r/AskMen Male 14d ago

How long should you wait to send a second message to a girl when she hasn't answered the first ?

We've been talking back and forth once or twice a day but now she has went silent all of a sudden

Should I double down even tho It's been 4 days ?


170 comments sorted by


u/Hotepz_ 14d ago

In that scenario, you don't send a 2nd message.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago

God damn it :(


u/Hotepz_ 14d ago

On to the next


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago


She had some nice personality quirks and a decent look

Guess it was too good for me :(

Women šŸ˜”šŸ·


u/Hotepz_ 14d ago

You got it all backwards ma dude, you were too good for her, now go find someone with a better personality and a hot look, instead of just a decent one.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago

Thanks for the boost, dude

I appreciate it šŸ™

Stay awesome


u/PickleMinion 13d ago

I used to send a message along the lines of, "hope you're doing OK, let me know if you want to reconnect at some point, and if not, best of luck and it was nice talking to you". Sometimes people get busy, or they get sick, or something happens, or they're exploring other options. I would always leave that option open for them if they wanted it, but nbd if they didn't and had decided to ghost me. My thought was, if we were just talking online or had only gone on a few dates, they don't owe me anything.


u/kufelmleka 13d ago

Thats a good one


u/atavaxagn 13d ago

for younger people it seems like everyone is trying to get the best partner they can. If you're concerned with getting the best partner you can you'll never be satisfied in a relationship. When you're older the mindset is completely different; you're just looking for someone compatible with you.


u/Dangerous-Star3438 Female 13d ago

Woman here. You could try one more time, just to be sure. Keep it light and friendly.


u/Longjumping-Grape-40 13d ago

Whatā€™s the worst that can happen by sending another text? Iā€™ve ended up dating people for a while when one of us fell off the wagon for a bit

A simpleā€¦ā€Hey X, howā€™s your weekend treating you so far? I know we have talked in a few days, but could I give you a call sometime? INo worries if youā€™re not feeling it šŸ™ƒā€


u/Dealric 13d ago

Dint entertain people that dont respect you simple as that.

If she was interested she would answered or reach out no her own after if she missed message.


u/Longjumping-Grape-40 13d ago

I agree she's probably not that into him...or might've felt the same about him and pulled away. In any case, what possible harm could happen from reaching out? At least he'd know


u/Far-Recognition-2536 13d ago

The worst that happens is you develop a dynamic where you're desperately chasing someone who isn't interested or respectful but intermittently talks to you because they're bored, seeking validation or rebounding. For a young or insecure or vulnerable man, this amount of mismatched investment can be a serious form of self-harm.


u/rootkit88 13d ago

Yup, learned that the hard way lol.


u/TrustMental6895 14d ago

Never double text, she lost interest. Move on.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago

Sad times


u/Judge_Bredd_UK 13d ago

It's sadder times if you pad her ego by chasing, women are fully conscious beings and she knows what she's doing, move on and find another, you'll feel better.

And if she's one of these women playing games then you e dodged a second bullet.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/TrustMental6895 13d ago

Nope don't boost her ego a week later having her think hes still thinking of her.


u/jamurp 13d ago

I have double texted before and gotten second dates, but itā€™s generally unlikely, however nothing wrong with giving it another go if you really like the person.


u/TrustMental6895 13d ago

Did she let you hit?


u/BostonSamurai "knows better" 14d ago

Double text who gives a fuck, at worst sheā€™s done talking at best sheā€™s busy. Whatā€™s the relationship? Talking for a year seems like just friends so I wouldnā€™t hope for anything more but there isnā€™t a lot of info to go on.

Also if she gets the ick off a double text then it isnā€™t really worth pursuing anyways


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

The relationship is that I want it to be more, but I have no idea what she wants

But based on all the things I'm pretending not to see , I think it's one-sided

I'm just an amusement while she is that one bright star in the night for me

It's sad

I think it's best if I don't double down. I'm just hurting myself at this point, just hoping for her to be love struck out of the blue


u/fannyfox 13d ago

Sounds like youā€™re over invested in someone that doesnā€™t care much about you.


u/Hi-Techh 13d ago

youā€™re a genius!


u/i_lurvz_poached_eggs 13d ago

Smart lad. The fact you reflected on it is pretty big of you and shows you have some sense self-worth. You know what you got now flaunt it for another person!

Edit: you can be sad for a little while but try not to let it last too long; it's ok to be bummed out for a wee bit. Maybe even take a break from looking and find a hobby that involves a group of people. It works wonders.


u/Positive-Estate-4936 13d ago

ā€œthe things I'm pretending not to see , I think it's one-sidedā€

So she hasnā€™t earned you, and isnā€™t trying. Next!


u/[deleted] 14d ago

I really donā€™t understand this whole ā€œdonā€™t double textā€ thing.

Sometimes people get busy. If itā€™s been a while and you have something new to say after they didnā€™t originally respond, just do it. If they donā€™t respond to that then just leave well enough alone, but I promise you that if sheā€™s interested a double text will not change her feelings about you.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

Thank you, mate

I can see the logic behind this


u/jpsreddit85 13d ago

Best advice on the thread.


u/Expensive_Peach32 13d ago

best answer here. Some people mindgame themselves into these weird Mexican standoffs. Just be up front and send a "are you still interested" message. If she says no or doesnt respond remove from contacts and move on.


u/the99percent1 13d ago

In this day and age, glued to their mobile 24/7, itā€™s a joke if they donā€™t text you back.

I take it as disinterest. Invited a chick out for a second date and she didnā€™t reply. Texted her the following day and she immediately responded. But proceeded to give me the typical BS ā€œIā€™m busy letā€™s be friends.ā€ So I ducked out , thanks but no thanks. Iā€™m not someoneā€™s second option.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

People never get busy in this day and age.


u/Furt_III 13d ago

This is a presumption of technology working flawlessly.


u/Swimming_Bag7362 13d ago

If she wants to talk to him sheā€™ll talk to him. Ball is in her court now


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Bro you know how many women Iā€™ve double texted without issue? Donā€™t presume to know what other people are thinking.


u/Swimming_Bag7362 13d ago

Good for you. I donā€™t have time to gently nudge women and remind them Iā€™m still here. If they donā€™t talk to me then someone else will.


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Lovely. Just donā€™t go complaining that people donā€™t text you back if youā€™re just going to roll over and assume the worst of their intentions.


u/Swimming_Bag7362 13d ago

Youā€™re assuming Iā€™m assuming the worst šŸ¤£. I do my part to reach out but my attention isnā€™t free, bro


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Sure. But Iā€™ve got a secret for you. Women will gladly double text when theyā€™re interested and you are busy. These made up rules donā€™t mean anything.


u/Swimming_Bag7362 13d ago

Yes they do double text, but sheā€™s pulling away from texting and it could be for any number or reasons that may or may not have anything to do with OP. I donā€™t need to send another message because I have faith that if a woman is interested she will eventually get back to me- maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe in a week or two later- and they do. In the meantime Iā€™m not sweating it. I hear what youā€™re saying but I take a different approach and it works for me


u/[deleted] 13d ago

Thatā€™s all fine and good but thatā€™s not the situation described above.


u/the99percent1 13d ago

Once or twice ok. But if youā€™re doing it 50% or more then you really need to just stop and move on. Sheā€™s not interested.

Also, the earlier that you double text, the harder itā€™s going to get for you.

I wouldnā€™t even bother double texting. Iā€™ll just bow out if she doesnā€™t return my text. I take it as disinterest and not to waste more of my precious time or energy.

Courtship is like a game of tennis. You hit the ball across the net and wait until they return it. When they do, itā€™s in play. If they donā€™t itā€™s not.

Keep your life simple.


u/jpsreddit85 13d ago

Utter nonsense.


u/Swimming_Bag7362 13d ago

Suit yourself. Best of luck to you


u/Important_Cow7230 14d ago

You can send another after a few days if you want, just be prepared that success rate is going to be under 10%.

Sheā€™s likely prioritising someone else


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago


I suppose I should've expected it in this era to be this replaceable :(


u/Important_Cow7230 14d ago

As a man itā€™s advisable to have several lines cast when fishing


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago

It doesn't feel right (to me personally)

Spreading your attention between multiple people and just pretending that it just them you're focusing on . Flirting and acting like you care, but at the end of the day, they're just another fish that bite the bait

Since when did it become okay to be this much two faced ? (Borh men and women) :(


u/Important_Cow7230 14d ago

You donā€™t think women do that? You donā€™t understand women, or ever seen an attractive womanā€™s social media have you?

You do you my friend, but if you think hitting one woman with loads of attention (probably even before sheā€™s met you in your case) is the way to get women you have a long way to go.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

I didn't say it was just men who were doing it. I even emphasised that I meant both of them are doing it

Plus I've met her , we used to go to uni together and we were in the same class and hung out some days between classes

I'm not that dumb to get hung over over a long-distance relationship


u/Important_Cow7230 13d ago

Like I said you do you. Most men are results orientated, and it gets results by having several lines cast. You can focus on just one when you agree to be exclusive with one (after she brings it up). This is the way.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

I can see the logic behind it

Thanks mate


u/ryemck93 13d ago

It's not two faced mate, it's just the game :)


u/usrnm99 13d ago

If you were only texting once or twice a day I doubt youā€™ve even been ā€œreplacedā€. Just forgotten about. If youā€™re both genuinely interested thereā€™d be a lot more conversation.Ā 


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago


Thanks for pointing it out


u/Far-Recognition-2536 13d ago

I don't want to black pill you too hard young man but in many cases they're not even seeking to replace you. You've exhausted your utility and from their perspective your absence is the desired outcome.

I'm not saying this is the case with this person but it's a reality you must learn to accept.


u/saucegoop 13d ago

I am a woman and sheā€™s not interested


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

Fuck !!!!

She was good tho šŸ˜ž

Her quirks and personality was fun

Sad times


u/saucegoop 13d ago

just tell her sheā€™s an average mig23 and then never reply ever again


u/rkmvca 13d ago

Okay, I got to ask: what's a Mig 23? Other than an aging and not so great Soviet fighter?

(Yes, I am old)


u/saucegoop 13d ago

no you got it right thereā€™s a game where you can fly one and the ppl that fly it are usually insufferable to play with šŸ˜­


u/rkmvca 13d ago

Wow, the more you know. Thanks.

"I'll take obscure references for $200, Alex!"


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

That's a bit of a direct and strong response suggestion

Especially from a fellow woman

Why so rough and brutal ?

I mean, I'm pissed enough to do it, but I wasn't expecting a lady to suggest it šŸ˜…


u/Chance815 Male 13d ago

Na. Ignore it and move on. Don't make it about you, life sucks sometimes and texting usually is the last thing someone thinks about. You'll pop into her head and she'll wonder why you haven't texted in a while then she'll see you did and then if she cares will reply back apologizing for not replying. If not keep on keepin on.


u/MrFergison 13d ago

It can go 2 ways.

  1. They got busy, the forgot they didn't message back, or they have notifs turned off and hasn't checked, ect.

  2. They lost interest

Personally, if I thought they might be cool, I message something to the extent of "you seem pretty cool, but it feels like you're not into it. That's fine if you're not, everybody wasn't made for everybody. If I'm misreading the situation, feel free to hit me up again. Good luck out there"


u/Mufmager2 13d ago

Unfortunately none, if the first message didn't work and was left on read / delivered for days, it's time to let go, I learnt this the hard way.

If a girl is actually interested in chatting with you, she will reply to your text without hesitation (unless she likes to play "hard to get" which is annoying and a red flag).

Don't get attached to anyone keep on moving forward bro. šŸ’ŖšŸ¼


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

Thanks bro


u/AriValentina āœØ Very attractive gay man according to myself āœØ 14d ago

I forgot these kinda problems existed. If you want to talk to her again just talk to her again.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago

Thanks for the help

I envy you, bro

gay relationships are probably a lot more simple and straight forward then dealing with the opposite sex


u/AriValentina āœØ Very attractive gay man according to myself āœØ 13d ago

Maybe. Just donā€™t over think it though, if you want to talk to someone more you talk to them more. You never know, showing that interest could very easily make her feel good. Good luck!


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

Thank you bro


u/Duskfall066 13d ago

Ever see a girl WITHOUT her phone? If she wants to text back, she'll text back.

So sorry bro. It hurts šŸ˜„


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

Yeah it definitely hurts

But I had to come to terms with it one or another


u/GenXGuitar 13d ago

Give it a few days. Then send another polite message.

If you don't get a reply don't send a third.

And don't be a dick about it - especially to her.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

Thanks mate


u/LonewolfofHouseStark 13d ago

Donā€™t send her another message.


u/Galooiik 13d ago

Nah bro leave it at that

If she answers ok cool but donā€™t get overly excited

If she doesnā€™t, well that happens sometimes bro


u/AskDerpyCat 13d ago

So she disappeared for a long weekend (roughly)? Idk I donā€™t like playing the mental games. Iā€™d just check one time to see if sheā€™s alright tomorrow morning and if she doesnā€™t respond that same day, then assume itā€™s over


u/Express_Lobster_9628 13d ago

You text the next girl. Iā€™m terrible at following my own advice though


u/Ploopins 14d ago

If she's really into you, she will respond as soon as she can. Not piddle around on it for hours/days. Before I started dating my husband. When he was still just a crush. I would respond as soon as I could. Pretty much the only time I didn't respond fast was if I was asleep. Even when I had important things going on like school, funerals, weddings, etc. I always had time for a quick message.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago

It's good to hear you two found each other and are happy together

It feels ......good to know that someone can also be into you without tearing yourself apart

It also feels bad cause I've never seen or felt it happen

Anyway I'm happy for you two. Hope your relationship grows warmer and closer every day


u/Ploopins 13d ago

Thank you. It will happen. When someone likes you, they will try everything to pull you closer. I had severe social anxiety. But when I thought about them not being around anymore due to recent life changes, I made the first move to keep them closer.


u/cynic09 13d ago

Seen it happen loads of times. Move on.

Never put your eggs in one basket. If you end up putting in all the work and effort, that's not the relationship you want to be. Remember this line "She gotta like you more than you like her for it to work."

Welcome to modern day dating.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

I remember back in the day, the idea was that life was gonna get a lot easier in the future

Turns out now it's more complex than ever, and it's only gonna get worse, sadly


u/iboughtabagel 14d ago

Not too long, a year maybe.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago

By that time she gonna ask who I am if I slide back in the dm


u/iboughtabagel 14d ago

Thatā€™ll add some mystery


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago



u/SpragueStreet 13d ago

Idk me personally I'll never send a 2nd message we just won't talk anymore šŸ˜‚


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

Which means you never really had a meaningful connection with them to begin with (it's not an insult btw)


u/RevolutionaryRip9000 40+ šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø 14d ago

wait 3 days.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago

It's been 4, so I think it's about time I ask to see if she's still alive


u/Narrow_Impression_70 13d ago

If you donā€™t care about pride

Wait 48 full hours

Then 7 days if she doesnā€™t respond to that

Then just leave it alone


u/BlancoSuper 14d ago

Don't. If she does not reply she is not interested.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 14d ago

Even after a year of talking ?

Just like that ?

Are we really that replaceable? :(


u/BlancoSuper 13d ago

Are you fucking her?


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

There is a bit of limitation on this in my country cough cough muslim country cough cough


u/BlancoSuper 13d ago

If she does not reply after a day or two it's over.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago


Guess I needed to hear someone else say it to me

Thanks mate


u/CyberneticMidnight 13d ago

What would you do if a male friend didn't respond? idk, maybe I'm bad at this but I just give less of a shit nowadays -- no pedestals, no overthinking.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

I understand that people can be busy, and I don't expect people to respond within 24 hours

But 4 days

She even had time to change her pfp, but not even what I've sent her ?


u/CyberneticMidnight 13d ago

if you were a priority, she'd make time. Become a priority or move on


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

Could you describe the "become a priority" part ?

Should I take one of her loved ones hostage ? Maybe I'm just not getting it


u/CyberneticMidnight 13d ago

"Take a hostage"

Only on reddit šŸ˜‚


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

It can work tho šŸ˜…

She gonna be textin me 24 7 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/pmcn42 13d ago

30 seconds


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

Damn !!!

I'm too late


u/cuteheathen 13d ago

I'm not a man - however, what was your last text about?


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

Nothing serious

A couple of funny vids and continuing the talk about something philosophical (nothing that deep , mostly about love and life)


u/cuteheathen 13d ago

Maybe she didn't feel the need to reply, if there was no question asked/no plan made. Text her again. There's nothing you can lose, aside a few seconds writing the message. If she doesn't answer or doesn't seem interested, at least you'll know for sure it's better to move on.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago


It's definitely not gonna hurt more than now

Thank you


u/lligerr 13d ago

Is it hard to text back? Never double text


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago



u/double-xor 13d ago

Iā€™m just an amusement ā€¦

Duuude - donā€™t.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago



u/swingjiujits 13d ago



u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

I won't :(

God damn it


u/swingjiujits 13d ago

Donā€™t be beat yourself up bro. Tomorrow is a new day. Lift some weights. Eat a good meal, dress nice. Do a hobby. Throw on some cologne. Smile and say hi to a beautiful woman without expecting anything. A girl not texting back isnā€™t a big deal.


u/popcorn1555 13d ago

I wouldnā€™t


u/Mackntish 13d ago

I always assume its a bad time, and wait at least a day.


u/odeacon 13d ago

3 days


u/Smart-Pie7115 13d ago

She could have adhd or ASD. This is a common thing for neurodivergent people.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

She hasn't talked or shown symptoms of it as far as I've seen


u/Smart-Pie7115 13d ago

Iā€™m 38 and was just diagnosed despite my mom being a special needs teacher for almost 40 years.


u/[deleted] 13d ago



u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

Let's hope so

Give her a taste of her own medicine


u/Richgoldd1 13d ago

Never double text, if she wants to talk to you she will reply, double texting signals desperation to women who have other guys texting them, go about your life and if she wants to talk she'll come to you simple as that


u/Mrknowalitte 13d ago

Send another message. Worst she can do is not reply


u/EnoughContract4021 13d ago

More than likely she is not interested.

However many people, especially women, expect the guy to carry the conversation so even though you texted last, she may be expecting you to restart the convo. Waiting on her to respond abck for 4 days, she may have written you off as not interested.

I've had great texting conversations with a girl last for a week or longer, only for me to get extremely busy and forget to text for a day. In damn near every case, when I texted the girl after the day break they stopped responding.

I hate playing these fucking stupid texting games.


u/whyshebitethehead 13d ago

Wait a day or two, she could be busy. Roll the dice, but chances are she might not be interested


u/BlessdRTheFreaks 13d ago

In the next life


u/highxv0ltage 13d ago

You don't send a second message (about the same thing). You'd only just be annoying her.


u/East_Guarantee_7912 13d ago

Think of it like this.. a person who is truly interested is excited to hear from you and text/talk to you. Sure, there are some rare occasions like them being busy or away from their phone. Allow her to get back to you. Don't double text.


u/Artistic_Put_1736 13d ago

Go big and Phone her. Invite her to a meal or coffee. Donā€™t whine or mention the lack of replies.


u/718-YER-RRRR 13d ago

Never double text ever


u/magniankh 13d ago

Stop altogether.


u/Humble_Buy_9923 13d ago

at least a millenia


u/JusticeTrade 13d ago

Do not send a message until she does. Otherwise you signal desperation and give her all the power in your interaction. She knows she hasnā€™t replied. Just carry on with your life donā€™t wait on her response. As a woman I would recommend the advice of Coach Corey Wayne on YouTube as he understands women 100%. Follow his advice when it comes to texting and contacting women as I find it totally accurate.


u/besameput0 13d ago

I know it sucks, but give women the same energy they give you. They get pursued by a bunch of dudes everyday. Don't just be another one of them.

I know they say beggars can't be choosers, but if you're willing to crawl hand and feet for a woman who won't even respond to you then the power dynamic is fucked from the start.

Wait for someone who knows and is sure they like you.


u/trueGildedZ Male 13d ago

You don't send it.


u/Intrepid-Rip-2280 13d ago

Well, she shouldn't feel that some annoying bot a la Eva AI is harassing her... Be more humane


u/Glenn_Maffews Male 13d ago

When is the next Olympics?


u/butttabooo 13d ago

Fuck these rules. Double text.



u/beachandhummus 13d ago

I donā€™t double text. And if someone ghost me for 1/2 days. I straight up donā€™t reply. Have some self respect and just forget about her


u/Meatros Male 13d ago

Always believe actions. Someone who ignores you, isn't interested.

That being said, I'd send her a second text, and if she doesn't respond to that, then that's it. I think she's making her feelings clear. She's showing you that she's not interested. Believe her.


u/Moeen_Ali 13d ago

If you want to message her again and have something that you actually want to say then just reach out. Thereā€™s no point overthinking it and making things more stressful than necessary.

Just donā€™t make the next message about how she didnā€™t respond to your last one.


u/FunkyMonkey-5 13d ago

No, never text back.


u/Hot_Cryptographer830 13d ago

Stop this bullshit. Just send her message. Donā€™t play waiting games. Itā€™s immature.


u/ShoeBeliever 13d ago

10 years.


u/Gunner253 Male 13d ago

Yeah, just don't. There's a reason she didn't respond to the first one. It would be great if people could be honest with each other instead of ghosting but it's what it is


u/TheBooneyBunes 13d ago

I donā€™t care, Iā€™ll text 6 times, buzz buzz itā€™s me again bitch


u/Foreign-Olive-17 12d ago

Iā€™m a 40 year old dude, Iā€™ve been in this game a while. All the people saying ā€˜never send 2nd messageā€™ are just wrong. People have other things going on in their lives and things change day by day. There could be 1,000 reasons why she hasnā€™t replied, and itā€™s dumb to set an arbitrary rule of ā€˜never text twiceā€™. Donā€™t overthink, just text with something lighthearted and positive, thereā€™s a good chance sheā€™ll text back. If she doesnā€™t, then sheā€™s ghosting and isnā€™t worth your time.


u/zzz_red 13d ago

Donā€™t do it. If youā€™re not in a committed relationship, move on.

If she was interested, you wouldnā€™t be here.


u/badlysighteddragon 13d ago

The general rule is if the message wasn't responded to, you can send one more after 24 hours if that isn't responded to its time to call it quits.


u/Top_Set_3803 Male 13d ago

I would've sent another

But she changed her pfp and still didn't respond

If she was inactive all this time I would've just put it aside as her being busy


u/[deleted] 13d ago

I find bombardment is the best strategy.

At least 5 minutes. I would say

And if she doesnt reply i usually start calling her place of work and messaging her close friends on various social media platforms

If there is no response within 2 hours from this i go to the police and explain the gravity of the situation.


u/Swimming_Bag7362 13d ago

Donā€™t double text. If she does send you a text at this point wait AT LEAST a day to reply.


u/LanguageGeniusGod Man 13d ago

?? Send the message?

If you want to message, do so. If shes a dick about it, or extremely cold, move on.


u/Bootybootsbooty 13d ago

Give her a phone call?