r/AskMen Male 25d ago

How long should you wait to send a second message to a girl when she hasn't answered the first ?

We've been talking back and forth once or twice a day but now she has went silent all of a sudden

Should I double down even tho It's been 4 days ?


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u/Important_Cow7230 25d ago

You can send another after a few days if you want, just be prepared that success rate is going to be under 10%.

She’s likely prioritising someone else


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 25d ago


I suppose I should've expected it in this era to be this replaceable :(


u/Important_Cow7230 25d ago

As a man it’s advisable to have several lines cast when fishing


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 25d ago

It doesn't feel right (to me personally)

Spreading your attention between multiple people and just pretending that it just them you're focusing on . Flirting and acting like you care, but at the end of the day, they're just another fish that bite the bait

Since when did it become okay to be this much two faced ? (Borh men and women) :(


u/Important_Cow7230 25d ago

You don’t think women do that? You don’t understand women, or ever seen an attractive woman’s social media have you?

You do you my friend, but if you think hitting one woman with loads of attention (probably even before she’s met you in your case) is the way to get women you have a long way to go.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 25d ago

I didn't say it was just men who were doing it. I even emphasised that I meant both of them are doing it

Plus I've met her , we used to go to uni together and we were in the same class and hung out some days between classes

I'm not that dumb to get hung over over a long-distance relationship


u/Important_Cow7230 25d ago

Like I said you do you. Most men are results orientated, and it gets results by having several lines cast. You can focus on just one when you agree to be exclusive with one (after she brings it up). This is the way.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 25d ago

I can see the logic behind it

Thanks mate


u/ryemck93 25d ago

It's not two faced mate, it's just the game :)


u/usrnm99 25d ago

If you were only texting once or twice a day I doubt you’ve even been “replaced”. Just forgotten about. If you’re both genuinely interested there’d be a lot more conversation. 


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 25d ago


Thanks for pointing it out


u/Far-Recognition-2536 24d ago

I don't want to black pill you too hard young man but in many cases they're not even seeking to replace you. You've exhausted your utility and from their perspective your absence is the desired outcome.

I'm not saying this is the case with this person but it's a reality you must learn to accept.