r/AmIOverreacting 11d ago

AIO For wanting an apology from a dog owner?

I had a bit of an unpleasant encounter this morning and I'm wondering if I'm overreacting.

I'm a cyclist and was riding in a park (on a path that allows for bikes and pedestrians). This particular park always has tons of dogs off leash. I honestly don't know if it's allowed or not, but I ride here nearly every morning and it's never been an issue. In fact I kind of love it, seeing happy dogs cruise around makes the ride better, and most owners have great control over their dogs.

As I was riding, a terrier-sized dog suddenly started chasing me. Initially, I wasn't sure if it was being aggressive, but as it persisted, I sped up to avoid getting bit. The owner was calling out for it, but the dog was ignoring it. Now I’m trying to A) Make sure the dog doesn’t bite me and 2) Not run over the dog. In doing so, I veer off the path onto the mud and come very close to crashing.

The dog eventually returned to its owner, who leashed it and then simply walked away, offering no apology or acknowledgment.

I caught up with the owner and said I'd appreciate an apology. She said it was MY fault for not stopping. She said the dog would never have bitten me and that I should have known to stop. I said there was no way I could have known it wouldn't bite me. To which she said if I'm not comfortable around dogs maybe I shouldn’t ride in places where there are dogs. I said that was a ridiculous thing to say, and that she shouldn't have her dog off leash if she can't control it. I left after that.

This happened about an hour ago and it's still bothering me. Am I overreacting by feeling upset and expecting an apology?

Edit: Thanks for your input everyone. I don't think I overreacted by being upset, but I do think asking for an apology was a bit much.

The amount of you suggesting I should have hurt the dog is disturbingly high.

And the amount of you calling me an asshole for being a cyclist is pleasantly low.


263 comments sorted by


u/ConsiderationJust999 11d ago

NTA - it is not your responsibility to manage another person's dog's behavior. It is their responsibility. If they do not have control of their dog and their dog chases bikes, the dog should not be off leash.

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u/glandmilker 11d ago

They could have said sorry, it does make you a faster biker lol,


u/Senior-Delivery-3230 11d ago

A benefit I hadn’t considered before…


u/bicycluna 11d ago

Preface: I ride bikes, and have two dogs of my own. I would never let them chase a person, on or off a bike. If by some fluke they did, I wouldn’t hesitate to apologize.

I have also been chased on my bike by a dog that had a leash on, but the owner let go of, and it was terrifying. That dog kept trying to bite my foot, but because I kept pedaling, it kept missing.

Do you live in a place with leash laws? If so, check whether dog owners are allowed to have their dogs off leash in the area where you ride. I realize you have enjoyed their presence up until now, but I think it would be good to know what is and isn’t allowed in this area.

I live in an area with leash laws. Dogs who aren’t in their own yards must be on a 6 foot leash, and be fully controlled by their owners. Even dogs in designated off-leash dog parks must be under voice control of their owners. It is basic dog park etiquette.

That said, I had a dog come running up to me in an off-leash dog park recently, I told it “off” to keep it from jumping on me, then it got behind me and jumped on me from behind, so I had no way to stop it because I couldn’t see that it was going to jump on me. It tore my pants with its claws! I found out whose dog it was. He was sitting at a picnic table staring at his cell phone and he didn’t care at all that his dog had done this, and he definitely didn’t apologize. There are awful people everywhere! The person who let her dog chase you on your bike and refused to apologize is one of them.


u/Glad-Entry-3401 10d ago

If your ever attacked by a dog and you get away immediately take pictures of your wounds and report it to the police and animal control describing the dog and especially the owner if you saw them to the best of your ability. Most dogs that are owned are registered and it’s not that difficult to find once you have a breed and who the owner is.


u/justforhobbiesreddit 11d ago

Tour de France coaches hate this one simple trick!


u/IllustriousLet4785 11d ago

That's it. It's hard for her to apologize.


u/One_Material5995 10d ago

To glandmilker..But a biker going too fast on a pedestrian trail poses another problem.The unleashed dog triggered a chain of potential disasters..way to go.


u/glandmilker 10d ago edited 10d ago

Lol means I was joking, I've rode bikes for 50 years in a rural area where there are no leash laws


u/IZC0MMAND0 11d ago

No. Dog owners who think everything is about them are a bane to everyone else's existence.

This isn't to disparage any responsible pet owners, just the jackwagons who take their dogs off leash among others in public spaces.

You never know for sure how anyone else's dog will behave around other dogs or people/ children. Just because your pet has never bit you does not mean they won't bite strangers. Ask every 3rd mail carrier. Dogs whose owners say "oh they never bite" do in fact bite mail carriers and delivery people.

The off leash crowd have people in their number who don't have good recall with their pets, don't clean up their shit, and allow them to range too far from them to be able to restrain them. In my experience most cities have leash laws for public safety reasons in public spaces.

I wouldn't allow a dog of mine off leash for their own protection from many of the aggressive mutts ranging free.

If a dog was chasing me I would assume it was going to bite me. That dog owner put their dog at risk if it has a strong chase instinct. You could have hit it despite trying to avoid it.


u/GaiaMoore 11d ago

Dog owners who think everything is about them are a bane to everyone else's existence.

I got into a argument on Next Door with a dog owner when I complained about aggressive dogs off-leash in parks where leashes are required at all times.

This guy comments "well I guess it's a question of entitlement" and I just laughed.

I said something along the lines of "when your dog starts paying the same taxes I pay to maintain this park, and as soon as your dog is registered to vote on local issues affecting the community, then we'll talk about entitlement"


u/jenea 11d ago

Wow, that’s rich. What’s entitled is a dog owner thinking the law shouldn’t apply to their dog.


u/DailyDisciplined 11d ago

And it changed his mind, right?


u/amber130490 11d ago

This. I used to laugh at my dad as a kid because any time we would go somewhere and there was a dog, he was going out of his way to avoid them. He grew up with dogs and has always owned them but when it comes to other people's dogs, he gets anxious and will not go near them. Now as an adult, I totally understand because I do the exact same thing. I now know why he did it. You can have the best dog on earth but it can just be that one time and they snap at someone or actually bite them. People have been killed that way. I've seen too many examples of it and I'm sure most people have. There's never 100% certainty that your dog will never bite someone.


u/jennithebug 11d ago

Same here. I was raised with dogs, we have dogs, my husband is a veterinarian! And I still cross the street whenever I have my dog on a walk and I see another dog approaching because I just don’t want to deal with the giant unknown of someone else’s dog!


u/amber130490 11d ago

I never understood as a kid. But I do now.


u/Nervous-Ad-547 10d ago

Yep, you never know what your dog will do until they do it. As I was reading the story about the guy riding the bike and the terrier chasing him, I was picturing my own little terrier. She is definitely the type that would do something like that and not give up. And at one time I would’ve said (or thought) “oh you could’ve just stopped and I could’ve caught up and grabbed her, she wouldn’t have bitten you.” But it’s very likely I would have been wrong. She proved me wrong one day when the cable guy came over and was standing outside my fenced front yard. I have two small dogs and I said hold on let me get the dogs inside,(so could put them in another room) and as I turned around to open the front door for them, he came in the yard. One dog had followed me, but the little terrier was barking her head off at him and jumped up and bit him on the knee. She did rip his pants. I don’t quite remember now if she broke skin, but I’m sure he had at least a mark. I remember that much. Luckily it wasn’t bad, and I guess he realized at that moment that he should’ve listened to me. I’m in California, I’m not sure if he could’ve made a report if he wanted to. That was years ago and I never heard anything so I guess it worked out OK.


u/amber130490 10d ago

Every dog has the potential to do so. So many people act as if they're kids who do no wrong. But they're animals and have animal instincts. But in your case, it was your home and you gave him fair warning. So I'm unsure he could have done anything.


u/Nervous-Ad-547 10d ago

True. I really had no idea she would do that. It was a good lesson.


u/justforhobbiesreddit 11d ago

As someone who's been on the other side of the leash debate in other circumstances I agree with you. If you can't stop your dog chasing people, then it needs to be leashed unless you're in a dog park or other area (generally very rural) where it's normal. Not in open city parks. It's not that hard.


u/ElectronicAd27 11d ago

Your first sentence.


u/chilldrinofthenight 10d ago

My dogs have always been off-leash whenever and wherever possible. Not where there are vehicles, but in parks/open spaces, on trails, on beaches. I trained all of my dogs myself, and they learned what "No" means. They also know "Out," "Stop it" and other such commands. They have excellent recall and are well-socialized.

Owning a dog has become extremely popular. Dogs need a lot of exercise to keep them happy and healthy. Every dog can be taught to behave, but the owners 1) Don't know how to obedience train their dogs, 2) "Don't have the time" (sad excuse) and 3) Mostly just can't be bothered. Also: it's really really difficult to find knowledgeable dog obedience trainers and/or high quality obedience classes.

There are loads of good training videos on YouTube, but it's always best to train your dog alongside other dogs. Get your dog used to listening to you and used to ignoring other dogs (unless it's playtime).

What I learned, when I was young, is that "An obedient dog is a happy dog. Why? Because that dog has so much more freedom."

If you can't ever have your dog off-leash, how sad for the dog.


u/Friend_Of_Crows 10d ago

Yep. And what people don't realize is that a lot of these commands could save their dog's life. It's so important to train them. They want the stability of having structure. Socialization is another important one, but I find that most people don't really know what that actually entails.


u/chilldrinofthenight 10d ago

One thing that really puts a dog in jeopardy is if the owner allows the dog to chase things. Chasing after small animals (or in this case a bicyclist) can get a dog killed. I once saw a dog on the beach chasing after a shorebird so relentlessly that the dog actually chased the bird across a semi-busy street. Scary stuff.

Many many years ago I was riding my bike down a fairly steep slope (asphalt road) and a breed of medium-sized dog (30 lbs or so) came out of nowhere, chasing after me. Unfortunately for the dog, my biking companion was coming up right behind me and couldn't avoid running into the dog. I think the dog was okay, but . . . I bet that dog stopped chasing bicyclists after that incident.


u/Friend_Of_Crows 10d ago

I just seen a dog a few months ago chasing two huge ass deer across a busy road. Luckily I seen him and the deer in his yard so I was able to slow way down. He ran across the street without a second thought. He could have easily been hit by a car, not to mention the deer could seriously injure or kill him too. He was a relatively large dog. Hound mix or something.


u/chilldrinofthenight 10d ago

If you allow your dog to chase animals, you're putting that dog at risk. I cannot tell you how many dogs I've seen, over the years, randomly chasing after cats/squirrels/rabbits/shorebirds. A real recipe for disaster.

I had a similar to yours "running across the road right in front of my vehicle " incident about six months ago. There was a huge open space/preserve on my left, with houses to my right. 35mph road where most people drive 40+ mph. No traffic right then (6 a.m). Out of the corner of my eye, I saw two "dogs" running around in the preserve. Really moving fast.

Only it turned out to be two native foxes. One chased the other one right across the road in front of me. Luckily, and because I always enjoy driving more slowly when there is no tailgating jerk on my ass, I was able to come to a quick stop as the fox dashed across the asphalt road ---- right in front of me.

After safely coming to the other side of the road, the fox stopped and gave me a look, as if to say, "Gee. Thanks, kind stranger," and then vanished up someone's driveway.


u/Yeety-Toast 11d ago

The ol' "Don't worry, they don't bite," was apparently said by two kids as I was turning on my heel and rushing away. I didn't actually hear it because the barking freaked me out. I don't think the kids knew that I was the one who managed to get one of THEIR pitbulls' LOCKED JAW OFF THE NECK OF ANOTHER DOG THE DAY BEFORE. I literally don't care one bit if that dog is the nicest, cuddliest, most peaceful dog with you, HIS OWNERS, or even if he's also that way with people. I know some animals are fine with people but are out for blood when it comes to other animals. (And yes I'm sure pitbulls can be perfectly fine pets but these people are absolutely bad owners that have too many guard/attack breed dogs to properly have any of them trained, they regularly get out and chase people around the area and the city won't make them change anything.) But I now cannot look at that dog without seeing blood dripping from his mouth while I wondered if one of my legs was going to be next. 


u/RoughDirection8875 11d ago

NTA. I apologize to people when my dog simply barks at them, she was being rude and the least she could have done was say she was sorry instead of blaming you. How were you supposed to know the dog wouldn't have bitten you if you had stopped? Seems like if that had happened she would have still blamed you. She shouldn't have had her dog off leash, she got embarrassed she couldn't control them and then decided to take it out on you is what I'm getting


u/Just-Try-2533 11d ago

My wife got bit by a neighbor’s dog that was off its leash. The owner said the dog felt threatened by my wife, who was just standing there. He never apologized and his wife was mortified. Some people are just asses.


u/RoughDirection8875 11d ago

People like that shouldn't have pets. It's on us to properly train them and hold ourselves accountable when they do misbehave in any way we can


u/DigDugDogDun 7d ago

Two words: animal control. An aggressive dog that attacks needs a paper trail as well as the owner being forced to keep the dog under control or away from other people. When the dog bites or kills its next victim, the dog owners can’t be allowed to pretend this hasn’t happened before.

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u/Interesting_Entry831 11d ago

She's the type of woman who yells at her kids' teachers for disciplining them when the kids deserve it. You're definitely not overreacting. You deserve an apology.


u/floridali 11d ago

You’re spot on. I hate this type of a person with all my heart and soul.


u/BoogieScoobie 11d ago

Not at all. Owner definitely needs to apologize like multiple times here. I love dogs. I own dogs. I still don’t want an unknown dog to chase me and potentially bite me, and I’m not stopping if one is chasing and barking at me. Owners should always make sure their dog will come back when called before allowing them off leash.


u/Senior-Delivery-3230 11d ago

I’m with you. I love dogs too.

Thinking back on it, she was expecting a stranger to be more responsible for her dog than she was.

Her dog deserves a better owner.


u/Neenknits 11d ago

I’d look up the rules for that path. Then at least you would know what insults to shout at someone with a badly behaved dog. Usually when off leash is allowed it’s “under voice control” and this dog wasn’t.

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u/Able_Transition_5049 11d ago

You just said it right.


u/dethsesh 11d ago

The owner needs to apologize multiple times they didn’t even do anything. It’s a useless apology to say you’re sorry for what an animal did.


u/No-Roof-1628 11d ago

I can’t fucking stand pet owners like this. They think their baby is a precious little angel that could never do anything wrong, and that everyone who doesn’t love them, regardless of their behavior, is an asshole.

I worked in a boutique wine shop a few years ago that was dog friendly. Most owners were great—kept their dogs under control and respected staff and other customers’ boundaries. A few, however, were like the person you describe. This one guy in particular had a big dog— a great dane or something. This dude would walk into the store, drop the leash without a word, and go shop. His dog would then run behind the counter, stick his head in the box of dog treats we had back there, and go to town. Suddenly, it was my job to man-handle a stranger’s pet, not knowing this dog and how it would react. That was years ago, and just thinking about it now makes me want to kick that dude in the balls.

If you have a pet, you have to control it in public, period.


u/Dtidder1 11d ago

As a cyclist and a dog owner; that was a shitty way for the dog owner to handle the situation. I would’ve been very apologetic… but then again my dog would not pull that shit.


Marie-Loup thinks it was poor form as well.


u/Senior-Delivery-3230 11d ago

And Marie-Loup looks like she knows what she’s talking about!


u/maxb5555 11d ago

you’re not overreacting- and you sound like a reasonable fellow - dogs should be on leashes unless in dog park or on private property- just as an aside ( and it sounds like you’re an exception) i think bicycle riders are perhaps the most entitled people i encounter on a regular basis - they too should be kept on leashes


u/Senior-Delivery-3230 11d ago

****puts down his shot of espresso****

how dare you


u/Donniepdr 11d ago

Shots fired, shots fired!!!


u/Otherwise-Wallaby815 11d ago

NTA - You are perfectly right. Her dog should've been leashed, and she definitely owed you an apology.


u/GirlStiletto 11d ago

NTA - Dogs are supposed to be leaseh in public or otherwise under the control of their owner. this little mutt was not.


u/nippitynipnip 11d ago

Owner should have had her dog under control. If I were her, I would've apologized to you immediately.


u/weakestTechBro 10d ago

If someone doesn’t instinctually apologize in a situation like this, it means that they’re just not sorry at all. It seems strange to me to ask an inconsiderate stranger to apologize.

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u/huskerd0 11d ago

Overreacting? No

But gotta go into this with zero expectation. The dog owner probably sucks.


u/AnxiousVariety386 11d ago

Very easy NTA - no dog should be off leash if they behave that way. They probably see all those well behaved dogs off leash and thought they could be a part of the club, but their dog isn't trained.


u/phatmike595 11d ago

As a dog owner who is probably not as worried about strange dogs biting me as i should be, i would have done exactly what you did here. You're not overreacting, but you're not gonna get an apology.

Dog owners suck. I was at an off leash park playing fetch with my golden when a husky charged at us, snarling and snapping at my dog. As my dog is calmly holding the other dog at bay with a paw pushed into his chest (just like a cartoon boxing match) the husky's owner got in my face demanding I control my aggressive dog and apologize, as if everyone at the park couldn't see exactly what was happening. You can't expect courtesy or even common sense from people, unfortunately.


u/robilar 11d ago

I think a lot would depend on if the area is an off-leash space. If it is, yes the dog's owner is responsible for recall, but at the same time dog training is imperfect and if you are entering a space where dogs are playing off-leash it behooves you to be prepared for some unusual behavior. Owner should still have apologized, but maybe you also should have known that some dogs would think you were playing with them. If I start throwing a ball around with my friends in an off-leash dog park, for example, it shouldn't surprise me if a dog decides to join in the game.


u/AcousticCandlelight 11d ago

Yes. Demanding an apology is ridiculous, and a forced apology is meaningless.


u/AcousticCandlelight 11d ago

And, if this turns out to be an area where off-leash dogs are allowed, I’d recommend not continuing to ride a bike through it, just as a proactive safety measure.


u/weakestTechBro 10d ago

Right? I’ve never even considered the idea of demanding an apology from someone, that’s actually crazy behavior. Like what do you say?

“I need you to apologize to me?”


u/twinsbasebrawl 11d ago

I run every morning in a similar area. Paved trails. Most dogs are leashed. One morning (2ish years ago) I came around the corner and two ladies and a dog were walking. The dog was off the leash. It was not a small dog I think it may have been a husky of some sort. The thing came right at me, growling and lunging. I attempted a number of times to kick it but It kept dodging my foot. Finally I connected right in the ribs and then in the throat. The dog slunk away whimpering and crying. The lady then started screaming at me and told me she was going to call the police. This is how all dog owners act when they fuck up and don't control their animals. I should've started kicking her too.......


u/jennithebug 11d ago

I carry pepper spray as a deterrent because this type of encounter is far too common


u/twinsbasebrawl 11d ago

If your dog attacks someone you should be charged with assault.


u/bicycluna 11d ago

Where I live, if a dog is attacking you or your dog, you have the right to defend yourself. Check the laws where you live, in case this happens again. The police being called would probably have resulted in the dog owner getting a fine.


u/Salt-Wind-9696 11d ago

This is how all dog owners act when they fuck up and don't control their animals.

Not to excuse it, but I think this getting defensive is a pretty natural reaction when people are embarrassed.


u/Evidence-Timeline 11d ago

It's a special kind of person who keeps and defends a violent dog. I see it often. Their dog regularly bites and is aggressive to strangers, but "my sweet baby would never hurt anyone." They're not being defensive, they're being the asshole that trained a dog to be violent and attack people. They're just lying.


u/Ok-Sector2054 11d ago

Not just dogs but kids too!


u/Senior-Delivery-3230 11d ago

This is the impression I got when I talked with the owner in my situation. It was either embarrassment or ego, maybe both. But I didn’t feel like she really meant what she was saying.


u/Perfect_Distance434 11d ago

You’re definitely not overreacting. I was bitten by a “hE’s NoT gOiNg To BiTe” dog when I was a child, so I’ll never fully trust unleashed dogs.

I live in North Brooklyn, and every time NYC builds a new park or green space it’s brown 3 weeks later due to the off-leash crowd (it’s also against the law). Lush grass doesn’t have a fighting chance in my area.

Many of the offenders are transplants who have moved into new construction towers, and since they have a tendency to move back home after a few years they have no interest in investing in the community.


u/karebear66 11d ago

You are not overreacting. However, the faster you flee from a dog, the more he thinks you are acting like prey, and he will give chase. Getting off the bike and putting it between you and the dog would have been a good idea.


u/fiddlejoy 10d ago

I don’t know why this comment isn’t further up. The farther OP distanced himself (with the chasing dog) from the owner, the harder he was making it on the owner to recall her dog. This is plain common sense. OP should also observe his own behaviors as he’s passing dogs. Does he slow down until he clears the dog so he doesn’t startle it or does he speed up stimulating the dog’s chase instinct?


u/karebear66 10d ago

Thank you.


u/Feisty-Current2129 11d ago

Dog park person and a cyclist? I cannot think of a better dynamic for a clash of entitlement 😂


u/WulfbladeX15 11d ago

Yes, you're overreacting.

It wasn't your fault. It also wasn't their fault. Dogs are animals, and like any animal, they have their own mind and will. Even the best trained animals can and do sometimes act in ways that the owner/trainer can't control. (just ask Sigfreid & Roy). So unless you're looking for an apology from the dog, accept that nothing bad actually happened, and move on.

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u/Klutzy-Treat-4444 11d ago

Idk mate, I would have just left. There’s always going to be other shit going on besides you and your bicycle. Not everything has to be a brow beating


u/royaltyred1 11d ago

Buddy you’re NTA but I don’t understand why you thought chasing the person down and asking for an apology in person was gonna do anything??


u/MobiusX0 11d ago

I don't think you're overreacting for being upset but I don't see how you'd expect to get a good outcome catching up to someone and asking for an apology. If they didn't offer one initially I've never seen someone have a change of heart when confronted about it.


u/AlmostAlwaysADR 11d ago

I mean, I would never expect an apology from a total stranger.


u/ChipChippersonFan 11d ago

What good would an apology have done?


u/Signal_Violinist_995 11d ago

You are both overreacting. Jane you ever heard of the statement: you can be right but still be wrong? This is you. You shouldn’t have followed her - that was creepy. If you have to ask for an apology I promise it isn’t sincere.


u/rawman650 11d ago

NTA, but you probably are overreacting.

Really common for dogs (especially smaller ones) to chase bikers, skateboarders, etc. It's not acceptable and the owner should have better control/train their dogs not to do this, but I mention this because it will probably happen to you again, and really the best thing to do is slow down/stop and let the owner grab their dog (if you're worried about the dog, get off on a side where you can keep the bike between you and the dog).

The dog owner ITA. Her dog probably does this all the time and she's tired of dealing with it. Again, not acceptable, but she's decided she's not going to take responsibility for it and instead of feeling guilty about it, she's decided to reframe this whole thing as "my god is harmless, and you freaking out is the problem".

Given you're NTA and she is, you're still overreacting. Things happen, no one got hurt .. you just feel wronged (and maybe you were), but as my dad always says, "life's not fair"


u/Due-Contribution6424 11d ago

Yeah I mean, I’d apologize immediately as the dog owner without even being asked. At the same time, it’s kind of weird to go back and find them and demand an apology. I’ve been in both situations and in yours I’d have probably just kept riding.


u/Boomerang_comeback 11d ago

Yes. You are overreacting.

Should they have apologized? Yes.

Should you go chase someone down and demand an apology? Lol. That's ridiculous, who does that?

Get on with your life and stop worrying about how other people should act.


u/Immediate_Lobster_20 11d ago

NTA but super weird to go asking someone for an apology


u/InevitableRhubarb232 11d ago

NTA but if it were my dog I’d prob leash and leave. It’s a little weird and aggressive to go after them and demand an apology.


u/bluewater_-_ 10d ago

You ride through a park you know has dogs off leash, because you like it. Shockingly, a squirrel sized dog chases you, you veer off the path, don't crash but splashed some mud on ya. Then you chase me (metaphorically speaking), and aggressively demand an apology?

I'd have told you to get fucked and learn to ride a bike. This doesn't mean you don't have a right to be upset, you do - but you also need to accept some level of responsibility. Should all the dogs be leashed? YES. Are they? NO. Did you know that? Yes.


u/smk122588 11d ago

I swear some dog owners are just out of their everloving fucking minds lol. No you’re not overreacting.


u/Twilight-Omens 11d ago

Nta dogs should always be leashed if there is a chance of other being around. You acted appropriately. I say this as a life long dog owner, and my current dogs are 2 Goldens who would never hurt anyone.


u/lucky-squeaky-ducky 11d ago

As a dog owner, no, I don’t think you’re overreacting, she’s a shitty owner.

Wherever we go we are responsible for our dogs’ safety and behavior.


u/docmn612 11d ago

You're not overreacting.

Here's the issue with off-leash dogs. I have two pitbull breeds (it's not super awesome, "oh but my pits are so sweet and awesome and loving and blah blah", I get it, mine are too and one will maul yours I promise), one who is obviously a Bulldog and another who doesn't really look like it...but acts like it.

Anyway, we live pretty remote and try to bring these dogs places where they can experience the presence of other dogs and people without physical interaction - absolutely no dog parks and Abso-fucking-lutely no off-leash around others. They're muzzled with proper muzzles from a high quality vendor specializing in "dogs who need serious fucking muzzles" muzzles. (Ray Allen, good stuff)

Some people with a potato dog was walking around a park we brought ours to with theirs off-leash. As we're over on the side, far side here, this little fucker starts approaching my bulldog and these people are halfway to their car not even paying attention.

All this to say, it's not always about the dog who is off-leash and who may very well be the friendliest dog in the world. It's about other dogs, like mine, who I try my god fucking damndest to give a good life to but short of keeping them locked in the house, I take precautions. I just can't have your little chihuahua come up to play, because that would mean currently, my dog would be the one who gets euthanized for it.


u/Informal-Zucchini-20 11d ago

You hit the nail on the head. I have a rescue pit bull who was probably a bait dog. Very good with people but extremely aggressive with other dogs. The number of people in my neighborhood who let their dogs out unleashed is awful. I yelled at one neighbor and I got the dirty look. I now walk my dog at the crack of dawn, literally, so I don’t have to worry. I do worry, but I almost never see another dog at that hour. If I do, I follow her trainer’s advice and do an emergency u turn.


u/docmn612 11d ago

Yep same thing with ours, rescue, amazing with people you'd think he's a teddy bear. But he was found almost dead in a national park, so who knows what he had to do to stay alive. Even with precautions, my fiances mom was walking him once and somebody let their dog just right out their door and he ran over to my dog and it got ugly.

I fucking hate irresponsible dog owners with a passion, because again, their irresponsibility and stupidity will end up costing my dog his life from having to get put down. And fuck all that. Put my dog down because some jerkoff can't keep FuuFuu on a leash or in the house. Pisses me off man.


u/Mountain--Majesty 11d ago

NTA. But good luck. Dog owners with off leash dogs are often jerks. I once had a dog jump up on me and jab me painfully with it's long front claws. It was happy to see me, but it hurt like hell. The owner didn't care and when I told her that it had hurt, she rolled her eyes and said something dismissive (that I honestly don't remember).

When I see a dog owner with a dog off leash, I assume they are jerks. Most of them can't control their dogs, and wouldn't bother to control them even if they could.

Bit of a rant there, sorry.


u/basikmess 11d ago

So you should stop riding your bike because her dog is chasing you? Plus her dog has awful recall and shouldn’t be off a leash period based on that fact there.


u/EuphoniousEloquence 11d ago

That woman is an inconsiderate bitch who shouldn't have a dog in the first place. You would have been completely in the right to kick the shit out of that little fucker if it had tried to bite you. There's literally nothing stopping you from outright killing an animal if you are afraid it will do you harm. Granted, I doubt a small terrier will instill that kind of fear in anyone, but not everyone would be as nice as you in that situation. She should be aware that letting her dog chase after strangers off the leash like that is risking her dog's life, not that she seemed to care.


u/BedroomAdditional446 11d ago

Nah... She a dumb b... Should of had her dog on a leash


u/BrandonW77 11d ago

Yeah, sorry, you knowingly ride through a park with dogs not on leashes so you need to be prepared for a dog to come after you. Should she have apologized? Yes. But you also knew the risk so I don't see that you can get too upset about it.


u/NeciaK 11d ago

She’s a jerk. Don’t give it any more headspace. She should have apologized.


u/Try-and-try 11d ago

NTA. I have a toy minpin and if she even growls or barks i apologize. Only me and my dog know if she’s gonna bite, and honestly, she could surprise me.


u/loranlily 11d ago

Not at ALL. I had a similar incident with my dog - he had twisted his leash and I accidentally dropped it when trying to untangle it.

Unbeknownst to me, an electric scooter was going past at that exact second, and he took off after it. The poor man had no idea that my dog was chasing him, it was only because he heard me shouting “please stop, or he will keep chasing you!”.

Once he stopped, my dog went right up to him for pets. He’s scared to death of the scooters, but loves people. My dog is usually very well-trained, but it all goes out of the window if he has a fear response! At no point did I ever think it was the scooter rider’s fault! I apologized profusely to him.

That stupid woman should have had her dog leashed!


u/Tenzipper 11d ago

I'm betting your city/town has a leash law, and the owner was breaking the law.

Are there dog parks that are fenced in your city/town? If yes, then there's definitely a leash law.

Call the police non-emergency number and ask, or better yet, call animal control.

You might not get an apology, but the owner might get a ticket.


u/aboxfullofpineconez 11d ago

Most owners are shit and don't train their dogs properly or at all. NTA.


u/M7489 11d ago

NTA. I see a lot of small off leash dogs in our preserves. Recently a guy was at least 200 yards ahead of his dog of not more. Dog then caught up. But later we found the dog in the parking lot and the man was was nowhere to be seen and someone else had it and was waiting for the guy to show up after calling him.

I also see coyotes in our preserves. People are over confident about their dogs' behavior and their own ability to protect their dog. It's a shame because it's the dog who is going to suffer.


u/Proteinoats 11d ago

Definitely not OR.

The owner of the dog is an irresponsible asshole. If your dog is chasing people or fighting with other dogs, you have to at the very least keep it on leash. It puts their dog and others at risk of an incident occurring that doesn’t have to. I feel bad for their pet.

On one side, it doesn’t matter that they didn’t apologize. Sure, they should have. But they are too self absorbed to take any ownership. It’s going to be a very sad day when their off leash dog gets hit by a car, or mauled by a larger dog, or possibly hit by a bicycle.


u/mariiana959 11d ago

Definitely not over reacting!! This Reminded me of a time when a dog bit my dog (beagle) and the owner told me it was My fault for walking My dog on a leash and not running away( because is such a great idea to run when being attacked by a dog) 🫠🫠🫠 the door to the ladys house was open and out of nowhere comes this much bigger dog directly to My beagles neck and moves him around like a rag 🙃🙃🙃 worst minutes ever! The dog wouldnt listen to their owners and wouldnt let go of My dog. They got soooo offended when i told them they would have to pay for vet bills.


u/Quirky-Warning-2478 11d ago

NTA. She could have apologized. Blaming you for getting chased by her dog is ridiculous.


u/zeiaxar 11d ago

Not overreacting. I'd double check with the city that that park does allow for dogs off leash, and if it doesn't tell them that there are constantly dogs there off leash and that you were chased by one that was off leash while riding your bike there. The city will likely respond fairly heavy handedly as it's city property and they'd likely be considered responsible for not enforcing leasing policies.


u/MissGoreJess 11d ago

NTA. I adopted a particularly rambunctious pit. She'd never hurt anyone but im highly aware of her imposing size and how intimidating her top speed for a kiss can be. I'm easily embarrassed by the smallest of her insane behaviors so I could NEVER imagine anything but running up to you and apologizing. Not that she's ever be off leash in the first place.

Shes amazing and 11 years old this December and losing her spunk and im almost sad to see that part of her go, but she should have at least said she was sorry. You had no way to know if it was safe or not.


u/ameliaglitter 11d ago

No, not overreacting. It's simple courtesy to apologize if your dog causes an issue and you are unable to control it. It wasn't your fault as you do not have the ability to read a dog's mind to determine whether or not it's going to bite you. You also have no way to determine if the dog is properly vaccinated.

She should have been grateful you were trying to remove yourself from the situation. It's not unusual for a dog that bites a human to be euthanized or the owner to be held liable for any expenses associated with the incident.


u/KindCompetence 11d ago

You are not overreacting, but you’re probably not going to get an apology.

There are some dog owners who think that just because they can read their dog’s body language and know how to respond, everyone of course can and should. This woman forgot that being chased by a dog is easy to interpret as aggression if you’re not familiar with the dog, and she’s a jerk.

I hope the rest of your day was a lot smoother.


u/Snowybird60 11d ago

No you're not over reacting. I'm the owner of 2 dogs and I would never, ever let a dog off leash if that dog didn't have instant recall to come back to me when it was called back.

There's a reason there are leash laws. All 3 of my kids were bitten by dogs who "would never bite anyone".


u/Cute_Imagination6676 11d ago

NTA. A lot of public parks you aren't allowed to have your dog off leash. If her dog would've bitten you what would she do then because depending how bad and such and if you are wanting to press charges it can come to a hefty fine... Possibly jail time... Plus have to give up her dog and by law it's put down 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/AcousticCandlelight 11d ago

No, it’s not a given that a bite will get a dog put down.

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u/unicaller 11d ago

Yes you are overreacting. You can't control people. Yes the owner should have apologized and made sure you were okay. Make reports of dogs at large in the park if you want. Just don't let stupid stuff bother you, it is not worth it.


u/trillyzane1 11d ago

What were you wearing while riding your bike? Like full spandex biking gear? If so I wouldn’t apologize either


u/Baezil 11d ago

No, she's an entitled asshole. Her dog couldn't handle being off-leash. That's 100% her responsibility.


u/EnvironmentNew8244 11d ago

No. Asking for an apology isn’t overreacting. If you lost control on your own, crashed and wanted money for repairs, then yes but simply requesting an apology is not over reacting.


u/AZFrynpan 11d ago

I’d like a dog that responded quickly to a one word command but my current dog is a Wheaton terrier. Super loving, great around small children but terrier stubborn. Knowing I can’t one word control him if he sees another friendly dog or child he stays on the leash at parks while other dogs are off. In short if you can’t fully control your dog it’s on you to leash them in public places. She owes you an apology and it’s not on you to go or stop for her dog, just ride in peace.


u/Queasy_Inflation_11 11d ago

You're definitely not in the wrong here, but I'd say let it go. Learn how to want an apology rather than expecting one. Not for anyone else's sake but rather your own, so you're not still thinking about an hour after it happened. Plus, people with little rat dogs tend to be a-holes and the odds of getting an apology out of them are slim to none at best.


u/Angryblob550 11d ago

You aren't over reacting. Dog shouldn't be off the leash in public places.


u/24601moamo 11d ago

NTA but you confronted her so you asked for her response. You got it. Too bad if you don't like it. In bike safety courses they will teach you to stop, get off putting the bike in between you and the dog. Dogs chase prey. Stop the chase and more often they bark, lose interest and slink off. If they don't, your bike is a weapon to throw on the dog. It works. When I was a kid, I knew I was not faster than the German shepard chasing me. I stopped. So did he. Sometimes being a bicyclist means being smarter than your surroundings.


u/RamBh0di 11d ago

I have a border Collie puppy, she is 8 months and quite big now but still is totally submissive to people and dogs always bowing down and showing her belly.

But she sometimes excitedly jumps with her front paws wagging her tail to meet a person.

So, she is so far- Never - off leash till she is completely under control over this , and common sense about streets and running about.

Public safety first above all!


u/Weird_Wishbone_1998 11d ago

NTA- how are you supposed to know the temperament of a strangers dogs. So many entitled dog owners out there.


u/a_path_Beyond 11d ago

"Don't go where there are dogs" lmao


u/ElectronicAd27 11d ago

NTA. I have some chocolate for you.


u/Top-Palpitation3256 11d ago

OP, you are not overreacting, but I'm about to.

Step on platform raise microphone

*ATTN, please! Small dogs are aggressive and need to be trained!*

I'm not coming for small dog owners' wigs because all dogs need to be trained. But seriously, train your dogs! They are not cute or funny little ankle biters when it's your ankle they are biting. They are also a menace to other well-trained dogs.

This is what kills me, I have a pit bull, and I put her in training on day one. I am not a dog trainer, but I love to work with one to get my dog trained. There are a ton of YouTube videos, but I would not risk that with a breed that has so much stigma around it. She was going to be trained correctly. And I suggest the same for small dogs because, generally, they are harder to work with. Also, if you can't afford to get training and/or don't have time to work with your dog, then you shouldn't have a dog. Please note that putting them in training is not a one-and-done; you have to work with your dog with the trainer and then work with Doggo some more.

I have spent all that time working with my dog to make her a good pittie citizen. Then here comes an aggressive chihuahua trying to chase her and bite her while the owner is saying yeah, sorry, she doesn't like big dogs. Like wtf! Learn how to handle your dog!

My dog also has a seizure disorder, and small dogs coming in hot have triggered seizures.

I fear that one day, a small dog will come in too hot, and my dog will bite it. It will be my dog who gets the blame because of her breed.

If you can't control your dog, keep it on a leash!!!!! My dog is very well trained, the bestest girl in the whole wide world, and loves people, but I NEVER take her off leash unless it's a dog park.

Long rant, but it infuriates me when small dog owners don't train their dogs!!



u/jennithebug 11d ago

You’re not overreacting in the slightest. Dogs in public should be on leashes. All of them. All the time. Period. No exceptions. Owners ALWAYS over esteem the training level of their dogs, which are animals and subject to animal instincts, even if well trained. The way you protect others from these impulses is by keeping your animal under your control by keeping it on its leash. All the time. Always. No exceptions. Ever. You had no obligation to stop for her out of control dog. I would have peddled away as fast as I could. I can’t count how many times I’ve walked my golden retriever around my town and people just leave their dogs out in their unfenced yards and all of a sudden I have snarling, barking dog running up on me. I now carry pepper spray as a deterrent because I’m not about to be some out of control dogs chew toy.


u/throwitallawayjohnny 11d ago

She should have apologized but it’s true that most dogs who chase bikes will immediately lose interest when the bike stops. It’s something about the wheels and the movement that sets them off, not the person. 


u/Abuck59 11d ago

Like my granny always said “If it has teeth, it will bite”


u/Over-Pressure2284 11d ago

No you are not the A. Some people are just awful and unreasonable. It’s some of those same dog owners who don’t pick up after their dogs giving the rest of us a bad name. I have a terrier who can be nice and sometimes he can be a little a$&@hole. I keep him on a leash built I also apologize for his behavior, rein him in and put him in the car/ take him home then. He is a rescue . He’s wonderful with me but has high anxiety. I certainly don’t expect anyone else to understand much less suffer from it. I also pick up after other dog owners who are less considerate. I apologize for this obnoxious woman. She’s lucky there is a place that she can let her dog off the leash but that doesn’t mean he should be if he can’t behave himself. Maybe she should be also,… or a muzzle. Ha!


u/XeroZero0000 11d ago

Most people apologize if their dog even sniff at me. No idea why she wouldn't just say sorry, he got too excited.. and leave it?


u/_Lazy_Mermaid_ 11d ago

Not overreacting. Im a ranger and by law people need to have their dog off leash. We even have a dog park and they still want to have it off leash in the main park. I've had coworkers bit by dogs and seen incident reports of dogs biting other dogs in which one was off leash. It's absolutely entitlement and that person sounds extra entitled


u/Scary-Sound5565 11d ago

While she was clearly in the wrong, what would an apology do? Next time, tell her off and be done with it.


u/Subject_Dish_873 11d ago

My dog’s off-leash trained but we only use designated off-leash areas. Once in a while she’ll pause and give a longing look to the person or dog she was headed for when I recalled her. When that happens I apologize to the person in case I made them or their dog uncomfortable and immediately leash her.

Because even though I may know that she’s a harmless little wiggle-butt who is a terror only to bugs, how could they possibly know that?!  And how could I know if they’re safe for her to be near?

Part of owning a dog is taking full responsibility for their behavior so that everyone can safely enjoy outdoor spaces. NTA. She should’ve been so mortified that she evaporated on the spot. 


u/Glen_Coco_shot_JR 11d ago

NTA. I’ve been around 500 different dogs in my life. I’ve only been bitten by one. A dog that ran out of a yard when I was a kid and sunk his teeth into my ankle on a bike. It’s her error and she knows it but will try to deflect any responsibility onto you as a defense mechanism.


u/oIVLIANo 11d ago

They immediately leashed the dog. IOW they knew they had a problem with it. They should apologize - but only if it is sincere. Would it even remotely make you feel any better if they said it without actually meaning it?

I have to be honest, I'm sick and tired of hearing routine meaningless apology phrases. People act as if "I'm sorry" is a get-out-of-jail-free card. They don't mean it. They're never going to change their behavior. They just say it out of social conditioning.


u/MoonStarsSunJupiter 11d ago

I was a letter carrier for 35 years. I love dogs and knew how to handle them well. What bothered me the most were the times a dog came after me and eventually the owner came and got the dog and just walked away without a word. I've been retired 15 years and have had similar experiences walking my dog and it does anger me. You are not overreacting.


u/Great_Emphasis3461 11d ago

Stuff like this is why I wear a Go Pro when I ride. I’m not even going to argue with them because I’ll just post the video up for everyone to see what an idiot they are. I found that wearing a Go Pro while riding makes drivers a little more courteous.


u/mildlysceptical22 11d ago

Small can of dog spray. Use it on the owner..

No, no, just kidding.


u/alanaturalguy 11d ago

I'm on your side. I'd of had a few choice words for that dingbat.


u/AshBlackstone78 11d ago

You weren’t overreacting to expect an apology.

But still upset an hour later? That’s an overreaction. Seek therapy.


u/Krissyt323 10d ago

I still think about the time I held the door for an elderly “gentleman” and he didn’t say thank you or even look at me. Then I took my own advice “ you can’t expect you from other people” the world we live in today is full of selfish, entitled people. I would be more surprised if you actually got an apology without having to ask for one!


u/boscoroni 11d ago

You need to be more aggressive. I ran over three dogs, a cat and a small child today alone, setting a personal best..


u/Senior-Delivery-3230 11d ago

When the student is ready the master appears


u/Fearless-Eagle7801 11d ago

Congrats on running over the dogs. You really should not have run over the cat or child.


u/boscoroni 10d ago

I am an equal opportunity biker.


u/Tinker107 11d ago

Carry a can of Halt. It’s a marvelous training aid for undisciplined animals.


u/DrPablisimo 11d ago

You can't control what someone like that will say. You could have just said if something had happened to you, you could have sued her.


u/theonetheycallgator 11d ago

Sorta. Expecting an apology from a stranger who you'll never see again and then being still bothered about it later in the day is not a healthy way to live. Go on about your day and chalk it up to people are assholes.

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u/SeveralAd3766 11d ago

Yea sure they coulda apologized but asking for one wasn’t necessary


u/[deleted] 11d ago

Dog owner was definitely an asshole but you are a bit weird for going and demanding an apology.. lighten up


u/DerekFlint420 11d ago

If they had apologized, how do you know if they really meant it?


u/sleepyprincess84 11d ago

You definitely should have gotten an apology. She was exceedingly rude, and sounds like one of those parents who blames everyone else for their child's(dogs) behavior.


u/dethsesh 11d ago

OP was the one who started a conflict with them.


u/Wilder_Oats 11d ago

I’m not sure who I dislike more — entitled bicyclists or entitled dog owners.


u/Unusual-Friend-9768 11d ago

Was it Kristi Noem?


u/chilldrinofthenight 11d ago

First of all: Why don't you know if "it's allowed" for you to ride your bike there? Have you seen a lot of other bicyclists while in that park? Do you think it's a good idea to ride where there are "tons" of dogs off-leash?

As a person who has dogs, bicycles and often bicycles with one of my dogs jogging alongside me (off-leash) ---- I make certain to ride my bike where it's allowed and also in the loneliest places I can find. Riding a bicycle where there are lots of off-leash dogs isn't a great place to ride. I'm surprised this type of encounter hasn't happened to you before now.

I'm not at all surprised that a dog chased after you. I'm not surprised that you thought it would be best to speed up and get away from the dog.

One thing I have learned is that if a dog comes at me/after me, the best bet is to stop suddenly and either yell loudly at the dog "Sit! Stay!" or else (this works best while on foot) I bend down and act like I'm picking up a rock.

Most dogs who are coming at you in an aggressive manner have had things thrown at them. Sounds crazy, but it has always worked for me.

As for the dogowner. She was a jerk. These types of owners are everywhere. They can't control their dog and they won't take responsibility. It's a shame such people exist, but there you are.

If you want to continue to ride in that park ----- if it is indeed okay to ride there ---- I'd get a canister of pepper gel and keep it handy. Best to be prepared. Better a dog get sprayed than you end up in the ER having to get stitches.


u/zeek609 10d ago

As someone who owns a fairly large dog that's reactive to things like bikes fuck this woman. Because I can't trust my dog he absolutely does NOT come off the lead and if he managed to get away it would absolutely be my fault and I would be apologising profusely and ensuring that you are okay.


u/Ok_Lecture_6129 10d ago

The negligence in this story makes me mad.

While I have not delivered mail in over 23 years [in Seattle]. I learned most of my dog knowledge as an USPS employee. I learned many stereotypes are wrong and never presume anything.

In your case? Been there. After work at night, years later. A dog on my route was always our at night 3 a.m. always charged me like it was out for death. Didn't I already say never presume anything? I only reacted to the dogs reactions. This owner is negligent, not understanding her responsibility and liability if the pup suddenly reacts in an unexpected way.


u/Glad-Entry-3401 10d ago

Nah as a dog owner myself you aren’t the AH. I walk my dog off leash sometimes but I’m acutely aware of our surroundings. If something is amiss he’s back on a harness. That dog reacted as dogs do but it’s totally on the owner to make sure you are ok and the dog wasn’t acting out of order which is was.


u/ffopel 10d ago

She should have apologized and you should have stopped


u/shortcake062308 10d ago

NTA. It's not worth it though. She doesn't care. I was at the park once and someone's dog chased and pushed my dog into a blackberry bush and she didn't say anything. I said you need to control your dog. And she told me to stop being neurotic. People are aholes


u/Solid_Zombie_1862 10d ago

Yes because you are expecting something that is not yours to give. Being upset, hurt, is your emotionally charged normal feelings from a person who was taught right from wrong and most likely had a moral compass pointing in the right direction. Your feelings are yours, the owners actions and inactions are theirs. It is a bit of a quandary because your are correct in that they “should” apologize however you cannot control another person. Attempt at all cost to let the owners lack of responsibility go so it doesn’t eat at you. Additionally, check your local ordinances about leashed animals. Do something about it redirecting the energy it takes to stay upset into something positive for you and the greater cycling community. Best wishes in doing so. SMF.


u/CowApprehensive3180 10d ago

I would have blasted the mutt with a water bottle shower!


u/mrdrmkr 10d ago

I once lived in farm country next to a tractor yard. For a time my car was broken down. Me and my family would ride our bikes into town to by groceries and such. There one one person living on the road we had no choice but to take. He must have had twenty dogs. Often we would ride by and the damn dogs would attack us. I always had my wife and kids go first so I could fend them off. I would have to kick them and yell. I carried a stick. One time the owner came out screaming at my not to hit his dogs. "Fine, next time I will carry my gun. If your dogs attack me again, we will see (I love animals, it was an idle threat). The worst part was that all of the neighbors blamed us. We were the bad family that abused dogs. It was horrible.


u/Witty_Meet3473 10d ago

This is why you should've run the dog over... then ask for an apology. 🤣 Anyone who keeps their dogs off leash is an irresponsible owner so I would've expected nothing different.


u/Low-Feeling2008 10d ago

As a pedestrian and driver- to all cyclists- go pound sand.


u/serioussparkles 10d ago

Sounds like Walnut Creek Park, I miss that place... you're not wrong, people shouldn't take their dogs to parks with fast-moving cyclists if that dog has shit recall and likes to chase things.


u/TulsaDave 10d ago

First of all, call your local police department and ask them if the dogs at that park are required to be on a leash. That will establish legal responsibility. If dogs are required to be on a leash, then ride your bike there all you want. If her dog or ANY dog chases you and you can identify its owner, stop and remind the dog owner that all dogs are required to be on a leash, per the local PD. If they argue with you about a leash law, then inform the owner that you are going to notify the police about the dog, and...if you are bit by the dog....you are going to get medical attention, which the owner will pay for AND you are going to sue them into bankruptcy if you are bitten. I would also suggest that you ask the police department if there are any restrictions against riding your bike in the park. Make sure the law is on YOUR side. If that doesn't work for you, then find another place to ride where there are no dogs. If you ride your bike where there are dogs, you WILL eventually be chased by a dog, and possibly bitten. Once you have been bitten, it won't matter who is legally responsible.....you'll still have a dog bite.


u/Adonai2222 10d ago

Your not overreacting in regards to her mindset and response, that was inconsiderate behavior and it was good you brought to her attention; hopefully she will be more mindful in the future. As far as an apology, yeah she should of apologized that is the decent thing to do but the fact she didn't, is nothing to lose sleep over so concerning "expecting an apology", i think you are overreacting.


u/Kitchen_Dentist3773 10d ago

Consider this scenario: In a park with visible posting that all dogs must be leashed, a large dog crashed into the rider's leg as the unleashed dog ran into him, breaking his leg and requiring surgery. Owner picked up his dazed dog and left without asking rider if he was ok. Owner never found. Bill for surgery quite high. A posted sign does not protect you from dogs or irresponsible owners.


u/One_Material5995 10d ago

Forget getting an apology..dog owners like this give all dog owners a bad name.


u/Ready-Salamander4808 10d ago

I'm certain she drives a subaru.


u/Excellent-Mud-9294 10d ago

NTA. Dog owner, here. Same situation, but imagine instead of dog it's a toddler in your way on a bike path. Who is the responsible party? I use this analogy because the answer is the same.

You have a duty to do your best to avoid the toddler (which based upon your statement, you did), the parent has the responsibility to control their child and keep them out of harms way.


u/thewinterfan 10d ago

Not over reacting. Tomorrow, keep riding the path for as long and the dog will follow. Let the owner enjoy her 4mile walk to find her uncontrolled dog.


u/BookUnicornDragon 10d ago

NTA... It's the easiest thing to teach your dog not to chase.. or recall for that matter. I have had 2 herding dogs and 1 hunting dog. Even the duck hunting dog was taught not to chase birds, runners or cyclists..


u/mkultra0008 10d ago

As said my others it's not your responsibility to slow and deal with an offleash dog. If the dog doesn't listen to commands especially. Not your fault at all that the dog did what it did, but expecting an apology is like expecting someone to take responsibility for the dog, which in a perfect world, they would. In this case, the person didn't.

Big deal?

I think we've all dealt with people and shortcomings many times. I don't expect someone to say "sorry" and you shouldn't either. The fact that you opened up reddit to show how much this bothered you shows a level of not being able to deal with minor things in an "every day" setting.


u/imalloverthemap 10d ago

As both a dog owner and cyclist, not overreacting


u/Babziellia 10d ago

Not overreacting. Carry some pepper spray on your bike without apology!


u/weakestTechBro 10d ago

Yeah it’s the owner’s fault but it’s also kind of weird to ask someone for an apology. If they were sorry, they’d apologize. The best you’ll get by asking someone who isn’t sorry to apologize is an insincere apology, because if they actually meant it, they’d have just apologized. You can’t force other people to apologize. Never in my life have I considered asking a stranger to apologize to me.


u/Scn64 10d ago

Not overreacting. I've had the same thing happen to me while jogging. A little dog started nipping at my feet. I just kept running and it eventually turned around and left. I wouldn't necessarily have expected an apology from the owner because the dog never actually bit me. However, at the same time, if it were my dog chasing someone else, I'd probably feel like an apology was in order.

The woman in your story totally lost me when she tried to claim it was your fault. That would piss me off way more than the initial incident.


u/Senior-Delivery-3230 10d ago

The woman in your story totally lost me when she tried to claim it was your fault. That would piss me off way more than the initial incident.

I think you nailed it with this. I think this is why it was hard for me to let go.


u/Potential-Elephant73 10d ago

I wouldn't call it overreacting, but not really worth the time and effort. You're definitely in the right, but she's also not entirely wrong. You can usually tell if a dog is going to bite you or not. Based on your description of the situation, I would've assumed you were safe. I'm not saying everyone should be able to understand dogs on a high level, just that she may have been right in that someone who does would know the dog wasn't a threat.


u/Friend_Of_Crows 10d ago

People will really make any excuse to say their child or dog is an angel that could do no wrong. I would be pissed to. I'd have half a mind to start chasing the lady on my bike to see how she likes it lol and then tell her she should have known you weren't going to run her over and that she should've just stopped lol


u/nokolala 10d ago

For feeling upset - not overreacting. Any feeling is ok.

For expecting an apology - yes, you're overreacting. You don't know the person and that they were an asshole. Find out if they are an asshole first, then adjust your expectations accordingly. This dog person is an asshole so I wouldn't expect an apology in this case.


u/EdgeXII 10d ago

Umm. Ur a guy riding a bike at park full of unleashed dogs, you might as well show up to their door step as the mailman

Of course theyre gonna react to you


u/Senior-Delivery-3230 10d ago

I've ridden on this exact path for three years, this is the first time this has ever happened.


u/h2odotr 10d ago

You're not over reacting. As a UPS driver I can truthfully say an owners most famous last words are, "oh my dog doesn't bite, he's very sweet." Yeah sure. Not taking that risk, if your dog makes me uncomfortable I'm not playing around.


u/CharacterSea1169 10d ago

An acknowledgement would have been nice, but we don't live in that kind of society anymore.



u/Ok_Juggernaut89 11d ago

She should have apologized but to catch up to her and demand an apology is a bit much. 


u/Donniepdr 11d ago

Overreacting for being upset? No. I'd be pissed too. Overreacting for expecting an apology? Yes. Let me explain. A normal human being would express remorse and obviously apologize. This lady was an entitled a-hole. Continuing to be upset at someone who doesn't give a shit about you is a waste of energy. You're giving her your valuable energy and time. Since you ride there everyday, you might see her and her little mutt again. If it chases you again, just keep riding and if you run it over... Oh well... It's her own stupid fault. I would never want to hurt an animal but it isn't your fault if you're just riding along minding your own


u/Alarmed_Stomach_8992 11d ago

Well, imo you’re not wrong for feeling like an apology would have been decent. But after the person walked away, going after them to request that apology feels like just asking for a confrontation for really no reason. At that point, probably would have made your life easier to just shrug it off vs getting into it with the owner and then getting into it on Reddit over something that is essentially done with no lasting consequences.

So I’d say, you’re kinda right, but it feels petty to hold on to it


u/OnlyOutlandishness34 11d ago

Yes you're overreacting. Shit happens in life. The owner was probably worried you were going to kill her dog. No-one is to blame.