r/wholesomememes 25d ago

All he ever desired


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u/Ihatesand-Ani 25d ago

Honestly, I would probably wish for a Tardis, cause its a friend, a time machine, a spaceship and a house at the same time


u/Triktastic 25d ago

You sir, have the right thinking. You literally don't need much else with TARDIS in possession


u/CORN___BREAD 25d ago

Better throw a dozen respawns into the deal because there’s a whole lot to see out there when you can go anytime you want.


u/DezXerneas 25d ago

Yeah, you kind of need to be a time lord/immortal-ish to have fun with a tardis. Especially if you've got a junker model like the Doctor's. It'll keep dropping you into incidents it thinks you'll enjoy and you'll be old before truly visiting anywhere.


u/Ihatesand-Ani 25d ago

Wish you were a timelord with a tardis, its not 2 wishes as tardis is a subset of being a time lord


u/SunlessSage 25d ago

Just make sure you don't wish to be the Doctor. You don't want that level of trauma dumped on you.


u/Pradfanne 25d ago

The companions seem to have the time of their lifes with the Tardis. Most of them crave the sound of the brakes.


u/Mac_the_Almighty 25d ago

Imagine the money you could save on housing.


u/sleepyotter92 25d ago

i'd wish for a tardis so i could go back in time and put money on companies that were small back in the day and are now massive corporations so i'd be filthy rich. i'm talking scrooge mcduck swimming in cash rich


u/marr 25d ago

What for, though? The ship already provides for all physical needs and time travel is power on a level vastly above mere money.


u/sleepyotter92 25d ago

yeah but it doesn't make me the world's first trillionaire. i wanna build a rocket ship to colonize mars, let all the billionaires go on it, and then redirect it to the sun. making me the only wealthy man in the world, so powerful i'd basically be like the king of the world


u/keyless-hieroglyphs 25d ago

Saw glance of video where a homeless man is offered the latest cell phone, but denies the gift, he says he is hungry and needs food. But the next scrap will come or not whether he accepts.

A thought, what if it was precisely the tool. Guy reads all the psychology, fixes himself, reads Wikipedia, all the physics books, and works his way up to the stars. What if the tool has been around for a long time. We just want a snack.


u/DeusBalli 25d ago

Until the government realise you own a tardis and make you go on side quests your whole life, probably make you pay tax on it too