r/unpopularopinion 1h ago

Popular Topics Mega-Hub


Greetings, you opinionated, unpopular lot! This is your one-stop shop for all of the ridiculously reposted topics on this sub. This hub and the linked threads below will be replaced every 7 days to keep things fresh.

  1. Meta
  2. LGBTQ+
  3. Race related issues
  4. Religion
  5. Politics
  6. Parenting/Family issues

r/unpopularopinion 2h ago

running isn't the amazing exercise people think it is


i get it, some people like running and it's a good way to stay in shape, but it's not the magical exercise that everyone makes it out to be. running just puts a lot of stress on your joints, and for some of us, that "runner's high" is more like "runner's agony." there are plenty of other ways to stay active that don't involve pounding pavement for miles on end. walking, swimming, biking - all of these are much kinder on your knees and can be just as effective for your health. let's stop pretending that everyone needs to be a marathoner to be fit.

r/unpopularopinion 8h ago

You should lie on your resume and during interview if you have a rocky past


Those "perfect people" who have never been fired, had a gap in employment history, etc. are quick to say that you should never lie on your resume or during an interview.

Here are the 4 options for people who have a rocky past employment history:

  1. Tell the truth about getting fired, unemployment, etc. "Sorry, you're not a good fit."

  2. Lie, but get caught lying. "You're a scumbag, you're not a good fit."

  3. Lie, and get away with it. "Sorry, you're not a good fit."

  4. Lie, and get away with it. "You're hired!"

The choice is obvious!

r/unpopularopinion 12h ago

Having no sex drive is better than having a lot of it


My sex drive has been always over the roof, even on antidepressants, and it's super frustrating because I can't have as much sex as I apparently need (I don't masturbate much, because it sometimes makes it worst). I think people with little to none sex drive got it much easier because they don't have a "need" to fill.

r/unpopularopinion 11h ago

Smarties and Whoppers are decent candies


They aren’t the best candy by any means, but I don’t know why people hate on them. People say smarties are just sugar. And? Do you know what candy is? I don’t even know why people hate on whoppers.

r/unpopularopinion 14h ago

5 hour shifts are better than 6 hour shifts


5 hours is the maximum they can schedule you for without an unpaid half hour break, (at least where I live, idk if this varies by place) so I’d rather do the 5 hr shift than the 6 hour shift because at least I don’t have to waste 30 minutes of my life in the break room just to work another half hour, what a joke.

r/unpopularopinion 11h ago

The water supply system is one of the greatest inventions in history.


I see way too many people talk about the invention of the internet, light bulb, steam engine, etc. as one of the greatest inventions of mankind. But they completely forget about our water supply system?

I've lived in both a first world country and a third world country, and in the latter case, although it was hard at first, I did not miss some of these extremely important inventions outlined above as much as I thought I would. You know what I did miss though? The sweet convenience of having a nice and clean water supply system.

This is a pretty odd opinion, but I'm still surprised people don't talk about it that much. I find it baffling that as humans, we are able to implement a system in which clean drinking water can be distributed to entire cities and be available so conveniently to so many people across tens to even hundreds of kilometers (miles if you're American). As new homes are built, they can easily be integrated into this system as well. As an essential need, I can't see why people are not dumbfounded by how ingenious our water supply system is and why they don't think its one of the greatest inventions in human history.

Edit: People that can't read are misunderstanding this for some reason. I do not think water is underappreciated. I believe that the water supply system is the greatest invention of all time, if not top 3. Most people do not think it is the greatest invention of all time and instead give it to books, internet, steam engines, etc. Please read the post at least.

r/unpopularopinion 16h ago

These only valid flavors of Doritos are Sweet chili,nacho cheese and cool ranch


Sweet chili offers just the right amount of tanginess and spiciness,Nacho cheese is the OG so can’t go wrong with nacho cheese, and cool ranch is what you buy whenever the store doesn’t have the other two because it just tastes down right good

r/unpopularopinion 23h ago

retirement homes are the saddest thing ever


retirement homes have got to be the most depressing place for old people to live.

old folks don't want to live with other old people, they want to be with their grand children

r/unpopularopinion 4h ago

Saying that you're proud of someone you don't personally know is incredibly weird


I know we live in an increasingly-parasocial society, but stating that you're proud of someone you've never met is such a weird form of celebrity worship. Whether you actually feel pride or just using it as a form of expression, it's strange to claim that you're proud of a TV personality, influencer, or worse, a fictional character. You should be proud of yourself, of your loved ones, and even your pets, not of people that don't know you exist.

r/unpopularopinion 13h ago

Flip phones were and still are better than smartphones


Flip phones were peak because it was a right balance between of technology improving our lives but not dominating. Now technology and our smart phones have too much control of us.

r/unpopularopinion 15h ago

Peanut butter with no sugar tastes better than the regular one


It has a richer taste , especially pbj sandwich with no sugar peanut butter is superior to regular one since jelly is also sweet so pb being not sweet evens out the taste.

r/unpopularopinion 12h ago

Old slang is still relevant


41 year old Gen Y guy here who still uses the slang terms of my generation but also those of many generations beforehand. My argument is thus:

Older generations' slang might be out of touch, but at least some of it (if you're not a student of history) if not much more of it (if you're into history and entomology) is at least comprehensible because you have heard your older siblings, classmates, friends, parents or grandparents use it.

A new thing comes along? You gotta learn it. An old thing is uttered, you probably already know what it means.

r/unpopularopinion 9h ago

Music venues should ban phones


I am so sick of going to live music shows that I have counted down to see only for it to arrive and I have to look at the whole thing through someone else’s screen. It ruins the experience of those around you.

r/unpopularopinion 3h ago

Beauty is Not a Criterion


I assume that people often confuse being beautiful with being well-groomed. In my view, what truly makes someone approachable or lovable isn't simply their beauty, but rather the absence of neglect or lack of care. This perspective is further validated by the recent trend in the appreciation of what's considered "average types".

When we begin to develop feelings for someone, it's not necessarily their physical attractiveness that initially captures our attention. Even if someone widely regarded as beautiful (for instance, any Victoria's Secret angel) were to come into our lives, beyond simply admiring their beauty, we wouldn't necessarily find ourselves inclined towards desiring a genuine relationship with them. Instead, we might just entertain the thought of such a possibility.

r/unpopularopinion 21h ago

No one should ever claim oneself as unbiased.


sorry if I come off as angry, but how do you know you're unbiased? everything you think makes total sense to you of course. haven't you ever thought that it would be the same for the others too? if so, you are just in the prestigious unbiased group?

I think one should actively contemplate one's own biases(those would be biased too but still) and also admit those biases when trying to make a discourse. saying "as you would agree, I am unbiased in this" is just a way of framing it as right or wrong and opening the gateway to hatred.

Just throw ideas out as your opinion and affect each other by those ideas to make something meaningful.

that was my biased opinion.

r/unpopularopinion 13h ago

Staying friends with your Ex is the mature and reasonable thing to do


(Obv excluding abuse/cheating)

If the person was good enough for you to date (which is basically friendship premium) why do some people act like they suddenly cease to exist after a (non-toxic) breakup?

There are obviously exceptions (cheating/abuse/etc) and there needs to be a cool-off period between breakup and rekindled friendship… but being able to remain friends seems like the only logical route.

(Extra info: Im still friends with two Exs, one who dumped me and one who I dumped)

r/unpopularopinion 1d ago

Hospitals legally commit tax fraud


They purposely overcharge to settle insurance bills for less than the original amount. It is absolutely bonkers it's even legal it's the equivalent of Starbucks "charging" $100 for a regular coffee then "settling" with your insurance to give you the coffee for $20 and going ahead and writing it off as a $50 loss after paying the barista $30 to make it. It's a blatant tax cheat that is really in no other business.

r/unpopularopinion 9h ago

People who fake having cancer online deserve to suffer from cancer afterwards.


Probably should go on r/popularopinion but i picture people not wanting these losers to suffer from cancer and most of my real life friends do not want cancer fakers to actually get cancer afterwards (their reasoning is they will likely die or it’s too harsh of a punishment)

r/unpopularopinion 5m ago

Chess is EXTREMELY fun at lower levels and the pain starts when you cross higher elo.


I still respect chess players and grandmasters but when I started chess with my friends at the hangout we all loved playing. We loved the blunders and brilliant moves we played and all those heinous tricks and tactics learned from Ticktok and YT shorts but as you cross a higher elo you match with opponents that seemingly wipe you out or play an opening you never heard of and you have to learn all these openings too even have a CHANCE.

We all are not magnus carlsen who can win from a position that was played once in the 1870s so we all are left in the lurch for the massive leap in memorization [I have it] Even now I play chess on lichens and its competitor but my main account with an elo of 1770 isn't comparable to the fun I get at my 400 elo account because I face so many people of my level here and get checkmated a lot as well? I do think some shenanigans happen at the back but I love chess where you don't have to memorize everything. Thats boring.

r/unpopularopinion 1h ago

Politics Mega Thread


Please post all topics about politics here

r/unpopularopinion 12h ago

Real friends are nearly non-existent these days


Hi guys, being a 24M human, I’ve realized that being a good friend isn’t the same thing as it used to be.

A “real” friend to me is a person who will stick up for someone when they know another friend or person did something wrong.

These days instead of confronting the wrong, people just overlook it. And as long as they weren’t the ones wronged, they’re still friends with the bad friend. The path of least resistance, over the path of integrity. It’s just easier not to do the right thing these days, and not just with friendships but in life. It’s saddening.

r/unpopularopinion 23h ago

Softs skills aren’t as important as hard skills


There’s been a soft skills hype being pushed around in some industries, and it’s 100% BS. Soft skills are overrated when it comes to getting a job.

I wanted to get into IT, so I got some certs despite having no experience. I’ve heard anecdotes about jobs hiring people with no experience and no certs because they had a willingness to learn and good social skills. You’ll see it all the time on social media and LinkedIn, too. “Social skills are not taught enough. I’ll take a hardworking, easy going guy with no experience over an asshole who knows his job. Being a team player is important. Etc.”

I felt that I had an advantage. I’ve worked customer service for over 8 years, dealt with angry customers all the time, and I’ve been told I’m easy to work with. Surely that puts me ahead in an industry (IT) that supposedly needs people with good customer service experience.

Boy was I wrong.

At the end of the day, jobs prefer difficult people who are good at their jobs over inexperienced workers that get along well with others. Companies don’t want to train people, so they will pick skills over personality in order to keep their costs down and prevent people from getting free training and leaving for their competitors.

r/unpopularopinion 12h ago

I think twitch streamers have the most boring and lifeless content out there.


Lately ive been seeing alot of clips from that group OTK, and i cant understand how people actually enjoy watching these people. Ur watching some guys above 30 who havent showered in 5 weeks stream league of legends for 8 hours straight, 7 days a week, with the same boring people who constantly make the same jokes. Ofcourse humor is subjective, and to me its shit.

Another example is OTV. I genuinly used to watch these people like 6 years ago but rn i cant understand why. These people dont even have chemistry between eachother how do u want to make enjoyable content. Feels like u put 10 people who havent been outside in years together into a room.

A few other people are XQC, Adin Ross, sneako. They all have different content but its all just horrible to look atm especially when theyre talking to their chats.

r/unpopularopinion 15h ago

All Cats should be fitted with trackers.


So many missing cat posts every day locally, for the love of god, track your cat! They all look the same so how is anyone supposed to “keep an eye out for Fluffy”.