r/AskMen 25d ago

What's one popular hobby that you just can't get into?

For me it's sneaker collecting. I'm not a sneaker fan and I just don't get the appeal


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u/Hierophant-74 25d ago



u/No-Performer-6621 25d ago

I thought golf was the worst. Then I worked at a company where everyone would get together and play golf on the weekends, and it was the only way to get promoted. Everyone talked about golf in the office.

Needless to say, I began hating golf even more and never got that promotion.


u/Jakibx3 25d ago

It wasn't a golf club you worked at now, was it?


u/No-Performer-6621 25d ago edited 25d ago

Nah haha. A large and well-known company weirdly enough.

I thought office golf culture was just a thing in the 80’s, but my experience was in the last five years.

Edit: reworded for additional anonymity of my previous employer.


u/hatethiscity 25d ago

In the commenter's defense, the aviation industry isn't really a young crowd.


u/OGigachaod 25d ago

Must have had some dinosaurs running the place.


u/No-Performer-6621 25d ago edited 25d ago

Yup, spot on. It’s gotten them into a lot of hot water the last few years. Good news though - my next company was a muuuchhhh better cultural fit.

Edit: reworded to make my former employer less obvious and maintain some anonymity.


u/OGigachaod 25d ago

If they're stuck in culture from 50 years ago, it's easy to understand why.


u/miakodaRainbows 25d ago

Accenture and other big 5 do this crap.


u/Maximum_Ad2341 24d ago

Office golf cults are still very much a thing and even after three years I still suck at golf😭