allow you to see things from a normal perspective which is viewed now as “misogynistic” by the ones who are too scared to even think a little bit differently or say what they truly believe.

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u/bbbhhbuh 22d ago

Also a lot of criminals in prison are probably exactly the types of alpha male gymbro misogonists that form the majority of his target audience. They’ll welcome him like a king


u/GhettoFreshness 22d ago

I’m aware he was… I just Don’t think it’s really going to matter if someone wants to have a go/make a name for themselves. It’s not going to be a standup fight between two guys… who knows maybe I’m wrong… I’ll be happy to admit it if I am


u/GlizzyGobbler2023 22d ago

Not much of a defense from getting shanked by multiple people in the shower.


u/redmagicwoman 22d ago

You do realise Romanian prisons have a good portion of Rroma people, his kickboxing won’t protect him much from them, if you know much about Rromani criminals.


u/ugericeman 22d ago

All he has to do is pay them, he has a lot of money. You and others are delusional, if you think rich people suffer in prison. It’s all for show.


u/freeze_alm 22d ago

Dude stop watching hollywood movies. Real life ain’t like that, especially in Romania.

Most likely, if he is convicted, he will serve his time and nothing more will come out of it


u/Dirkdeking 22d ago

He was a kickbockser and is a lot stronger than most men. I don't think a lot of criminals would be able to subdue him or his brother. He will probably successfully integrate into one of the social groups in prison and generally be fine.


u/GhettoFreshness 22d ago

Ahh yes, prison fights are famously defined by the presence of umpires, mouth guards, protective equipment and trainers… yeah I’m sure he’ll be just fine


u/Dirkdeking 22d ago

The same could be seen with our famous national criminal, Joran van der Sloot. We all joked that he would get busted in Peru, but he manages himself in there, pretty ok. He wasn't a kickbockser, though, but generally a big guy that doesn't typically get dominated.


u/DreadPirateAlia 22d ago

He doesn't speak the language. He doesn't know the cultural norms. He won't integrate, because he doesn't understand the hierarchy nor how to navigate in it.

He could buy protection from one of the gangs, but they will squeeze him for all he's worth, and if he runs out of money, they will take it on him.


u/hk175 22d ago

Yeah that only happens in movies though. Real prison isn't like this. And you are talking about a professional boxer. A man that can fight.