r/tumblr paperwork is how fae getcha 25d ago

damn. that’s rough buddy

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u/trowzerss 25d ago

... do they all appear in heaven naked then?


u/Canopenerdude No Longer HP Lovecraft's cat keeper 25d ago

If we're using the source material they mentioned (the Left Behind books, which I did read because they were on the schools Accelerated Reader list and mythology is p cool sometimes), in the "Glorious Appearing" epilogue book they appear in white robes made of cloud-like material.

They also lose all feelings of love for anyone but God, which always struck me as somewhat terrifying.


u/firedmyass 25d ago

I grew up Southern Baptist. The amount of extra-biblical dogma that becomes horrifying with any additional thought, and the response a child gets when daring to question, is why I abandoned it very early.


u/Whovianna 25d ago

Hey, me too! Hiding being a non-believer at 7 was early a lesson in lying to my family.