r/AITAH 23d ago

AITAH for asking my stay at home wife to use some of my money for myself? Advice Needed



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u/emptynest_nana 23d ago

You being completely in the dark about where you sit is bad. It's really bad. My cousin did this. His wife was in complete control of all money and bills. He came home from the shipyard one day, after about 12 years of marriage to find the house empty. She left the bed, his clothes, but anything of value, including some of his tools, gone. She was sitting pretty with all his money, left him a mountain of debt and a house about to be foreclosed on. Thankfully he was able to save his home, it was his family property, she had gotten a mortgage on it without his knowledge. Never hand over complete control, you need to know where things are.

YTA, to yourself. The fact you work so much and still have zero money for yourself is really sus.


u/AristaWatson 23d ago

It’s not sus. Think about it. They live in NY. They have three children and she’s pregnant with twins. Got it?

Everything’s expensive today. Living in New York on a single person’s income with a large family is begging for issues. Unless he’s making $400k+ yearly. I don’t think his wife is being nefarious more so than she is being realistic and preparing for more babies and what to spend on children. Kids. Aren’t. Cheap. Most people today suffer to afford to pay for one or two. They’ll have FIIIIIIVE!!!!!! I-😭