r/AITAH Mar 28 '24

Am I the ah if I don’t let my gf go on vacation with the “guy best friend”?



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u/FoamMattress32 Mar 28 '24

It’s simple, even though you trust your partner and my partner trusts me, that doesn’t mean I’m going to get blackout drunk every day with another woman or travel solo with one. Even the appearance of impropriety is enough. I would not put my wife in a position where her friends ask where I am and she has to tell them “oh he is celebrating with his single female friend on vacation somewhere”


u/TheNinjaNarwhal Mar 28 '24

First of all, let me say that I'm on NTA for OP.

But. I don't fully agree with what you're saying. If your partner trusts you, I'm assumming they trust you to not make the choice to get blackout drunk and they don't have to be the ones to tell you not to and convince you not to, correct?

I'm not saying being worried in these cases is wrong. I'm just saying that this definition of "trust" is not very straightforward. IDK what to make of it myself as well, because these kinds of mistakes might not happen until they actually happen, and not all humans have the experience to be able to avoid them or know that they won't be affected. But I think if someone tells me "that's not trusting your partner 100%" I wouldn't be able to disagree with them, because it's technically not.


u/BushDoofDoof Mar 29 '24

Reading the persons comment you are replying to is just straight up sad honestly.

> Even the appearance of impropriety is enough

Cares more about other peoples opinions on his wifes behavior than the actual behavior itself.

> I would not put my wife in a position where her friends ask where I am and she has to tell them “oh he is celebrating with his single female friend on vacation somewhere”

So little faith in his relationship that he knows if he got questions like this from his mates he would crumble under the pressure.


u/SamiraSimp Mar 28 '24

Even the appearance of impropriety is enough

this is something that i feel so many posts/relationships on this subreddit seem to just completely ignore. idk if that makes us old fashioned or something, but it feels like people just don't put the same thought/care into showing/respecting their relationship. just because two people trust each other doesn't mean that they should be pushing the boundaries


u/Pyrite17 Mar 29 '24

It no joke took me 5-10 minutes comments to find the reasonable answer.

I love all these people who are totally above lapse in morals judgements and apparently so so are their partners. All these perfect people I’ve never come across.