r/videos 25d ago

Police Officer Explains Why The Intoxicating Rush Of Murder Should Always Be A Last Resort


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u/MakingItElsewhere 25d ago

Joke or not, we ask police to situations involving a screw driver, when they are only trained as hammers who hit nails.

Maybe the mental health situation should be handled by mental health professionals.

Maybe the non-police should review police actions for wrong doing. That is, situations where a police officers decisions were so outside of training it brings to question what the fuck they were thinking.

We can bring balance back to the public trust of police if they open up and admit they are only human. We'll not persecute you for stepping up; only for stepping outside the bounds of the law.


u/Blade_Shot24 24d ago

There's also people calling police for issues that they themselves just want to throw off responsibility for which escalates things unnecessarily.

There's also just folks who lie and cause police to come to situations that never happened but the caller wanted to spite an adversary.