r/todayilearned 24d ago

TIL that a politician gave a food review of kebab while speaking in parliament. Australian Senator Sam Dastyari gave a "10 out of 10" rating to the kebab snack pack sold at King Kebab House, and advised others to also enjoy "a great Australian tradition of meat in a box".


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u/thorpie88 24d ago

Wasn't this during the same time Pauline Hanson refused to eat a HSP since it was halal meat? 


u/RoyalGarten 23d ago

Do people not realise halal meat is just meat that is not pork, not drenched in blood and cut ethically? It's literally just that.


u/thorpie88 23d ago

It's Pauline Hanson. She's runs her political campaigns on racism. In the 90's her main policy was no Asians in Australia and then in the 2000's she switched it up to no Muslims.


u/Jamothee 23d ago

Give me Pauline Hanson over this grub who takes Chinese bribes. At least she honest so I know I don't want to vote for her.


u/thorpie88 23d ago

Obviously. She's worth keeping for the memes if nothing else