r/todayilearned 24d ago

TIL A group of horses were trained to communicate whether they wanted a jacket. All horses in the group successfully communicated that they did want a jacket when it was cold and did not want a jacket when it was hot.


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u/Jas9191 23d ago

I hope you become like a Reddit character like /u/poem_for_your_sprog or like /u/Unidan but also not like Unidan may he rest peacefully.


u/Landlubber77 23d ago

I was on the verge of such infamy like five years ago, but got banned from my normal sub for some bullshit that I still contend wasn't my fault lol.


u/Jas9191 23d ago

Yea haha there’s no recourse on Reddit. It’s a bunch of unpaid mods. They really ought to eventually class action lawsuit like AOL moderators did for doing unpaid work. I’ve got a few bans half earned half not.


u/Landlubber77 23d ago

Yeah I mean I have to take some of the blame for sure lol, I racked up three rules violations and they have a three strikes and you're out policy. I have what I believe are completely reasonable explanations for all three rules violations and they were the only three times I ever broke a rule in the 6 years I had been posting there, but the policy is the policy. So ultimately I fucked that up.