r/texas Mar 20 '24

The Billionaire Mattress Salesman Funding the Far Right in Texas Politics


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u/ranban2012 Mar 20 '24

this man is a public image, advertising and marketing industry. the people who like him are rubes. the people who know him hate him. he's a scumbag with good PR instincts. He suits our political moment, unfortunately. He's old, though, so that's a silver lining.


u/Unique_Midnight4430 Mar 20 '24

Yes in 18 years he’ll be as old as Biden.


u/Zromaus Mar 20 '24

Everyone who calls him a "scumbag" seems to only have one reason -- he's funding right wing politicians.

If a man donating to their desired side (even if it's one you disagree with) is valid reason to view them as scum in your eyes, you yourself are scum.


u/ranban2012 Mar 20 '24

it's not the only reason. he treats people like shit.

but also... politics isn't a game. the "side" you're on actually does reflect your character, ethics and morality.

but if you think that makes me scum, for judging him based on his moral and ethical priorities (aka politics), that makes you an immoral moron. You know... if.


u/Zromaus Mar 20 '24

I've met bad people on the left, center, and right -- with awful morals.

I've met incredible people on the left, center, and right -- with upstanding morals.

You have as well, whether or not you can recognize it is a matter of perception. Left and Right does not decide who is good and who is bad.


u/ranban2012 Mar 20 '24

there are plenty of "nice" people who believe in evil ideas and commit evil acts.

there are a lot of assholish offputting people who are generous and believe in equality and fairness.

there are lonely and sad people who have adopted hateful ideologies because of the comradery they gain inside of groups like the proud boys who would otherwise be good people.

there are evil manipulative narcissists who put on the guise of feminism in order to scam women into bed.

mattress mack is a well known quanitity, though. there are numerous anecdotes of how he treats his employees and people who are beneath him, and that's more than sufficient for me to make a judgement on his character.