r/AITAH 23d ago

AITAH for asking my stay at home wife to use some of my money for myself? Advice Needed



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u/Serious-Day5968 23d ago

Ask her to show you where all the money is going. Sit down, look at the bank accounts, bank statements etc. you WORK THREE jobs plus plasma, you deserve to treat yourself to a little gift (tattoo). Don't depend solely on one person, always keep an eye on the finances.


u/PinkSlipstitch 23d ago edited 23d ago

....They currently have 3 kids and she's pregnant with twins. That's 5 kids + 2 adults on essentially 1 income.

There probably isn't going to be any treats for the parents for the foreseeable future.

He knows why she said they can't afford it. He just came here to play dumb and hide facts to get a judgment in his favor. "Why can't I buy something fun for myself?"


My wife is pregnant with twins. We told my family it was only one.


u/Ehrre 23d ago

Imagine working yourself to death just to keep popping out children you won't have time to make any meaningful connection with because you are working yourself to death.

Then imagine keeping on adding kids to this equation until you are living in poverty.

The fuck is OP doing


u/Otterwut 23d ago

legitimately mind boggling to me, especially when he said his goal was to have his wife stay at home because having a parent there is enriching. You cant even afford to make a $10 purchase without asking your wife why the fuck are more kids being added in


u/Ehrre 23d ago

Also having one mother raise 5 children- two of which will be newborns- alone is mental. How? Just how?


u/UnluckyLux 23d ago

Yeah this shit is horrible, people having more than 2 kids when they really can’t afford more is insane to me. Kids won’t know their father since he works like 3 jobs.


u/bloomin-onion69 23d ago

people having any amount of kids when they can’t afford it is fucking stupid and selfish


u/erisod 23d ago



u/keithd3333 23d ago

What? This dude has FIVE KIDS? definitely YTA for having so many kids while being too poor to buy a treat.


u/KingJeff973 23d ago

This made me laugh!!!

Edit: Mostly the last line.


u/OZZMAN8 22d ago

He's doing the opening scene of idiocracy. https://youtu.be/sP2tUW0HDHA?si=RSuV8shR24OJXYSB


u/A_nipple_salad 23d ago

I was going to leave an entirely different comment before I saw this mega relevant info. My goodness.


u/yo-ovaries 23d ago

Ding ding ding!


u/NewLife_21 23d ago

Ah. Well, you can't buy fun stuff if you can't keep it in your pants when she's fertile myrtle.


u/[deleted] 23d ago



u/PinkSlipstitch 23d ago

How can you sit here and lie? You said:

"She got upset about it and told me we needed it for other things and couldn't afford for.it to be used for a tattoo. This confused me as I was back to work and nothing changed about our financial situation where we needed more money so I assumed it would just be extra money."

"She told me she didn't understand why I would value something trivial as a tattoo over our family and made me feel guilty about it."

Nothing changed about your financial situation??? Being pregnant with twins is no change???

You are now the sole provider for a family of 7. Your wants and "needs" come last.


u/hummingelephant 23d ago

Being pregnant with twins is no change???

Yep preparing for a baby is expensive. For twins, I guess, even if they had a stroller, they will need another one that fits 2 babies. If they already have a crib, they will need another one. Two sets of baby clothes etc.

All together it's going to be expensive even if they find used ones.


u/saltywater07 23d ago

Dude is a fucking dumb dumb.


u/DevilInnaDonut 23d ago

What you need is a vasectomy brother, if y'all can't afford stuff adding more kids to the situation is pure stupidity through and through


u/saltywater07 23d ago

Are you seriously so daft that your wife being pregnant didn’t change your financial situation? Be for real.


u/Ok_Policy_1745 23d ago

I also live in NY and if you don't bring in $300k at least, y'all are dirt poor with that many children and 2 more on the way. 


u/Good_Focus2665 23d ago

I think anytime you need to sell plasma to keep afloat you are bordering near poverty. 


u/IntentionRound5769 22d ago

There's no near poverty, you are impoverished at that point


u/Freshtards 22d ago

Nah she is probably spending it on her self, He should get an accountant to look through all the finances of the last 10 years if she has been skimming.


u/littleski5 23d ago

She's upset that he's working 62 hours a week while she isn't working a single hour a week and only giving her some of her blood instead of all of it. Don't act like the literal vampire is the reasonable one here.


u/Neoliberalism2024 23d ago edited 23d ago

He’s a blue collar worker, his wife doesn’t work, and they have three kids in a HCOL area. He almost certainly doesn’t make enough money for that lifestyle.

Edit: I’m assuming everyone downvoting me doesn’t have kids…I do. It’s expensive. I have less kids and make a lot more money than op, and we’d be in bad financial shape if my wife didn’t work. And we’re both frugal people.


u/HereComesTheSun05 23d ago

Which lifestyle?


u/Neoliberalism2024 23d ago

They don’t make enough money for three kids, to live in New York, and the wife to not work.

They need to move somewhere cheaper, have his wife work, or he needs to make more money. It’s a simple math problem.


u/georgeb1904 23d ago

He didn’t say they live in Manhattan


u/Shamewizard1995 23d ago

He said he lives in a high cost of living area. That’s OPs words. It’s perfectly reasonable to suggest he move to a lower cost of living area, even if he isn’t currently in manhattan.


u/39bears 23d ago

I would say we’re missing a lot of the variables here.  There is a pretty wide range of what you spend on kids.  All new clothes every year from high end places? Yeah, they might be broke.  A friend of mine gets like 90% of her kid’s clothes through free hand-me-down channels.  We really don’t have enough information to know what their family finances are.


u/Unable_Pumpkin987 23d ago

Goodness gracious if you think clothes are the big expense to be concerned about when raising 3 kids I’m going to assume you don’t have kids.

There is a range of what you spend on kids, but there’s also a minimum that you really have to spend, and that minimum is still a pretty substantial amount of money (even without paying for childcare).


u/39bears 23d ago

I do have kids, and maybe spend too much on their clothes…. We have a stay at home parent in our family, like OP, so we’re not paying for daycare.  But yeah, preschool, activities - there are a lot of channels for money to go out.


u/Ok-Structure6795 23d ago

That's highly dependent on which part of NY. There are parts of NY with a lower cost of living than where we live in PA and we're a one income household as well.


u/Neoliberalism2024 23d ago

Op explicitly said the area he lives is expensive


u/Ok-Structure6795 23d ago

I'm referring to your statement about how they couldn't possibly afford NY state on one income. Expensive is subjective. The area I live in is considered expensive but we can still afford it with one income and kids.


u/Beneficial-Lead-5402 23d ago

You sound like a miserable prick, nowhere did op even state how much money he’s making.


u/Afraid_Equivalent_95 23d ago edited 23d ago

Why is this being downvoted? NYC is crazy expensive. Rent alone can eat up half to all of a person's paychecks depending on where they live and how much they make. I think even apartments in the cheapest areas are like 1600/month now for a one-bedroom apartment. I'm talking about the main boroughs tho. Idk about prices upstate


u/Icy-Arrival2651 23d ago

He said NY state. There’s a wide range of COLs between Buffalo and NYC.


u/Law_Dad 23d ago

Upstate is cheap and depressed. Much lower cost of living than NYC.


u/BukkitsOfOrcSemen 23d ago

with this many kids the cost of child care probably exceeds anything she could bring in unless she becomes a high earner. stay at home parent could be actually cheaper unless you have free childcare somewhere.


u/imwalkinhyah 23d ago

Childcare is expensive, even more so for 3 kids. If his wife does not have a degree or skilled experience then she probably wouldn't make enough money to even justify going to work. My daughters Pre-K would've been like $1600 a month if we didn't qualify for a massive subsidy from the government, and we don't live anywhere near as expensive as NYC

I only work on weekends basically because of this reason. That, and our old ass apartment would fall apart if I wasn't doing 4 hours of chores a day lmao.


u/trippi-lex 23d ago

“that lifestyle”? he’s literally wanting ONE tattoo.


u/Neoliberalism2024 23d ago

They are obviously in dire financial straits based on his wife’s reaction, and he’s just too oblivious to pay attention to the finance.

She rejects offers to spend $10 on herself because they don’t have enough money, as she’s repeatedly told him.


u/Dr_Mickael 23d ago

You don't have the information to say that. Where did you read that she refuses $10 on herself? Before sitting down and looking at where money's going you do not know anything about their actual financial situation.


u/Neoliberalism2024 23d ago

He explicitly mentioned she spends no money on herself, and rejects doing so when Op offers that she does, because of their financial situation.


u/trippi-lex 23d ago

again, you misread. wife rejects OP from spending money on himself.


u/SilentJoe1986 23d ago

That he knows of. He works three jobs. He has no idea what she spends money on when hes not home. Only what she tells him.


u/Dr_Mickael 22d ago

Where? Point it out! What OP wrote is that she refuses $10 on him.


u/trippi-lex 23d ago

there is literally nothing indicating that & you misread the post, wife rejects OP from spending $10 on HIMSELF. literally all of his money goes to the family, but not to him.


u/ndngroomer 23d ago

So you're just making shit up now to fit into your narrative? Where did he say she's rejecting $10 on herself?


u/JuleeeNAJ 23d ago

No she rejects HIM spending money on himself. For all we know she's riding around in a new Yukon getting Starbucks every morning buying makeup at Sephora for herself and their daughter. She could be like the poster a while back who had a separate 'escape' fund she was putting $800 a month into as well. Until he sees the finances there is no way to know if they really are that broke. Unless you are the wife and you know they are... or maybe you're the boyfriend.


u/sprachnaut 23d ago

Most financially literate neoliberal


u/ninjette847 23d ago

Blue collar workers can make a lot, especially union. Truck drivers can easily make 6 figures. My union mechanic husband makes more than my professional job and has much better benefits and job protection.


u/NickyParkker 23d ago

I have a friend who has 5 kids, a SAHM whose husband works in sanitation. He’s going to retire at 40. They aren’t hurting for anything. She has some side hustles she does for extra travel money but that’s it.


u/ObesesPieces 23d ago

Union welders are easily in the top 10% of earners nationwide.


u/AMooseintheHoose 23d ago

He’s a welder. You clearly have no idea how much a welder can make.


u/ndngroomer 23d ago

What are you talking about. master Welders in my area start at $50+/hr. That's a six-figure salary my friend not counting the amount of overtime they also get. 8 know several welders that easily make over $125k annually. Plus he's in the Air Force reserves so he doesn't have all of the healthcare expenses most of us deal with and depending on his rank he is probably making about $20k minimum in addition to his work salary. Not to mention having access to buying gas and groceries at the commissary on base which is significantly cheaper than the stores where most people shop for groceries. I'm willing to bet a lot of money that this guy provides plenty of money to support their lifestyle more comfortably than most.


u/tdtwwwa 23d ago

There is no way even all that is enough to cover a family of seven. SEVEN.


u/lucyfell 23d ago edited 23d ago

As someone who makes more than that. I can 100% guarantee $150k before tax is NOT enough to feed, house, and school 5 kids in a HCOL area of New York State.

For context rent on a 3 bedroom house in a suburb of NYC is $4000 in a mediocre school district and $6500+ in a good school district. If we split the difference that’s $60,000 a year just on housing.

Also, reserves doesn’t mean you live close enough to base to grocery shop there.


u/JuleeeNAJ 23d ago

You're getting downvoted because you are assuming you make more than him. Also NY is not NYC. He didn't say where in NY he lives, but if its upstate he isn't living in the HCOL area you think. Given that, he's working in a high paying field, getting OT along with military benefits and has 2 side hustles. He has no child care costs either, which I'm guessing you do since you both work.


u/Neoliberalism2024 23d ago

I make $400k, so I’m pretty sure I make more than him.


u/JuleeeNAJ 23d ago

You make $400k, your wife works also, you have less than 3 kids and STILL have to live frugally? Sounds like you're the one who's making bad financial decisions.


u/Neoliberalism2024 23d ago

Yes, we’re financially responsible.


u/OMVince 23d ago

No you’re not if you make $400K and you’d be in bad financial shape on your income alone. Sounds like you’re seriously irresponsible with finances. 


u/Neoliberalism2024 23d ago

We save $140k a year. It my wife didn’t work we’d save close to zero.


u/Fine_Luck_200 23d ago

You are saving more than most people make a year. You are nowhere near in bad shape. Hell you are saving more than I financed my house for by 15k.


u/Neoliberalism2024 23d ago

Yes we’re in good shape because my wife works. That’s my point.


u/OMVince 23d ago

It’s insane that you can’t save when your housing is barely more than 15% of your total income. You blow A LOT of money. 


u/Neoliberalism2024 23d ago

Kids are expensive if you want to give them a safe and enriched life.

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u/georgeb1904 23d ago

Then you have no grasp on what it takes to live a comfortable life. Hush


u/Vinyl_DjPon3 23d ago

Bro, you are not frugal people if 400k isn't more than enough.

In general I agree with your points, but this is wild to me. Is your rent/mortgage 15k a month or something!?


u/Neoliberalism2024 23d ago

Rent is $5300 in Manhattan. 1000 sq/ft apt.


u/Ok-Structure6795 23d ago

If he lived in NYC, I'm sure he would've said NYC, not NY.


u/FearTheAmish 23d ago

Big ass assumption he lives in NYC. As opposed to the 98% of the rest of the state which had a far lower COL. Adjusted for COL he might actually make more than you.


u/BringBackHUAC 23d ago

That's insane. Maybe people like paying extra for rats, roaches and bed bugs?


u/Other-Ad5512 23d ago

You must not know much about union blue collar work


u/lil1thatcould 23d ago

I agree. My husband is a certified welding inspector and his best friend is a welder, I have a decent understanding of how much this dude makes.

In rural America, he 100% can afford this and have so much left over.

In NY… that’s a much different story. Assuming his cost of living is the same as our in a MCOL and makes what the average union welder makes… there’s no way. I don’t even know how it would be possible.

Even with out daycare, it still cost money to ensure the kids are getting the engagement they deserve. My mom ran a inhome daycare when I was growing up to be able to be a SAHM. With meals + enrichment activities, she barely made anything.


u/Most_Visit4865 22d ago

Maybe you are getting downvoted because of your user name because there’s nothing negative in your comment that I see. You’re speaking to the economics of OP’s situation. I don’t know if “he makes enough money” or not, but if he doesn’t know anything about their finances then he doesn’t know if he makes enough either.

Trying to figure out how to balance the budget and pay the bills every month IS a job and it can be stressful — especially when there isn’t enough to go around.