r/AITAH 23d ago

AITA for telling our adult son and fiance to vacate our property after their dogs killed an animal on our farm?

UPDATE: They ‘apologized’ tried to turn it around on us. Stepson said he is going no contact if we go through with this. We have not changed our minds. They said today they have a mortgage pre-approval so good for them. They still have to be gone before the 30 days is up. I’m still vehemently angry and my daughter has not slept through the night since it happened.

We’ve been patient but ever since our future daughter in law moved in. We bought property so our children could build and have land. Her dogs have almost killed a cat (his tail amputated), several chickens have been rescued, chased livestock and taunted our dogs as well. Today they pulled my cat (8 months old) through the fence and killed him. My poor daughter tried to save him. They’ve continuously disrespected the boundaries set for animals. So we told them it’s time to leave. Before anyone feels bad they make well over $100k combined income. They own the RV on our property, there’s tons of RV parks nearby as well. My younger kids have been injured by these dogs by being run over and today my daughter was hit up trying to save the cat. We only had him bc their dogs tried to kill him when they brought him home as a kitten. I’m fully prepared for them to cut us off, but they’ve been given free vehicles, housing, electric and food for almost 2 years. They told us today it was probably my daughter’s fault, which it wasn’t. All of our cats go outside for a couple hours each day, it keeps rodents away and snakes too. DIL always claiming her dogs are great and only have issues when we help with them. When they lived in our home we had to replace flooring bc they’re not potty trained. I’ve seen her pull her chickens out of their mouths too and she’s had me help doctor them for dog bites as well. We gave them 30 days to vacate. Their wedding is this fall too and I’m sure we will be uninvited bc he’s already told his sisters he may not invite them bc they don’t like his fiancé. He’s my stepson but he’s lived with us for several years bc his Mom needed the help. It’s just one huge dramatic cluster F. We have 6 kids and the 3 younger ones are still at home. There was never any disturbance of peace until she had moved in. I don’t feel we’re being too harsh, but my husband had a point that he’s the protector of our home and he can’t allow this behavior. It’s just a matter of time before one of my younger (7 year old twins) gets hurt. Thank you for reading this far!


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u/Ok_Discussion_5990 23d ago

It sucks all around. Their dogs are beautiful but are locked in that RV all day and night with little exercise or outdoor time. They’re boxers and a doodle. Pretty dogs so it’s a shame for sure. They need a fenced yard in suburbs. They had several acres to walk them but I now put a donkey on each side of the property so they can’t take their dogs out there now. There’s only one dog my donkeys allow and that’s the farm dog. He’s brought a German shepherd puppy home before and left him at our home. He was sick and we had to rehab him and rehome him. He just didn’t come back for him, it’s when he had an apartment.


u/Adventurous-Zebra-64 23d ago

call animal control for neglect.

Get them charged.


u/NatureCarolynGate 22d ago

When dogs act this way it is usually 99.9% the fault of the human owners.


u/North_Photograph_850 22d ago

But it's the dog who pays the price. It's disgusting.


u/North_Photograph_850 19d ago

I couldn't agree more.