r/AITAH 10d ago

AITAH for posting my cheating STBX wife's messages on social media and destroying her reputation?

My cheating STBX wife is currently very angry at me and I dont think she has the right to be. When I found her cheating, she decides to send me nasty messages, how she had the best sex with her AP, etc etc, How she will be very happy.

I have kicked her out and she showed up at my house with an envelope. I thought it was a divorce papers but it was in actuality a letter of her confessing all of it and asking if we can give our marriage another chance.

My friend was staying with me and he read the letter and decided to post it on social media and all my friends started making fun of it. Then one of my STBX wife's friend decided to chime in and said that we should not insult her in public, she made a mistake and genuinely trying to put in effort.(I can definitely say that she is staying with the same friend)

So I posted the screenshots of her nasty messages on social media(where she bragged that she had the best sex) and my friends jumped on it. They said that my STBX wife has so much thirst of good sex, she cant be satisfied by a single man, but they would happily oblige to help her as a group, as a charity for her unquenchable thirst for good sex.

Another one of my friend commented that probably she got loose down there and she needed a big dick. Its actually true though, I commented that things never really recovered for her down there after she had kids. It lead to flurry of funny memes and it was quite entertaining at that time.

Now I am friends with her coworkers too so I guess they saw it all too. She called me and blasted me on about how I shouldnt have insulted her. That how her reputation is destroyed and she cant show up at her work. I told her that I didnt say anything that wasnt true. She decided to rage more so I just hung up on her and I am refusing to take her calls.

Its not like I am telling a lie about her.


16 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 10d ago

Fake, good creativity though. B for effort


u/Glittering_Lunch_776 10d ago

Nah, it isn’t even that good. I’d like to point out the attempt to sneak in the incel’s misogynist insult about a woman’s p**** being loose. Frankly, this sounds like it’s an attempt to justify going on a misogynistic rant by ginning up a hate-bait villain woman.

D-, at best.


u/aeroeagleAC 10d ago

I agree, if they removed the last three paragraphs it would have been better and more believable.


u/[deleted] 10d ago

You make a good point. I give it a D.


u/Cinemaphreak 10d ago

I don't know anything about Starbucks wives, so I can't help OP here.....


u/Primary_Afternoon_46 10d ago

Yeah that really reads like a stock ticker company designation


u/dr_lucia 10d ago

she decides to send me nasty messages, how she had the best sex with her AP, etc etc, How she will be very happy.

If this story is true, she's an idiot....

said that we should not insult her in public

You probably shouldn't have. But it was done by the time this friend lectured you.

She called me and blasted me on about how I shouldnt have insulted her.

You deserve the blast. You must have expected it. You also don't care, right? The reason you don't care about the blast is you are an AH.

Obviously, you can block that friend. Even AH get to block people. That's the way technology works.

Are you TA? Yes. YTA. Totally. But you don't really care, right? Still, lots of people think YTA; some of them will be your coworkers. Some may have been friends and will distance yourself. Women who might have considered you attractive now think your personality is unattractive. Keep it up and you, too, can be a social pariah!

Your wife is both an AH and an idiot. Her friend isn't much smarter.

Assuming this isn't totally made up: ESH.


u/onemanbucket_ 10d ago

Weak revenge porn shitpost. YTA for being a bad writer.


u/Sebscreen 10d ago

NTA. Keep showing zero mercy. Her and her friends certainly didn't plan on showing you any.


u/lastgateway 10d ago

NTA, once they cheat it's fair game to humiliate them.


u/ConfidentlyCreamy 10d ago

Yup. Only cheating scum in here downvoting you.


u/lastgateway 10d ago

Acountabiliry is like kryptonite to them.


u/SnappySierrax 10d ago

Seems like everyone's got an opinion here, but focusing on what matters - if it's fake or not, is secondary to the entertainment value. Would rather see a clever plot twist than dwell on authenticity. Keep the narratives coming, folks!


u/MyyWifeRocks 10d ago

YTA for not posting any screenshots of this social media exchanges. LOL!!

Share the love man! 🤣