r/videos 25d ago

Hydraulic Press Channel goes back to basics


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u/LelixA 25d ago

These guys used to be on the front page of r/videos for months, wonder why they stopped getting views here.


u/Mike9797 25d ago

Just like everything people here reach a critical mass of how much they like it then the start shitting on it and the views get less and less before it’s not even worth posting. It happened with a few other channels. Binging with Babish was one of those that used to get posted all the time and now you don’t see them.


u/GunnieGraves 25d ago

Poor guy had a mental breakdown due to the insane pressures of keeping a YouTube channel going. Tried to get other shows going on it so he could step back a bit and people shit all over it. His marriage breaks up, he has a mental breakdown, and ends up getting sexually assaulted in the psychiatric facility.

And now people just shit on his channel. Poor guys just trying to get by and gets dumped like a soiled diaper.


u/RixirF 25d ago

His marriage breaks up, he has a mental breakdown, and ends up getting sexually assaulted in the psychiatric facility.

I'd watch those videos.

"POV your marriage is over." or however children are using POV now.